
Blog App built using Node , Express, EJS, ES6+ and MongoDB



Webapp built using Nodejs, Express, EJS, Bootstrap and Mongodb

Features :

  • Authentication using - Local, Google, Facebook


  • / Home
  • /login Login
  • /register Register
  • /goo Google Login
  • /fb Facebook Login
  • /dashboard User Dashboard

How to run :

You need Node v15, Mongodb installed

Clone locally

git clone https://github.com/sujaykundu777/iBlog.git cd iBlog

Install packages:

npm install

updating environment variables

clone the .env.example file in to .env file, change the credentials with your own.

Start mongodb server at port: 27017

Run the app in development (supports auto-watch for changes)

npm run dev

should start the app at http://localhost:3000

Run the app in production

npm run start

should start the app at http://localhost:3000

APIDOCs - Swagger generated docs using OpenApi Specification

You can visit http://localhost:3000/apidoc for apidoc using swagger locally

or visit Swagger Editor and upload swagger.json file to view the docs