
Our App is revolutionizing EHR management by leveraging blockchain technology. Utilizing key components such as blockchain for secure and transparent data storage, Ganache for rapid development, Metamask for seamless blockchain interaction, and IPFS desktop for decentralized file storage


Summary : The "Secure Electronic Health Records" project utilizes Ethereum blockchain, Metamask, and Ganache to enable patients to securely upload medical data and also view his data, manage doctor access, and view data history. Doctors can manage patient lists, access records, generate consultancy reports, and revoke access given by patient. Diagnostic centers can create EHR reports, ensuring visibility for both patients and doctors through IPFS integration. This decentralized approach enhances data security, interoperability, and patient control over health information, ultimately improving healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.

Technology Used :

Blockchain Technology: Ethereum Blockchain Development Tools: Metamask, Ganache Decentralized File Storage: IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) Smart Contract Development: Solidity Frontend Development: ReactJS Testing Frameworks: Truffle (for testing Solidity contracts) Version Control: Git Development Environment: Node.js

Demo Video :

Screenshots :

HomePage :

Login :

Report has been reflected in record viewer so that both patient and doctor can see :

For Full working project

contact : Mail [email protected]


1.Install nodeJs

2.Install Ganache

  1. Download IPFS (kubo)

4.Add Metamask Extension in Browser

  1. open cmd in project directory
npm install --force cmd/terminal as Administrator and type

npm install -g truffle Ganache

  • New Workspace
  • AddProject
  • Select truffle-config.js in Project Directory
  • Save Workspace

7.Compile and migrate Contracts

truffle migrate
  1. Run Server
npm start
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