
Unity Web3 Game Kit is the fastest way to connect and build games for Web3. It provides a single workflow for building high performance dapps. Fully compatible with your favourite platform.

MIT License


Unity Web3 Game Kit

Web3 Game Kit is the fastest way to connect and build games for Web3. It provides a single workflow for building high performance dapps. Fully compatible with your favourite platform.

This kit is built on Moralis Web3 Unity SDK and Moralis.

Please check the official documentation of Moralis for all the functionalities of Moralis.

⭐️ Star us

If this kit helps you build dapps faster - please star this project, every star makes us very happy!

🌇 Community

The best thing about Moralis is the super active community ready to help at any time! We help each other.

🤝 Need help?

If you need help with setting up the kit or have other questions - don't hesitate to write in our community forum and we will check asap. Forum link.


Become a Moralis Mage - join the Moralis DAO Discord


To give feedback, ask a question or make a feature request, you can either use the Forum or the game-dev Discord thread.

Bugs are logged using the github issue system. To report a bug, simply open a new issue.

🚀 Quick Start

⚠️ Please read this before updating your project

The 1.2.0 release represents a major reworking of the project and includes namespace and structural changes in addition to functionality changes. Please be cautious when migrating from previous versions to 1.2.0. See the CHANGELOG for more information.

💿 Install all dependencies:

  1. Using Unity 2020.3 or higher, create a new game project.
  2. Download and install the latest package.
    Add Package
  3. Enter your Moralis Server information in the Setup Wizard.
  4. Open and run the demo scene.

This kit has been tested with the following Unity3D Releases:

  1. 2020.3.34f1
  2. 2021.3.3f1

🧭 Table of contents

🏗 Moralis Web3 Unity SDK

The Moralis Web3 Unity SDK provides easy to use methods that make integrating your application with Moralis a snap. You will find that the.NET SDK works much the same as in JavaScript. For use in Unity3D, we have added additional quick start objects for integrating the Moralis Web3 Unity SDK in a Unity3D application. For the examples that follow we provide examples of how to use the Moralis Web3 Unity SDK using the provided Moralis Unity3D quick start tools.


The Moralis Web3 Unity SDK Client provides a way to easily interact with Moralis database and the Web3API. For Unity3D we have provided a singleton wrapper named Moralis that makes it easy to initialize the MoralisClient and then access it from anywhere in your Unity3D application.

SDK Client Initialization

We have provided the AuthenticationKit prefab to make authenticating to Moralis with your crypto wallet a snap.

Just drag the prefab from Packages\io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk\Runtime\Kits\AuthenticationKit\Prefabs into your authentication screen. That is all you need to do to get started. The AuthenticationKit.prefab is not needed anywhere else in your game.

Initialize Client You do not have to use the AuthenticationKit. You can create a completely custom authentication process if you wish and initialize Moralis at the place and time of your choosing.

MoralisClient moralis = new MoralisClient(new ServerConnectionData() { ApplicationID = "YOUR_APPLICATION_ID_HERE", ServerURI = "YOUR_SERER_URL_HERE"}, new Web3ApiClient());

note: The new Web3ApiClient() parameter is optional and should be included only when you will be using functionality from the Moralis Web3API REST service.

Unity3D Client Initialization

Initialize Client

Moralis.Initialize(MoralisApplicationId, MoralisServerURI, hostManifestData);

note: For the hostManifestData parameter see HostManifestData. This is required for Unity3D applications. note: See User Object for information about initializing the Moralis Client for a custom User Object.


Authentication is handled in a similar manner in both the SDK and the Unity3d. There is no direct manner to interact securely with a wallet in a .NET application so the Moralis Web3 Unity SDK interacts with wallets in a loosely coupled manner. For the Unity3D boilerplate application, and the other examples we provide, we use Wallet Connect to facilitate interaction with wallets.

Basic Moralis Authentication

MoralisUser user = await Moralis.LogInAsync(authentication-Data);

note: See Authentication Data for information about the authenticationData parameter.

Wallet Connect Authentication Example

public async void WalletConnect_OnConnectedEventSession(WCSessionData wcSessionData)
     // Extract wallet address from the Wallet Connect Session data object.
    string address = wcSessionData.accounts[0].ToLower();
    string appId = Moralis.DappId;
    long serverTime = 0;

    // Retrieve server time from Moralis Server for message signature
    Dictionary<string, object> serverTimeResponse = await Moralis.Cloud
        .RunAsync<Dictionary<string, object>>("getServerTime", new Dictionary<string, object>());

    if (serverTimeResponse == null || !serverTimeResponse.ContainsKey("dateTime") ||
        !long.TryParse(serverTimeResponse["dateTime"].ToString(), out serverTime))
        Debug.LogError("Failed to retrieve server time from Moralis Server!");

    string signMessage = $"Moralis Authentication\n\nId: {appId}:{serverTime}";

    string signature = null;

    signature = await _walletConnect.Session.EthPersonalSign(address, signMessage);

    // Create Moralis auth data from message signing response.
    Dictionary<string, object> authData = new Dictionary<string, object>
        { "id", address }, { "signature", signature }, { "data", signMessage }

    // Attempt to login user.
    MoralisUser user = await Moralis.LogInAsync(authData, wcSessionData.chainId.Value);

WebGL Authentication Example

string address = Web3GL.Account().ToLower();
string appId = Moralis.DappId;
long serverTime = 0;

// Retrieve server time from Moralis Server for message signature
Dictionary<string, object> serverTimeResponse =
    await Moralis.Cloud.RunAsync<Dictionary<string, object>>("getServerTime", new Dictionary<string, object>());

if (serverTimeResponse == null || !serverTimeResponse.ContainsKey("dateTime") ||
    !long.TryParse(serverTimeResponse["dateTime"].ToString(), out serverTime))
    Debug.LogError("Failed to retrieve server time from Moralis Server!");

string signMessage = $"Moralis Authentication\n\nId: {appId}:{serverTime}";
string signature = null;
signature = await Web3GL.Sign(signMessage);
// Create Moralis auth data from message signing response.
Dictionary<string, object> authData = new Dictionary<string, object>
    { "id", address }, { "signature", signature }, { "data", signMessage }

// Get chain Id
int chainId = Web3GL.ChainId();

// Attempt to login user.
MoralisUser user = await Moralis.LogInAsync(authData, chainId);


Queries provide a way to retrieve information from your Moralis database.

The following example will return all Hero records where 'Level' is equal to 3.

Query Example

MoralisQuery<Hero> q = await Moralis.Query<Hero>();
q = q.WhereEqualTo("Level", 3);
IEnumerable<Hero> result = await q.FindAsync();

The Moralis Web3 for Unity SDK supports the same query methods as the JS SDK. For example creating 'OR', 'AND', and 'NOR' queries. For this example we will take a base query and construct an 'OR' query that returns records where Level is greater or equal to '3' OR the hero's name is 'Zuko'. Furthermore we will sort (order) the result set by the hero's strength, descending.

Compound Query Example

MoralisQuery<PlayerData> q = await Moralis.Query<PlayerData>();
MoralisQuery<PlayerData> q1 = q.WhereGreaterThanOrEqualTo("Level", 2);
MoralisQuery<PlayerData> q2 = q.WhereEqualTo("Name", "Zuko");
MoralisQuery<PlayerData> q3 = Moralis.BuildOrQuery<PlayerData>(new MoralisQuery<PlayerData>[] { q1, q2 }).OrderByDescending("Strength");
IEnumerable<PlayerData> result = await q3.FindAsync();

Live Queries

Live Queries are queries that include a subscription that provide updates whenever the data targeted by the query are updated. A Live Query subscription emits events that indicate the state of the client and changes to the data. For more information please see the docs.

The following examples use the query example from above

Live Query Example

Since Unity3d is mainly used to create games, Unity3D apps generaly have life cycle events you do not usually need to worray about in a normal program. We have created a special Live Query wrapper object that automatically handles your subscriptions for pause, unpause, close, etc. This example shows how to create your subscription using this wrapper class.

MoralisQuery<Hero> q = Moralis.Query<Hero>();
MoralisLiveQueryController.AddSubscription<Hero>("Hero", q, callbacks);

_note: the callbacks parameter is optional. Please see Callbacks Explained bellow.

The MoralisLiveQueryController is a singleton object and so is available anywhere within your application. The first parameter ("Hero" above") is a key that you can use to retrieve a subscription (to check its status for example) or to remove a subscription.

By using the The MoralisLiveQueryController object you do not need to worry about properly closing or disposing of your subscriptions as this wrapper object handles all of that for you.

Live Query Callbacks Explained.

Callbacks are used to handle the events emitted by a subscription. You can set the callbacks directly against a subscription. However it is usually cleaner to separate these from the main code. To facilitate this we have included the MoralisLiveQueryCallbacks object. This optional object can be passed to the subscription.

Example MoralisLiveQueryCallbacks Use

MoralisLiveQueryCallbacks<Hero> callbacks = new MoralisLiveQueryCallbacks<Hero>();
callbacks.OnConnectedEvent += (() => { Debug.Log("Connection Established."); });
callbacks.OnSubscribedEvent += ((requestId) => { Debug.Log($"Subscription {requestId} created."); });
callbacks.OnUnsubscribedEvent += ((requestId) => { Debug.Log($"Unsubscribed from {requestId}."); });
callbacks.OnErrorEvent += ((ErrorMessage em) =>
    Debug.Log($"ERROR: code: {em.code}, msg: {em.error}, requestId: {em.requestId}");
callbacks.OnCreateEvent += ((item, requestId) =>
    Debug.Log($"Created hero: name: {item.Name}, level: {item.Level}, strength: {item.Strength} warcry: {item.Warcry}");
callbacks.OnUpdateEvent += ((item, requestId) =>
    Debug.Log($"Updated hero: name: {item.Name}, level: {item.Level}, strength: {item.Strength} warcry: {item.Warcry}");
callbacks.OnDeleteEvent += ((item, requestId) =>
    Debug.Log($"Hero {item.Name} has been defeated and removed from the roll!");
callbacks.OnGeneralMessageEvent += ((text) =>
    Debug.Log($"Websocket message: {text}");

Custom Object

Creating your own objects to support NPCs, characters, and game objects is as simple as creating a Plain Old C# Object (POCO). The only stipulation is that your custom object must be a child of Moralis Object and when you create an instance of the object it should be made via moralis.Create method. This associates some extensions to your object that enable you to perform Moralis functions such as Save directly on the object. Note: Inclusion of _base([OBJECT NAME]) is important for proper database handling.

Sample Object

public class Hero : MoralisObject
    public int Strength { get; set; }
    public int Level { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Warcry { get; set; }
    public List<string> Bag { get; set; }

    public Hero() : base("Hero") 
        Bag = new List<string>();

Create and Save Instance of Object

Hero h = Moralis.Create<Hero>();
h.Name = "Zuko";
h.Strength = 50;
h.Level = 15;
h.Warcry = "Honor!!!";
h.Bag.Add("Leather Armor");
h.Bag.Add("Crown Prince Hair clip.");

await h.SaveAsync();

User Object

The user object contains information about the currently logged in user. Upon successful login, the user is stored in local storage until logout. This allows a user to log in once and not login again until their session expires or they logout.

If you need to create an instance of MoralisUser for any reason (example: to SignUp with username and password) you should do so in this manner:

MoralisUser user = Moralis.Create<MoralisUser>();

Using this method instead of the default constructor of MoralisUser ensures that the MoralisUser object created is associated with the Moralis instance. This means that several methods of the object will not work problerly (such as SaveAsync, SignUpAsync, etc.).

If you create a custom user object it must inherit from MoralisUser.

Since C# is a typed language the compiler must know what types are used at compile time. Due to this, since the MoralisUser is integral to internal functions in the Moralis Web3 Unity SDK, when you create a custom User Object you must initialize the Moralis client using your custom User Object. After this step you can use the Moralis Client as usual.

Initialize Moralis Client with Custom User Object

MoralisClient<YourUserObject> moralis = new MoralisClient<YourUserObject>(new ServerConnectionData() { ApplicationID = "YOUR_APPLICATION_ID_HERE", ServerURI = "YOUR_SERER_URL_HERE"}, new Web3ApiClient());

note: for Unity3D you will need to make the above change in the Moralis.Initialize object. You will also need to replace the MoralisUser object elsewhere in the Boilerplate code. WARNING do not make any replacements to any files under the MoralisDtoNet folder

Authentication Data

Authentication data is a Dictionary<string, string> object that contains the information required by Moralis to authenticate a user. As a minimum the authentication data dictionary must contain the following entries:

  1. id The wallet address of the wallet used to sign the message.
  2. signature The signature data returned by the Sign request sent to the wallet.
  3. data The message that was sent to the wallet to be signed.


Dictionary<string, object> authData = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "id", "ADDRESS_HERE".ToLower() }, { "signature", "SIGNATURE_DATA_HERE" }, { "data", "MESSAGE_HERE" } };


In Unity3D applications the HostManifestData object is used to pass information to Moralis that is usually autogenerated from Windows system variables. Since Unity3D supports multiple platforms this information is not always available.


Description here


The Web3 object is used for executing Evm RPC calls, meaning transactions directly against the chain. While the Web3Api is more efficient for most Web3 calls, the Web3Api does not support state changes or transactions. The Web3 object does allow state change and transactions against the change.

For Web3 support, an Nethereum Web3 object is exposed in the Moralis. Developers can use the Web3 object directly.

IMPORTANT Before it can be used, the Web3 object must be initialized, unfortunetly this cannot be done until a connection to the wallet is established.

    private void InitializeWeb3()

    /// <summary>
    /// Must be referenced by the WalletConnect Game object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="session"></param>
    public void WalletConnectSessionEstablished(WalletConnectUnitySession session)

To make Web3 calls easier we have included a few tools.

First, a EvmContractManager object (currently not available for WebGL) provides an easy way to set up contracts that are reflected across several chains. The Contract andits functions can be easily retrieved from any where in your code via Moralis.

To setup a contract instance use InsertContractInstance:

Moralis.InsertContractInstance("Rewards", GameAwardContractAbi(), "mumbai", "0x05af21b57d2E378F90106B229E717DC96c7Bb5e2");

In this example a contract with key "Rewards" is created using the contract ABI (as json), the main chain the contract is on, and the address of the contract on that chain. For a live example please see the MainMenuScript.cs file.

By calling Moralis.AddContractChainAddress([CONTRACT KEY], [CHAIN ID], [CONTRACT ADDRESS]) you can create multiple chain specific instances of the same contract using the ABI originally added with [CONTRACT KEY].

To retrieve an Nethereum contract instance call:

Contract c = Moralis.EvmContractInstance([CONTRACT KEY], [CHAIN ID]);

Retrieve an Nethereum contract function instance:

Function f = Moralis.EvmContractFunctionInstance([CONTRACT KEY], [CHAIN ID], [FUNCTION NAME]);

Call function with no parameters

// No parameters
object[] pars = new object[0];
string jsonResult = await f.CallAsync(pars);

Call function with parameters

object[] pars = {"My string", 2};
string jsonResult = await f.CallAsync(pars);

Call function with parameters, specify from, gas, and value.

string playerAddress = "0x37bd48252f4dcE15C7147eA82b31978a00750f81";
object[] pars = {"My string", 2};
Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger g = new Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger(80);
Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger wei = new Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger(1000);
string jsonResult = await func.CallAsync(playerAddress, new Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger(80), new Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger(1000), pars);

For other call function varients see the Nethereum documentation.

To execute a transaction you can also call Moralis.SendEvmTransactionAsync or Moralis.SendTransactionAndWaitForReceiptAsync. These functions represent only a couple of the variants available from the Nethereum.Contracts.Function object.


Due to the way WebGL works, for security reasons, it does not support outbound calls or multi-threading. The Moralis Web3 Unity SDK depends heavily on both. For most functionality the switch between other build types and WebGL should be seemless.

  • IMPORTANT In Player Settings change the WebGL template to the Moralis WebGL Template

When you have a file that is used for both WebGL and non-WebGL builds use the UNITY_WEBGL pre-processor statement to seperate the code that will be used for each type of build. As example here is part of the using statement from the TokenListController.cs file from the Boilerplate Example:

// WebGL specific code here
// Non WebGL code here

Loading External Resources

Under the hood, WebGL loads external resources similar to javascript using AJAX. This means that you can run into CORs issues in the client browser when loading external resources. The prescribed method to solve this issue (as settings for CORS are on the server side) is to create a proxy service.

As part of the WebGL solution example, the TokenListController.cs file shows how to use a Moralis Cloud function as a proxy for loading external resources. To successfully display the images of tokens in the wallet example you will need to create the following cloud function in your Moralis server.

  1. Log into Moralis, select and expand your Server instance.
  2. Click on the "Cloud Functions" button.
  3. Copy the following code into your Cloud Functions
Moralis.Cloud.define("loadResource", async (request) => {
  const logger = Moralis.Cloud.getLogger();
  return await Moralis.Cloud.httpRequest({
    url: request.params.url
  }).then(function(httpResponse) {
    let resp = {status: httpResponse.status, headers: httpResponse.headers, data: JSON.stringify(httpResponse.buffer)};
    return resp;
  },function(httpResponse) {
    // Error occurred
    logger.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);
    return httpResponse;
}, {
	fields : ["url"]
  1. Click on the "Save" button.

🏗 Ethereum Web3Api Methods

Web3Api Notes

The complete Moralis Web3API schema including endpoints, operations and models, can be found by logging in to your Moralis Server and selecting Web3 API*

For use with either Moralis Web3 Unity SDK or in Unity3d, the following using statements are required:


Use the code snippet below to retrieve a list of EVM chains supported in the Moralis Web3API. This list can be used for populating dropdown lists etc.


List<ChainEntry> chains = Moralis.SupportedChains;


Code examples demonstrating how to use the Moralis Web3API Account endpoint and operations.


Gets native balance for a specific address

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.


NativeBalance balance = await Moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetNativeBalance(address.ToLower(), ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetNativeBalance Balance: {balance.Balance}");


Gets NFTs owned by the given address

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • format string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL The field(s) to order on and if it should be ordered in ascending or descending order. Specified by: fieldName1.order,fieldName2.order. Example 1: "name", "name.ASC", "name.DESC", Example 2: "Name and Symbol", "name.ASC,symbol.DESC"


NftOwnerCollection nftCollection = await Moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetNFTs(userAddress, chainId);

if (nftCollection.Total < 1)
    Debug.Log($"User {userAddress} does not have any NFTs on chain {chainId.ToString()}");
    Debug.Log($"Nfts for User {userAddress}");

    foreach (NftOwner nft in nftCollection.Result)
        Debug.Log($"TokenId: {nft.TokenId}, Name: {nft.Name}, Balance: {nft.Amount}");


Gets NFTs owned by the given address

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • tokenAddress string REQUIRED Address of the contract
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • format string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL The field(s) to order on and if it should be ordered in ascending or descending order. Specified by: fieldName1.order,fieldName2.order. Example 1: "name", "name.ASC", "name.DESC", Example 2: "Name and Symbol", "name.ASC,symbol.DESC"


NftOwnerCollection resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetNFTsForContract(address.ToLower(), "0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTsForContract Count: {resp.Total}");


Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • format string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • direction string OPTIONAL The transfer direction
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL The field(s) to order on and if it should be ordered in ascending or descending order. Specified by: fieldName1.order,fieldName2.order. Example 1: "name", "name.ASC", "name.DESC", Example 2: "Name and Symbol", "name.ASC,symbol.DESC"


NftTransferCollection balance = await Moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetNFTTransfers(address.ToLower(), ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTTransfers Matches: {balance.Total}");


Gets token balances for a specific address

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.


List<Erc20TokenBalance> balance = await Moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetTokenBalances(address.ToLower(), ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenBalances Count: {balance.Count}");


Gets ERC20 token transactions in descending order based on block number

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit


Erc20TransactionCollection balance = await Moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetTokenTransfers(address.ToLower(), ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenTransfers Count: {balance.Total}");


Gets native transactions in descending order based on block number

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit


TransactionCollection balance = await Moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetTransactions(address.ToLower(), ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTransactions Count: {balance.Total}");


Code examples demonstrating how to use the Moralis Web3API Defi endpoint and operations.


Fetches and returns pair data of the provided token0+token1 combination. The token0 and token1 options are interchangable (ie. there is no different outcome in "token0=WETH and token1=USDT" or "token0=USDT and token1=WETH")

  • exchange string REQUIRED The factory name or address of the token exchange
  • token0Address string REQUIRED Token0 address
  • token1Address string REQUIRED Token1 address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)


ReservesCollection nftTransers = Moralis.Web3Api.Defi.GetPairAddress(exchange, token0Address, token1Address, ChainList.eth);


Get the liquidity reserves for a given pair address

  • pairAddress string REQUIRED Liquidity pair address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain


ReservesCollection nftTransers = Moralis.Web3Api.Defi.GetPairReserves(pairAddress, ChainList.eth);


Code examples demonstrating how to use the Moralis Web3API Native endpoint and operations.


Gets the contents of a block by block hash

  • blockNumberOrHash string REQUIRED The block hash or block number
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)


Block block = Moralis.Web3Api.Native.GetBlock(blockNumberOrHash, ChainList.eth);


Gets events in descending order based on block number

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • topic string REQUIRED The topic of the event. This is the hash of the function
  • abi object REQUIRED ABI of the event being searched for. See example below for object format.
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit


    // Event ABI input parameters
    object[] inputParams = new object[3];
    inputParams[0] = new { indexed = true, internalType = "bytes32", name = "role", type = "bytes32" };
    inputParams[1] = new { indexed = true, internalType = "address", name = "account", type = "address" };
    inputParams[2] = new { indexed = true, internalType = "address", name = "sender", type = "address" };
    // Event ABI
    object abi = new { anonymous = false, inputs = inputParams, name = "RoleGranted", type = "event" };

    List<LogEvent> logEvents = await Moralis.Web3Api.Native.GetContractEvents("0x698d7D745B7F5d8EF4fdB59CeB660050b3599AC3", "0x2f8788117e7eff1d82e926ec794901d17c78024a50270940304540a733656f0d", abi, ChainList.mumbai);

    Debug.Log($"Contract Function returned {logEvents.Count} events");


Gets the closest block of the provided date

  • data string REQUIRED Unix date in miliseconds or a datestring (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain


string blockNumberOrHash = "25509457";
Block block = await Moralis.Web3Api.Native.GetBlock(blockNumberOrHash, chainId);
Debug.Log($"GetBlock BlockNumber: {block.Number}, Transaction Count: {block.TransactionCount}");


Gets the logs from an address

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • blockNumber string OPTIONAL The block number.
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • topic0 string OPTIONAL
  • topic1 string OPTIONAL
  • topic2 string OPTIONAL
  • topic3 string OPTIONAL


LogEventByAddress logEvents = await Moralis.Web3Api.Native.GetLogsByAddress(userAddress, chainId);
Debug.Log($"GetLogsByAddress BlockNumber: {logEvents.BlockNumber}, Transaction Count: {logEvents.Data}");


Gets NFT transfers by block number or block hash

  • blockNumberOrHash string REQUIRED The block hash or block number
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)


NftTransferCollection nftTransfers = await Moralis.Web3Api.Native.GetNFTTransfersByBlock("500000", chainId);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTTransfersByBlock Nfts returned: {nftTransfers.Result.Count}");


Gets the contents of a block transaction by hash

  • transactionHash string REQUIRED The transaction hash
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)


string transactionHash = "0xe1ec2dd9964f4dc59b53dce083917abfb5ab5191a37cb1e21566969caa614fcd";
BlockTransaction blockTransaction = await Moralis.Web3Api.Native.GetTransaction(transactionHash, ChainList.mumbai);
Debug.Log($"Block transaction BlackNumber: {blockTransaction.BlockNumber}, from Address: {blockTransaction.FromAddress}");


Runs a given function of a contract abi and returns readonly data

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • abi object REQUIRED Abi of the Function being called - see example for format.
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • functionName string REQUIRED Function name of the target function.
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain


// Function ABI input parameters
object[] inputParams = new object[1];
inputParams[0] = new { internalType = "uint256", name = "id", type = "uint256" };
// Function ABI Output parameters
object[] outputParams = new object[1];
outputParams[0] = new { internalType = "string", name = "", type = "string" };
// Function ABI
object[] abi = new object[1];
abi[0] = new { inputs = inputParams, name = "uri", outputs = outputParams, stateMutability = "view", type = "function" };

// Define request object
RunContractDto rcd = new RunContractDto()
    Abi = abi,
    Params = new { id = "15310200874782" }

string resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Native.RunContractFunction("0x698d7D745B7F5d8EF4fdB59CeB660050b3599AC3", "uri", rcd, ChainList.mumbai);

Debug.Log($"Contract Function returned: {resp}");


Code examples demonstrating how to use the Moralis Web3API Resolve endpoint and operations.


Resolves an Unstoppable domain and returns the address

  • domain string REQUIRED Domain to be resolved
  • currency string OPTIONAL The currency to query.


Resolve resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Resolve.ResolveDomain("brad.crypto");
Debug.Log($"ResolveDomain Address: {resp.Address}");


Resolves an ETH address and find the ENS name

  • address string REQUIRED The wallet address to perform reverse lookup on.


Ens resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Resolve.ResolveAddress("0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045");
Debug.Log($"ResolveAddress Name: {resp.Name}");


Code examples demonstrating how to use the Moralis Web3API Storage endpoint and operations.


Resolves an ETH address and find the ENS name

  • request List REQUIRED Upload Data


// Define file information.
IpfsFileRequest req = new IpfsFileRequest()
	Path = "moralis/logo.jpg",

// Multiple requests can be sent via a List so define the request list.
List<IpfsFileRequest> reqs = new List<IpfsFileRequest>();

// Add requests to request list.

List<IpfsFile> resp = web3Api.Storage.UploadFolder(reqs);


Code examples demonstrating how to use the Moralis Web3API Token endpoint and operations.


Gets data, including metadata (where available), for all token ids for the given contract address.

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • foramt string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL If the order should be Ascending or Descending based on the blocknumber on which the NFT was minted. Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"


NftCollection resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetAllTokenIds("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetAllTokenIds returned {resp.Total} Nfts");


Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • foramt string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL If the order should be Ascending or Descending based on the blocknumber on which the NFT was minted. Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"


NftTransferCollection resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetContractNFTTransfers("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetContractNFTTransfers returned {resp.Total} Nft transfer entries");


Get the lowest price found for a nft token contract for the last x days (only trades paid in ETH)

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • days integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain
  • marketplace string OPTIONAL web3 marketplace from where to get the trades (only opensea is supported at the moment)


Trade resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetNFTLowestPrice("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth, 2000);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTLowestPrice Price: {resp.Price}");


Gets the contract level metadata (name, symbol, base token uri) for the given contract

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query


NftContractMetadata resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetNFTMetadata("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTMetadata Name: {resp.Name}, TokenAddress: {resp.TokenAddress}");


Gets all owners of NFT items within a given contract collection

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • format string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL If the order should be Ascending or Descending based on the blocknumber on which the NFT was minted. Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"


NftOwnerCollection resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetNFTOwners("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTOwners returned {resp.Total} Nft Owner records");


Get the nft trades for a given contracts and marketplace

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain
  • marketplace string OPTIONAL web3 marketplace from where to get the trades (only opensea is supported at the moment)
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit


TradeCollection resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetNFTTrades("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTTrades returned {resp.Total} Nft trades");


Gets the transfers of the tokens from a block number to a block number

  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • format string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL If the order should be Ascending or Descending based on the blocknumber on which the NFT was minted. Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"


NftTransferCollection resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetNftTransfersFromToBlock(ChainList.eth, 99999, 25999999, null, null, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetNftTransfersFromToBlock returned {resp.Total} Nft Transfers");


Gets ERC20 token contract transactions in descending order based on block number

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit


Erc20TransactionCollection resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenAddressTransfers("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenAddressTransfers returned {resp.Total} transfer entries");


Gets the amount which the spender is allowed to withdraw from the spender

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • ownerAddress string REQUIRED Target address
  • spenderAddress string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain


Erc20Allowance allowance = Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenAllowance(address, ownerAddress, spenderAddress, ChainList.eth);


Gets data, including metadata (where available), for the given token id of the given contract address.

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • tokenId string REQUIRED The id of the token
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • foramt string OPTIONAL The format of the token id


Nft resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenIdMetadata("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", "10", ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenIdMetadata Name: {resp.Name}, Amount: {resp.Amount}");


Gets all owners of NFT items within a given contract collection

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • tokenId string REQUIRED The id of the token
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • foramt string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL If the order should be Ascending or Descending based on the blocknumber on which the NFT was minted. Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"


NftOwnerCollection resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenIdOwners("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", "10", ChainList.eth, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenIdOwners returned {resp.Total} Nfts");


Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.

  • address List REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain


List<string> addresses = new List<string>();
List<Erc20Metadata> resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenMetadata(addresses, ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenMetadata returned {resp.Count} entries.");


Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.

  • symbols List REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The symbols to get metadata for
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)


List<string> symbols = new List<string>();
List<Erc20Metadata> resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenMetadataBySymbol(symbols, ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenMetadataBySymbol returned {resp.Count} entries.");


Returns the price nominated in the native token and usd for a given token contract address.

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain
  • exchange string OPTIONAL The factory name or address of the token exchange
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.


Erc20Price resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenPrice("0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f", ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenPrice Price: {resp.UsdPrice} USD");


Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • tokenId string REQUIRED The id of the token
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • foramt string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL If the order should be Ascending or Descending based on the blocknumber on which the NFT was minted. Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"


NftTransferCollection resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetWalletTokenIdTransfers("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", "10", ChainList.eth, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetWalletTokenIdTransfers returned {resp.Total} Nfts");


Gets NFTs that match a given metadata search.

  • q string REQUIRED The search string
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • foramt string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • filter string OPTIONAL What fields the search should match on. To look into the entire metadata set the value to 'global'. To have a better response time you can look into a specific field like name. Available values : name, description, attributes, global, name,description, name,attributes, description,attributes, name,description,attributes
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit


NftMetadataCollection resp = await Moralis.Web3Api.Token.SearchNFTs("Apes", ChainList.eth, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"SearchNFTs returned {resp.Total} Nfts");

🏗 Solana Api Methods

Solana Account

Solana Balance

NativeBalance bal = await Moralis.SolanaApi.Account.Balance(NetworkTypes.mainnet, "6XU36wCxWobLx5Rtsb58kmgAJKVYmMVqy4SHXxENAyAe");

Solana GetNFTs

List<SplNft> bal = await Moralis.SolanaApi.Account.GetNFTs(NetworkTypes.mainnet, "6XU36wCxWobLx5Rtsb58kmgAJKVYmMVqy4SHXxENAyAe");

Solana GetPortfolio

Portfolio bal = await Moralis.SolanaApi.Account.GetPortfolio(NetworkTypes.mainnet, "6XU36wCxWobLx5Rtsb58kmgAJKVYmMVqy4SHXxENAyAe");

Solana GetSplTokens

List<SplTokenBalanace> bal = await Moralis.SolanaApi.Account.GetSplTokens(NetworkTypes.mainnet, "6XU36wCxWobLx5Rtsb58kmgAJKVYmMVqy4SHXxENAyAe");

Solana NFT

Solana GetNFTMetadata

NftMetadata bal = await Moralis.SolanaApi.Nft.GetNFTMetadata(NetworkTypes.mainnet, "6XU36wCxWobLx5Rtsb58kmgAJKVYmMVqy4SHXxENAyAe");

Helpful Tools

  1. Unity3d Assets
    The best place to find Unity3d Assets for a range of budgets.
  2. The Gimp
    Open source image editing tool
  3. Blender
    Open source tool for creating 3D models, animations, textures, and everything else you need for game characters and objects.
  4. Maximo
    Free to use (with registration) Animations for humanoid rigged models.
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