
Specs for Ethereum's KZG Powers of Tau Ceremony

CC0-1.0 License


Powers of Tau Specification

These documents comprise a specification for Ethereum's Powers of Tau (PoT) setup for use in KZG commitments in EIP-4844 (Proto-Danksharding) and ultimately Full Danksharding.

The ceremony takes place between participants and the sequencer. Participants are the entities that contribute their secret randomness to the final output $\tau$ s. The role of the sequencer is to act as the common point of interaction for all participants as well as verifying participants' contribution as the ceremony progresses.

Table of contents

10,000 ft Overview

We are performing a ceremony to generate Powers of Tau for KZG proofs on Ethereum. The output of the ceremony consists of 4 (distinct) sets of Powers of Tau each with a different maximum power:

  1. $([\tau_1^0]_1, [\tau_1^1]_1, \dots, [\tau_1^{2^{12}-1}]_1])$, $([\tau_1^0]_2, [\tau_1^1]_2, \dots, [\tau_1^{64}]_2])$
  2. $([\tau_2^0]_1, [\tau_2^1]_1, \dots, [\tau_2^{2^{13}-1}]_1])$, $([\tau_2^0]_2, [\tau_2^1]_2, \dots, [\tau_2^{64}]_2])$
  3. $([\tau_3^0]_1, [\tau_3^1]_1, \dots, [\tau_3^{2^{14}-1}]_1])$, $([\tau_3^0]_2, [\tau_3^1]_2, \dots, [\tau_3^{64}]_2])$
  4. $([\tau_4^0]_1, [\tau_4^1]_1, \dots, [\tau_4^{2^{15}-1}]_1])$, $([\tau_4^0]_2, [\tau_4^1]_2, \dots, [\tau_4^{64}]_2])$

BLS Cryptography

Due to a lack of standardisation for a complete API for BLS curves, we define our own in


Due to the simplicity of this PoT setup, the full contribution is sent as a json file between the sequencer & participants. This allows the use of a RESTful API between the two. See contribution documentation for the contribution format requirements.


The ceremony is initialized to initialContribution.json.