
React Server Side rendered application (isomorphic) with support fetch data like Next.js using React Router



A React Server Side rendered application template (isomorphic) with support fetch data like Next.js using React Router

Note: Updated project for using react@17 🔥

Note: Updated to webpack v5 🔥

🔥 Using React Router.

🔥 Support React Hot Reloading

🔥 Code splitting by loadable-components, recommended solution by React Team

🔥 Code validation with eslint and airbnb.

🔥 Code formatting with prettier.

🔥 Style validation and formatter with stylelint.

🔥 Unit testing with jest and react-testing-library.

🔥 Support postCSS.

🔥 Support SASS/SCSS by default. Import all your SASS/SCSS files in styles/App.scss.

🔥 You can extends configs and setup your needs. All webpack configs are in webpacks directory.


  • NodeJs v10 above
  • yarn

Note: this project relay on yarn and node_modules will relay on that. it will throw error if you use npm to run commands.

How to use

1- git clone this project.

2- remove .git folder.

3- yarn install

4- yarn start

now start coding !!

you can see in http://localhost:3000.

Production and Deployment

1- Run yarn build. a build folder will be created that ready for deployment.

2- Now serve the build folder with NodeJs.

node build/server.js

note: Suggest using pm2

How to fetch data ssr

All route components with a static property called getInitialData can fetch data on server and pass down data as props called initialData. you can see examples in screens/Projects.jsx or screens/About.jsx.


2- add a static async getInitialData to the a route component:

  • after component definition:
Component.getInitialData = async ({ match, req, res, history, location }) {
    const api = await axios.get('');

    return { };
  • or during component definition:
const Component = () => {
  static async getInitialData({ match, req, res, history, location }) {
    const api = await axios.get('');

    return { };

note: we use axios because support node.js and browser.

3- now you can access your fetched data as initialData component props;

getInitialData parameters:

  • match (matched route, both on server and client)
  • req (request object ExpressJs, only server)
  • res (response object ExpressJs, only server)
  • history (react router history, only client)
  • location (react router location, only client)

RouteComponents props

  • initialData: fetched data for SSR. If you don't make SSR this component it will be null.
  • reFetch: fetch again data by calling getInitialData if provided in component
  • isLoading: loading when getting data with getInitialData.
  • RouteComponentProps provided by react-router. You can see them here withRouter

How to manage head

you can use react-helmet like before in your components.

Code splitting

Code splitting in this project implemented by loadable-components.

For routes component you should use our asyncComponent in routes.js file. the asyncComponent will take care of code splitting and getInitialData if provided on component. see usage in routes.js.


asyncComponent(()=> import("./screens/Projects.jsx"))

for other components you could see loadable-components documents. but as a short example:

import loadable from '@loadable/component'
const OtherComponent = loadable(() => import('./OtherComponent'))
function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <OtherComponent />

Please visit loadable-components documents for advanced usages and configuration.

Inside asyncComponent we use a simple loading ... message until component loaded completely. If you want you can customize it.

How to test

1- create folder __tests__ under your component directory.

2- create file with filename.test.js or filename.spec.js. for example Projects.spec.js.

3- write tests.

4- enter yarn test for run tests, or yarn test:watch to run in watch mode.

note: you can create test file without __tests__ folder but for better file structure keep it in __tests__.
