
A RESTful API that allows users to fetch news articles from multiple sources based on their preferences.


News Aggregator API

Assignment 02

Problem Statement -- Build a RESTful API that allows users to fetch news articles from multiple sources based on their preferences.

Endpoint Description
POST /register Register a new user.
POST /login Log in a user.
GET /preferences Retrieve the news preferences for the logged-in user.
PUT /preferences Update the news preferences for the logged-in user.
GET /news Fetch news articles based on the logged-in user's preferences.


  • Use an in-memory data store (e.g., an array) to store store user information and their news preferences.
  • Use external news APIs to fetch news articles from multiple sources. Incorporate async/await and Promises in the process of fetching news data and filtering it based on user preferences.
  • Implement proper error handling for invalid requests.
  • Add input validation for user registration and news preference updates.
  • Test the API using Postman or Curl to ensure it works as expected.
Optional Tasks
  • Implement a caching mechanism to store news articles and reduce the number of calls to external news APIs. Use async/await and Promises to handle cache updates and retrievals.
  • Allow users to mark articles as "read" or "favorite". Implement endpoints to:
Endpoint Description
POST /news/:id/read Mark a news article as read.
POST /news/:id/favorite Mark a news article as a favorite.
GET /news/read Retrieve all read news articles.
GET /news/favorites Retrieve all favorite news articles.
GET /news/search/:keyword Search for news articles based on keywords.
  • Implement a mechanism to periodically update the cached news articles in the background, simulating a real-time news aggregator.


    id: "string",
    username: "string",
    password: "string",
    preferences: { categories: [Array], sources: [Array] },
    // "createdAt": // a.k.a Unix epoch // TODO