
🌎 Very Simple ERC-1155 Smart Contract Template to create your own ERC-1155 Tokens on the Ethereum Blockchain, with many customizable options 🌏

MIT License


🌎 Simple ERC 1155 Multi Token Template 🌏

🌎 Very Simple ERC-1155 Smart Contract Template to create your own ERC-1155 Tokens on the Ethereum Blockchain, with many customizable options 🌏

💎 What is ERC-1155? 💎

ERC-1155 is a free, open standard that describes how to build tokens and non-fungible or unique tokens (NFT) on the Ethereum blockchain. It can create fungible tokens (every token is the same as every other token), and non-fungible or unique tokens (NFT) where tokens are unique.

ERC-1155 has a huge advantage when it comes to transaction costs, because you're able to create multiple non-fungible (NFT) and fungible tokens in one transaction, you can also send the tokens in one single transaction as a batch, fewer transactions = less transactions cost.

⚙️ Setup ⚙️

Each Line of the Solidity Code has a comment that explains what is happening. 📝

The Setup is fairly easy, you just need to click on the Remix link or use the Gist link and you're done. If you have problems with it, you can also do it the good old way and add each file separately. (Takes about 1 minute)

Remix IDE Link:

GitHub Gist Link:

📝 Remix - Solidity IDE 📝

🌎 PlanetEarth.sol 🌏 (ERC-1155 Token)

In this small example, we are creating an ERC-1155 Token with a non-fungible token (Earth) and fungible Tokens (Gold & Silver). 🌎

Example: Our planet Earth is saved as a non-fungible token (NFT) with gold and silver as fungible tokens (cryptocurrency) in the Ethereum Blockchain.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";

contract PlanetEarth is ERC1155, Ownable {

    uint256 public constant EARTH = 0; // Unique Token, Non-fungible Token (NFT), planet Earth only exists once
    uint256 public constant GOLD = 1; // Cryptocurrency, There're about 250'000 tonnes of gold on planet Earth
    uint256 public constant SILVER = 2; // Cryptocurrency, There're about 2'000'000 tonnes of silver on planet Earth

    constructor() ERC1155("https://planet.example/api/item/{id}.json") { // The link to access our Token trough it's ID
        _mint(msg.sender, EARTH, 1, ""); // Unique Token, Non-fungible Token (NFT), we only create 1 planet Earth
        _mint(msg.sender, GOLD, 250000, ""); // Cryptocurrency, There're about 250'000 tonnes of gold on planet Earth
        _mint(msg.sender, SILVER, 2000000, ""); // Cryptocurrency, There're about 2'000'000 tonnes of silver on planet Earth
    } // msg.sender = our ethereum address, EARTH = the constant we specified above, 1 = Amount (how many are created)

    function mint(address account, uint256 id, uint256 amount, bytes memory data)
        onlyOwner // Only the smart contract owner can execute this function
    { // This is our mint function to create new tokens and assign them to an ethereum address
        _mint(account, id, amount, data);

    function mintBatch(address to, uint256[] memory ids, uint256[] memory amounts, bytes memory data)
        onlyOwner // Only the smart contract owner can execute this function
    { // The _mintBatch() function enables the Owner to create multiple tokens in a batch with one transaction
        _mintBatch(to, ids, amounts, data);

    function setURI(string memory newuri) public onlyOwner {

❔ What's the difference between a non-fungible (NFT) and a fungible token in ERC-1155? ❔

In ERC-1155 a non-fungible (NFT) gets only created once and is unique, and fungible tokens are created more than once, like a cryptocurrency. That's it, it's very simple, here's a code example where non-fungible (NFT) and fungible tokens are created:

// A non-fungible (NFT) Token, created only once, the NFT planet Earth is unique and only exists once
_mint(msg.sender, EARTH, 1, ""); // Unique Token, Non-fungible Token (NFT), we only create 1 planet Earth

// Fungible tokens, created multiple times (250'000 gold and 2'000'000 silver tokens), all gold or silver tokens are identical
_mint(msg.sender, GOLD, 250000, ""); // Cryptocurrency, There're about 250'000 tonnes of gold on planet Earth
_mint(msg.sender, SILVER, 2000000, ""); // Cryptocurrency, There're about 2'000'000 tonnes of silver on planet Earth
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