
Very simple product catalog website. Created with Node, Express, Pug and Mongo.


“Shop Stop” is very simple product catalog website (like OLX, Amazon – but simpler 😊). The application consists of users, products and categories. Each user can register, login and logout. Users also can create, buy, edit or delete a product. Each product has a category in which it is specified.

To run the web app :

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. run npm install as admin in the folder directory of the app (Nodejs required!)
  3. run node index.js (or nodemon index.js) in the folder directory of the app
    example: D:\Software\ShopStop
  4. Open web browser and go to http://localhost:3003/

||Functionality • User Login o Login in current application using username and password of already registered user. • User Register o Register a new user by providing username and password. • User Logout o Logouts from the application. • Product Create o Creates a new product, makes currently logged in user as it’s publisher. o Data must be saved in some sort of database. • Product Buy o Products may be bought by any user. One product could not be bought more than one time. • Product Edit o Edits product's information. Changes must be persisted in database. • Product Delete o Deletes specific product from database. • Category Create o Create a category which later on can be picked when a new product is created (uploaded). • Products by Name o List all products which name contains given text • Products by Category o List all products are in particular category (use the name of the category)

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