
A nifty calendar app that is accessing its own backend server and database.


Clockwork Clementine

Clockwork Clementine is an event management system developed as part of a full-stack training program. While combining both backend and frontend technologies, its focus is clearly on the backend.

The main goal was to create a seamless user experience for managing events inside multiple calendars. In addition to basic features such as setting up a server, managing database connections and integrating a frontend interface, the project also includes several advanced features, such as user authentication, cookie management, error handling and data validation.


Technologies Used

  • Backend: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, JWT
  • Frontend: React with Vite, React Big Calendar
  • Styling: Native CSS
  • Testing: Jest for simple automated testing, MongoDB Memory Server for in-memory database during tests, GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration


  • CRUD Operations: Full implementation of Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations for events and calendars.
  • Multi-Calendar Management: Ability to manage multiple calendars simultaneously in one integrated view.
  • User Authentication with cookies: Secure user authentication using Jason Web Token (JWT) and cookies.
  • Data Validation: Strong data validation and sanitization to ensure data integrity.
  • Error Handling: Error handling middleware, with important error messages being transferred to the frontend.
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Automated Testing: Very basic automated testing with Continuous Integration (via GitHub Actions).

Database Relations

Three mongoose collections are in use (users, calendars and events). This made it necessary to populate data and manage all collections effectively. The following image illustrates these interdependencies between users, calendars and events.

Deployed Website

Take a look at the deployed website here:

Important Notice: If login is not working, please make sure to enable third-party cookies! In Google Chrome:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Navigate to Privacy and security
  3. Click on Third party cookies
  4. Choose the option Allow third-party cookies

For demonstrational purposes, registration is also possible with a made-up (fictive) email address. Or simply use the following login dummy and replace the [dot] with an actual .

Local Usage

To run the app locally on your device, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository and navigate to the project directory:

    git clone [email protected]:username/repository.git
    cd repository
  2. Install Dependencies and Start the Server and Client Install npm (node package manager) if necessary. Then, run the following pre-configured command that will install the required packages and start the server and the client:

     npm run startLocally
  3. Access the application: In your browser, go to http://localhost:5173/ (or simply follow the link provided in your terminal) to access the application.

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