
DS3213 high precision RTC (Real Time Clock) library for Arduino

MIT License


DS3231 high precision I2C RTC library for Arduino

This is a DS3231 high precision I2C RTC library for Arduino.

Library features

  • libc <time.h> compatible
  • Read/write date/time struct tm
  • Set/get Unix epoch UTC time_t
  • Set/get time (hour, min, sec)
  • Set/get date and time (hour, min, sec, mday, mon, year, wday)
  • Read temperature (0.25 degree resolution)
  • Alarm 1 (second/minute/hour/day/date match)
  • Alarm 2 (minute/hour/day/date match)
  • Polling and Alarm INT/SQW interrupt pin
  • Control 32kHz out signal (enable/disable)
  • Control SQW signal (disable / 1 / 1024 / 4096 / 8192Hz)
  • Configure aging offset
  • Serial terminal interface
  • Full RTC register access
  • Set date/time over serial with Python script


Any Arduino hardware with a TWI interface and Wire.h support.

ESP32 notes

ESP32 problem: The Arduino IDE | Board manager installs an old version 1.0.0 from which contains a broken I2C repeated start. Generating a repeated start with Wire.endTransmission(false); results in reading zero's from any I2C device and is not a problem of this library.

Solution: Use the Git master branch (or a newer release when available) to solve this problem as described on:


Pins board - DS3231 VCC GND SDA SCL SQW
Arduino UNO (ATMega328 boards) 5V GND A4 A5 D2 (INT0)
Arduino Mega2560 5V GND D20 D21 D2 (INT4)
Arduino Leonardo 5V GND D2 D3 D7 (INT6)
Arduino DUE (ATSAM3X8E) 3V3 GND 20 21 2
ESP8266 3V3 GND GPIO4 (D2) GPIO5 (D1) GPIO0 (D3)

Note: Tested ESP8266 / ESP32 boards:

  • ESP8266 boards: ESP12F / WeMos D1 & R2 / Node MCU v2 / v3
  • ESP32 boards: WeMos LOLIN32 / LOLIN D32

Other unlisted MCU's may work, but are not tested.


Arduino IDE | Examples | Erriez DS3231 RTC:




#include <Wire.h>
#include <ErriezDS3231.h>

// Create RTC object
ErriezDS3231 rtc;

void setup()
    // Initialize TWI with a 100kHz (default) or 400kHz clock
    // Initialize RTC
    while (!rtc.begin()) {
        // Error: Could not detect DS3231 RTC, retry after some time

Check oscillator status at startup

// Check oscillator status
if (rtc.isOscillatorStopped()) {
    // Error: RTC oscillator stopped. Date/time cannot be trusted. 
    // Set new date/time before reading date/time.

    // Enable oscillator

Set time

// Write time to RTC
if (!rtc.setTime(12, 0, 0)) {
    // Error: Set time failed

Get time

uint8_t hour;
uint8_t minute;
uint8_t second;

// Read time from RTC
if (!rtc.getTime(&hour, &minute, &second)) {
    // Error: RTC read failed

Set date and time

// Write RTC date/time: 13:45:09  31 December 2019  0=Sunday, 2=Tuesday
if (!rtc.setDateTime(13, 45, 9,  31, 12, 2019,  2) {
    // Error: RTC write failed

Get date and time

uint8_t hour;
uint8_t min;
uint8_t sec;
uint8_t mday;
uint8_t mon;
uint16_t year;
uint8_t wday;

// Read RTC date/time
if (!rtc.getDateTime(&hour, &min, &sec, &mday, &mon, &year, &wday) {
    // Error: RTC read failed

// hour: 0..23
// min: 0..59
// sec: 0..59
// mday: 1..31
// mon: 1..12
// year: 2000..2099
// wday: 0..6 (0=Sunday .. 6=Saturday)

Write date/time struct tm

struct tm dt;

dt.tm_hour = 12;
dt.tm_min = 34;
dt.tm_sec = 56;
dt.tm_mday = 29;
dt.tm_mon = 1; // 0=January
dt.tm_year = 2020-1900;
dt.tm_wday = 6; // 0=Sunday

if (!rtc.write(&dt)) {
    // Error: RTC Read failed

Read date/time struct tm

struct tm dt;

// Read RTC date/time
if (! {
    // Error: RTC read failed

Read Unix Epoch UTC

time_t t;

// Read Unix epoch UTC from RTC
if (!rtc.getEpoch(&t)) {
    // Error: RTC read failed

Write Unix Epoch UTC

// Write Unix epoch UTC to RTC
if (!rtc.setEpoch(1599416430UL)) {
    // Error: Set epoch failed

Get temperature

int8_t temperature = 0;
uint8_t fraction = 0;

// Force temperature conversion
// Without this call, it takes 64 seconds before the temperature is updated.
if (!rtc.startTemperatureConversion()) {
    // Error: Start temperature conversion failed 

// Read temperature
if (!rtc.getTemperature(&temperature, &fraction)) {
    // Error: Get temperature failed

// Print temperature. The output below is for example: 28.25C

Program Alarm 1

Note: Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 have different behavior. Please refer to the documentation which Alarm1Type and Alarm2Type are supported. Some examples:

// Generate alarm 1 every second
rtc.setAlarm1(Alarm1EverySecond, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Generate alarm 1 every minute and second match
rtc.setAlarm1(Alarm1EverySecond, 0, 0, 45, 30);

// Generate alarm 1 every day, hour, minute and second match
              1,  // Alarm day match (1 = Monday)
              12, // Alarm hour match
              45, // Alarm minute match
              30  // Alarm second match

Program Alarm 2

// Generate alarm 2 every minute
rtc.setAlarm2(Alarm2EveryMinute, 0, 0, 0);

// Generate alarm 2 every hour, minute match
rtc.setAlarm2(Alarm2MatchHours, 0, 23, 59);

// Generate alarm 2 every date, hour, minute match
rtc.setAlarm2(Alarm2MatchDate, 28, 7, 0);

Alarm polling

Note: The INT pin changes to low when an Alarm 1 or Alarm 2 match occurs and and the interrupt is enabled. The pin remains low until both alarm flags are cleared by the application.

// Poll alarm 1 flag
if (rtc.getAlarmFlag(Alarm1)) {
    // Handle Alarm 1
    // Clear alarm 1 flag

// Poll alarm 2 flag
if (rtc.getAlarmFlag(Alarm2)) {
    // Handle Alarm 2
    // Clear alarm 2 flag

Alarm interrupt

Note: Enabling interrupt will disable the SQW output signal.

// Uno, Nano, Mini, other 328-based: pin D2 (INT0) or D3 (INT1)
#define INT_PIN     2

// Alarm interrupt flag must be volatile
volatile bool alarmInterrupt = false;

#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
void alarmHandler()
    // Set global interrupt flag
    alarmInterrupt = true;

void setup()

    // Attach to INT0 interrupt falling edge
    attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(INT_PIN), alarmHandler, FALLING);
    // Enable Alarm 1 and 2 interrupts
    rtc.alarmInterruptEnable(Alarm1, true);
    rtc.alarmInterruptEnable(Alarm2, true);

void loop()
    // Check global alarm interrupt flag
    if (alarmInterrupt) {
        if (rtc.getAlarmFlag(Alarm1)) {
            // Handle alarm 1
            // Clear alarm 1 interrupt
        if (rtc.getAlarmFlag(Alarm2)) {
            // Handle alarm 2
            // Clear alarm 2 interrupt

32kHz clock out

Enable or disable 32kHz output pin.

rtc.outputClockPinEnable(true);  // Enable 
rtc.outputClockPinEnable(false);	// Disable

Square Wave Out (SQW)

Note: Enabling SQW pin will disable the alarm INT signal.

rtc.setSquareWave(SquareWaveDisable);	// Disable
rtc.setSquareWave(SquareWave1Hz);		// 1Hz
rtc.setSquareWave(SquareWave1024Hz);	// 1024Hz
rtc.setSquareWave(SquareWave4096Hz);	// 4096Hz
rtc.setSquareWave(SquareWave8192Hz);	// 8192Hz

API changes v1.0.1 to v2.0.0

The API has been changed to make RTC libraries compatible with libc time.h. This makes it easier to calculate with date/time and port the application to different platforms. See changes below:

v1.0.1 v2.0.0
DS3231_DateTime struct tm
Function returns true: failure Function returns false: failure
clearOscillatorStopFlag() merged into oscillatorEnable()
setDateTime() bool write(struct tm *dt)
getDateTime() bool read(struct tm *dt)
getEpochTime() time_t getEpoch()
bool setEpoch(time_t t)
void setDateTime(uint8_t hour, uint8_t min, uint8_t sec, uint8_t mday, uint8_t mon, uint16_t year, uint8_t wday)
void getDateTime(uint8_t *hour, uint8_t *min, uint8_t *sec, uint8_t *mday, uint8_t *mon, uint16_t *year, uint8_t *wday)
ErriezDS3231Debug class removed to reduce flash size

Library dependencies

  • Wire.h
  • Terminal.ino requires ErriezSerialTerminal library.

Library installation

Please refer to the Wiki page.

More Arduino Libraries from Erriez

Extracted from project README
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