
A micro workers class that easily manages a pool of threads to optimise simultaneous jobs and jobs endings, for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32)

MIT License


MicroWorkers is a class that easily manages a pool of threads to optimise simultaneous jobs and jobs endings, for MicroPython (used on ESP32 and Pycom modules)

Very easy to integrate and very light with one file only :

  • "microWorkers.py"

Simple but effective :

  • Use it to create a multitasking jobs container
  • Add jobs without blocking your main code
  • Be alerted by an event when a job has finished

Using microWorkers class :

Description Function
Constructor workers = MicroWorkers(workersCount, workersStackSize=None)
Adds a job workers.AddJob(name, function, arg=None, onFinished=None)
Description Property
Returns workers count workers.Count
Returns emaining jobs count workers.JobsInQueue
Returns jobs in process count workers.JobsInProcess
Returns True if is in working workers.IsWorking

Simple example :

from microWorkers import MicroWorkers
from time         import sleep

def sleepJob(jobName, jobArg) :
	return True

workers = MicroWorkers(workersCount=5)

for i in range(5) :
	workers.AddJob('Job %s' % i, sleepJob)

Example of using multiple jobs (with finished event) :

from microWorkers import MicroWorkers
from time         import sleep


def jobA(jobName, jobArg) :
    return '%s:OK:1s' % jobName

def jobB(jobName, jobArg) :
    return '%s:OK:2s' % jobName

def jobC(jobName, jobArg) :
    return '%s:OK:3s' % jobName

def jobFinished(jobName, jobArg, jobResult) :
    print('Job %s finished (%s)' % (jobName, jobResult))

# workersStackSize must be greater than zero
# it can be None to use the default stack size
workers = MicroWorkers(workersCount=5, workersStackSize=10*1024)

for x in range(5) :
    workers.AddJob('JobA.%s' % x, jobA, arg=None, onFinished=jobFinished)
    workers.AddJob('JobB.%s' % x, jobB, arg=None, onFinished=jobFinished)
    workers.AddJob('JobC.%s' % x, jobC, arg=None, onFinished=jobFinished)

# Waiting end of all jobs,
while workers.IsWorking :

By JC`zic for HC² ;')

Keep it simple, stupid 👍