
Finejob was created for developers (but not only 😁) to help them get a dream job 💼


Project Overview 🎨

Finejob is an open source project to help people (especially developers) to find dream job. App contains CRUD panel where you can manage your offers. Feel free to open issue if you find something strange or you have an idea for improvement. Enjoy!

Tech/framework used 🧰

  • Common
Tech Description
Eslint Javascript Linter
Prettier Code formatter
Turborepo Tool for managing projects with multiple packages
  • Frontend
Tech Description
Typescript Javascript superset language
React Library for building user interfaces
Redux State container for JS apps
Next Powerful React Framework
SCSS CSS with superpowers
CSS Modules Styles convention in React
DayJS Js library, helps with formatting dates
React Hook Form Forms with easy-to-use validation
  • Backend
Tech Description
Node JavaScript runtime
Express Web framework to Node.js
Typescript Javascript superset language
JWT Token managament (e.g. for login)
Joi Library for validation
Docker An open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications
PostgreSQL Relational database
Prisma ORM for TypeScript and Node.js

Performance 💨

Installation 💿

git clone

yarn install

#set up your environment variables
cp apps/api/.env-sample apps/api/.env
cp apps/frontend/.env-sample apps/frontend/.env

docker-compose up

yarn dev

Live 🎆