
Common tools to facilitate front-end development and testing for WordPress (plugins & themes). Includes WebPack 5, BrowserSync, PostCSS/Autoprefixer, PurgeCSS, BabelJS, Eslint, Stylelint, SCSS processor, WP-Pot, an organized file structure and more.


WordPress Webpack v5 Workflow

Includes WebPack v5, BabelJS v7, BrowserSync v2, PostCSS v8, PurgeCSS v3, Autoprefixer, Eslint, Stylelint, SCSS processor, WPPot, an organized config & file structure and more.


# 1-- Run the npx script to get the files
npx wp-strap webpack
# 2-- Edit the BrowserSync settings in `webpack.config.js` if you want to utilise it
# 3-- Start your npm build workflow with one of these commands:
yarn dev 
yarn dev:watch
yarn prod
yarn prod:watch

You can also use the npx script with predefined answers to get a quicker start

npx wp-strap webpack "projectName:Your plugin name" "author:The Dev Company" authorEmail:[email protected] url:the-dev-company.com css:Sass+PostCSS "folder:Current folder"

Read more about the configuration & build scripts

Features & benefits

Styling (CSS)

  • Minification in production mode handled by Webpack
  • PostCSS for handy tools during post CSS transformation using Webpack's PostCSS-loader
  • Auto-prefixing using PostCSS's autoprefixer to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use. It is recommended by Google and used in Twitter and Alibaba.
  • PurgeCSS which scans your php (template) files to remove unused selectors from your css when in production mode, resulting in smaller css files.
  • Sourcemaps generation for debugging purposes with various styles of source mapping handled by WebPack
  • Stylelint that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions in your styles. It includes a linting tool for Sass.

Styling when using PostCSS-only

  • Includes postcss-import to consume local files, node modules or web_modules with the @import statement
  • Includes postcss-import-ext-glob that extends postcss-import path resolver to allow glob usage as a path
  • Includes postcss-nested to unwrap nested rules like how Sass does it.
  • Includes postcss-nested-ancestors that introduces ^& selector which let you reference any parent ancestor selector with an easy and customizable interface
  • Includes postcss-advanced-variables that lets you use Sass-like variables, conditionals, and iterators in CSS.

Styling when using Sass+PostCSS


  • BabelJS Webpack loader to use next generation Javascript with a BabelJS Configuration file
  • Minification in production mode
  • Code Splitting, being able to structure JavaScript code into modules & bundles
  • Sourcemaps generation for debugging purposes with various styles of source mapping handled by WebPack
  • ESLint find and fix problems in your JavaScript code with a linting configuration including configurations and custom rules for WordPress development.
  • Prettier for automatic JavaScript / TypeScript code formatting



  • WP-Pot scans all the files and generates .pot file automatically for i18n and l10n

BrowserSync, Watcher & WebpackBar

  • Watch Mode, watches for changes in files to recompile
  • File types: .css, .html, .php, .js
  • BrowserSync, synchronising browsers, URLs, interactions and code changes across devices and automatically refreshes all the browsers on all devices on changes
  • WebPackBar so you can get a real progress bar while development which also includes a profiler


  • All configuration files .prettierrc.js, .eslintrc.js, .stylelintrc.js, babel.config.js, postcss.config.js are organised in a single folder
  • The Webpack configuration is divided into 2 environmental config files for the development and production build/environment


File structure

package.json                  # Node.js dependencies & scripts (NPM functions)
webpack.config.js             # Holds all the base Webpack configurations
webpack                       # Folder that holds all the sub-config files
    .prettierrc.js           # Configuration for Prettier
    .eslintrc.js             # Configuration for Eslint
    .stylelintrc.js          # Configuration for Stylelint
    babel.config.js          # Configuration for BabelJS
    postcss.config.js        # Configuration for PostCSS
    config.base.js           # Base config for Webpack's development & production mode
    config.development.js    # Configuration for Webpack in development mode
    config.production.js     # Configuration for Webpack in production mode
languages                     # WordPress default language map in Plugins & Themes
    wordpress-webpack.pot    # Boilerplate POT File that gets overwritten by WP-Pot 
     src                      # Holds all the source files
        images               # Uncompressed images
        scss/pcss            # Holds the Sass/PostCSS files
         frontend.scss/pcss  # For front-end styling
         backend.scss/pcss   # For back-end / wp-admin styling
        js                   # Holds the JS files
          frontend.js         # For front-end scripting
          backend.js          # For back-end / wp-admin scripting
         images               # Optimized (compressed) images
         css                  # Compiled CSS files with be generated here
         js                   # Compiled JS files with be generated here

What to configure

  1. Edit the translate script in package.json with your project data
    • If you use npx wp-strap webpack to get the files then this will be done automatically with you terminal input
  2. Edit the BrowserSync settings in webpack.config.js which applies to your local/server environment
    • You can also disable BrowserSync, Eslint & Stylelint in webpack.config.js
  3. The workflow is ready to start, you may want to configure the files in /webpack/ and webpack.config.js to better
    suite your needs

Work with Sass+PostCSS or PostCSS-only

In webpack.config.js you can choose to work with Sass, and use PostCSS only for the autoprefixer function or go full PostCSS (without sass); In that case sass needs to be configured to postcss.

    projectCss: {
        use: 'sass' // sass || postcss

This gets automatically configured when using the initial setup with npx wp-strap webpack.

Working with PostCSS-only is beneficial when you work with TailwindCSS for example. You can read more about that here: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/using-with-preprocessors#using-post-css-as-your-preprocessor. Using TailwindCSS as a utility-first css framework is great for tons of reasons, but I do believe there are projects where you're better off using Sass(+Bootstrap), though it's a personal preference; therefore I left the ability to change between Sass+PostCSS or PostCSS-only.

When changing this configuration after the npx wp-strap webpack setup, then you also need to change the import rule in assets/src/js/frontend.js & assets/src/js/backend.js to import a .css or .pcss file instead of a .scss file.

// Change
import '../sass/frontend.scss';
// To 
import '../postcss/frontend.pcss';

Developing Locally

To work on the project locally (with Eslint, Stylelint & Prettier active), run:

yarn dev

Or run with watcher & browserSync

yarn dev:watch

This will open a browser, watch all files (php, scss, js, etc) and reload the browser when you press save.

Building for Production

To create an optimized production build (purged with PurgeCSS & fully minified CSS & JS files), run:

yarn prod

Or run with watcher & browserSync

yarn prod:watch

More Scripts/Tasks

# To scan for text-domain functions and generate WP POT translation file
yarn translate

# To find problems in your JavaScript code
yarn eslint 

# To find fix problems in your JavaScript code
yarn eslint:fix

# To find problems in your sass/css code
yarn stylelint

# To find fix problems in your sass/css code
yarn stylelint:fix

# To make sure files in assets/src/js are formatted
yarn prettier

# To fix and format the js files in assets/src/js
yarn prettier:fix

Package.json dependencies

Workflow's Changelog

Documenting this project's progress...

January 15, 2021

  • refactor: Migrated from NPM to Yarn for speed, install went from 183.281s to 65.76s-90.02s.
  • fix: Added eslint-plugin-prettier to make yarn work with eslint
  • refactor: DRY - added config.base.js file to facilitate configurations for both dev/prod

January 14, 2021

  • feat: Be able to choose to work with Sass+PostCss or PostCSS only
  • feat: Added npx CLI build script + docs
  • fix: Make sure eslint & stylelint ignores vendor and testing folders
  • refactor: Move BrowserSync settings to "projectFiles" constant

January 13, 2021

  • refactor: Make sourcemap customizable from webpack.config.js

January 12, 2021

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