
A Full Stack E-commerce Web App using Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB to create Backend & Next.js to create Frontend. Here user can shop men's and women's products. Searching by keywords , sorting, login/signup, cart products increment, decrement, delete, checkout, orders history and many more functionalities added.



A Full Stack E-commerce Web App using Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB to create Backend & Next.js to create Frontend. Here user can shop men's and women's products. Searching by keywords , sorting, login/signup(JWT), cart products increment, decrement, delete, checkout, orders history and many more functionalities added.

Deployed link of the project Backend Repo Link

Technology We Used

  1. Next.js
  2. Tailwind CSS
  3. Shadcn/UI
  4. TypeScript
  5. Node.js
  6. Express.js
  7. MongoDB
  8. Redux Toolkit


1. Landing Page of the Project

2. Men's Product Page

3. Women's Product Page

4. Login/Signup Pages with "form validation" using "JWT" (manage from backend)

5. Cart Page

6. DataBase CRUD Operation to manage Cart Products (manage from backend)

Increment/Decrement cart product quantity & Delete from Cart Screenshot (79)

7. My Orders History Page (manage from backend)

8. Checkout Page

9. Searching by keywords (manage from backend API)

10. Dark/Light Modes

11. Product Details Page

12. Footer