
A web application which lists various jobs using the Github Jobs API. Built using React, Node.js, Express and Redis.

APACHE-2.0 License


GitHub Job Board

A web application which lists various jobs using the Github Jobs API. Built using React, Node.js, Express, Cron, TypeScript and Redis.


A simple web application which consists of a data feed, an API and a client end. The data feed is a cron job which fires every hour and gets updated jobs from Github Jobs and then populates it into a Redis datastore. The node.js API fetches jobs from redis and presents it to the frontend built with React, material-ui and TypeScript.



For server

  • express: For server
  • cron: For running cron job
  • ioredis: Redis client
  • node-fetch: For making API calls
  • winston: Logger
  • typescript
  • prettier

For client

  • react
  • material-ui: For styling
  • axios: For API calls
  • react-loader-spinner: For loading animation
  • typescript
  • prettier

To run

  • Clone into repo

For worker and server

  • Cd into server
  • Make sure your local Redis server is up and running
  • Run yarn to install packages
  • Run yarn watch
  • Fire up a new terminal in same directory and run yarn run dev-worker
  • Fire up a new terminal in same directory and set an env var PORT to 9000
  • Run yarn run dev
  • Your worker and server should have started. If the hourly cron job is too slow, change cron tab in src/worker/worker.ts

For client

  • Cd into client and run yarn
  • Run yarn start
Extracted from project README
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