
A simple rest api to start with, built with express and mongoose.




  • name
  • email
  • password
  • avatar
  • date


  • user
  • handle
  • company
  • website
  • location
  • status
  • skills
  • bio
  • githubusername
  • experience
    • title
    • company
    • joblocation
    • from
    • to
    • current
    • description
  • education
    • school
    • degree
    • fieldofstudy
    • from
    • to
    • current
    • description
  • social
    • youtube
    • facebook
    • twitter
    • linkedin
    • instagram
  • date


  • user
  • text
  • name
  • avatar
  • likes
    • user
  • comments
    • user
    • text
    • name
    • avatar
    • date
  • date


  • User

      POST api/users/register
      // Register a new user
      // Public
      POST api/users/login
      // Login user - return JWT
      // Public
      GET api/users/current
      // Return current user data
      // Private
      POST api/users/register
      // Register a new user
      // Public
  • Profile

      GET api/profile
      // GET current user profile
      // Private
      POST api/profile
      // create or Edit user profile
      // Private
      DELETE api/profile
      // Delete user and profile
      // Private
      GET api/profile/all
      // Get all profiles
      // Public
      GET api/profile/handle/:handle
      // Get profile by handle
      // Public
      POST api/profile/experience
      // Add experience to profile
      // Private
      DELETE api/profile/experience/:exp_id
      // Delete experience from profile
      // Private
      POST api/profile/education
      // Add education to profile
      // Private
      DELETE api/profile/education/:edu_id
      // Delete education from profile
      // Private
  • Post

      POST api/posts
      // Create post
      // Private
      GET api/posts
      // Get all posts
      // Public
      GET api/posts/:id
      // Get Post by ID
      // Public
      DELETE api/posts/:id
      // Delete Post by ID
      // Private
      POST api/posts/like/:id
      // Like Post by ID
      // Private
      POST api/posts/unlike/:id
      // Unlike Post by ID
      // Private
      POST api/posts/comment/:id
      // Add a comment to Post
      // Private
      DELETE api/posts/comment/:id/:comment_id
      // Delete a comment by Id from a post
      // Private


Traversy Media Udemy course