
Turn on your PC via Telegram bot and ESP32

MIT License


Remote starter for PC

What You’ll Need:

  • An ESP32-C3 board ⚙️
  • Your trusty PC or laptop 🐱‍💻
  • A cup of tea or coffee (your choice!) ☕
  • A good mood 😊


Install Rust (with rustup)

If you don't have rustup installed yet, follow the instructions on the site

Install ESP32 toolchain

If you haven't installed the ESP toolchain yet, here's the link to get started: espressif

Install Cargo Sub-Commands

cargo install cargo-generate
cargo install ldproxy
cargo install espup
cargo install espflash

Let's get started

Copy source code

git clone

Create a cfg.toml file in the root directory. You can use cfg.toml.example as a template — just update it with your own details.

wifi_ssid = "Spark"
wifi_pass = "Remote"
bot_token = "Hello I'm bot token"
bot_owner_id = 12345678

P.S.: You can find your bot_owner_id by visiting Web Telegram. Just open your "Saved Messages" and check the webpage URL for the ID. To get your bot_token, use BotFather on Telegram.

If you're using VSCode, I recommend installing Task runner. I've already set up a task.json file for you, so you can easily build, flash, and monitor with just one click!

Just a heads up—log monitoring from the board is only available in debug mode.

If you're not using VSCode, here are the commands you'll need:

Build (Debug)

cargo build

Build (Release)

cargo build --release


espflash flash target/riscv32imc-esp-espidf/debug/spark --list-all-ports


espflash monitor

Next steps

After you have uploaded the firmware to the board, you will need to solder the following Circuit

To learn more you can use pinout diagram Pinout


Everything is ready, now you can check your work by sending the following commands to the bot 🤖:

/poweron - Turn on the computer

/poweroff - Turn off the computer in normal mode

/reboot - Force reboot the computer (use only if the computer is frozen or you cannot turn it off in the usual way)

Modify the Code for Other Platforms

If you want to use a different board, check out the instructions here:

Extracted from project README's
MIT License
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