
Repository with materials for ESP32-S3 USB MIDI workshop in Brno on 2024/05/17


USB MIDI workshop

List of used hardware

  • ESP32-S3 Devkit-C development board
  • 2 USB cables
  • Keypad (4x4 membrane matrix)
  • Potentiometer
  • Photoresistor
  • Accelerometer + gyroscope (MPU-6050)
  • Time of Flight distance sensor (VL53L0X)
  • Wires

Software requirements

Arduino board library

Add https://espressif.github.io/arduino-esp32/package_esp32_dev_index.json URL to File -> Preferences -> Additional boards manager URLs.

Find and install esp32 package in Board manager (version 3.0.0-rc3).

For more detailed installation info click here.

Arduino libraries

  • Keypad
  • Adafruit MPU6050
  • Adafruit_VL53L0X

Install via Tools -> Manage libraries.

Board configuration

  1. Set board to ESP32-S3 in Tools -> Board -> esp32 -> ESP32S3 Dev Module
  2. Set USB mode to USB-OTG Tools -> USB Mode -> USB-OTG (TinyUSB)
  3. Connect the dev board to the PC (UART USB port)
  4. Select the according port in Tools -> Port
  5. Optional: Set Core Debug Level to Debug in Tools -> Core Debug Level
  6. Connect the dev board to the PC with the second USB port as well

Useful links