
A simple TODO app can be used to follow the scheduled tasks for your projects.


Microverse JS Project #3

JS - TODO List Page

In the project I created a simple todo app by following the requirements in Odin page.

The page is made with valinna JS (JS6) and the following milestones are finished:

  • Miltestone 1 - Setup webpack to load style files, pictures and bootstrap classes.
  • Miltestone 2 - Create Todo, Project and Organization objects that will be created dynamically. Expand objects with several attributes.
  • Milestone 3 - Add view files and logic for populating projects.
  • Milestone 4 - Add view files and logic for populating todos.
  • Milestone 5 - Add CRUD methods to save to localStorage, update, delete and edit objects in localStorage . I use factory functions to handle them.
  • Milestone 6 - Update UI.
  • Milestone 7 - Update readme file.
  • Milestone 8 - Update code to obey linter rules.
  • Milestone 9 - Add unit tests for objects, data manipulater methods and for some view files.

Built With

Live Demo

Live Demo Link

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

  • Clone the repository by runing git clone [email protected]:RaminMammadzada/js-todo-list.git on your terminal
  • Go into project folder cd js-todo-list
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm run build, if you want to create built files.
    • Alternatively, run npm run dev, if you will work on it to improve.
  • Go into dist folder by writing cd dist and open index.html file using your favorite browser.


  • Unit tests are done by using JEST testing framework.
  • Go to the root directory and type:
    • npm run npm run test-watch or npm test


👤 Ramin Mammadzada

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • Microverse
  • Odin project

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.