
Create a profile and share your favorite links to the group



Create a social profile and save your favorite links where others can what you've bookmarked.

What I'm working with

  1. React
  2. Redux
  3. Node
  4. Express
  5. MongoDB
  6. Tools: Webpack, ESLint, Cheerio, bcrypt, JWT, Concurrently

Getting Started

Before Getting Started, install Node on your machine

  1. Clone the repo from your Github account to your machine.
  2. CD into profile-fiesta directory and run the following commands:
  • npm install (installs all of the dependencies needed)
  • npm run build (to build webpack and watch for changes)
  • npm run start (runs nodemon. You can npm i -g nodemon or change the script to node)


v1.0 Build out the CRUD operations, set up Redux store to manage state, make a web scraping tool to populate bookmarks with meta data, set up simple log in flow, hash passwords and verify users with JWT.

v2.0 Display users personal bookmarks, add styles