
Helper functions for userscript with server connection.

BSD-2-CLAUSE License



Helper functions for userscript with server connection.


  • Using child window to proxy connection to custom server
  • Typescript support


npm install userscript-helpers

You can also install userscript-helpers with pnpm, yarn, or slnpm

Usage Example

Details see server.ts and userscript.ts

In express server:

import { attachFrameRoute } from 'userscript-helpers'
import express from 'express'

let app = express()

app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }))

let urls = new Set<string>()'/img', (req, res) => {
  let url = req.body.url
  res.json({ count: urls.size })


In userscript:

import { setupFrame, sleep } from 'userscript-helpers'

async function main() {
  let frame = await setupFrame({
    api_origin: 'http://localhost:8100',
  let imgs = new Set<HTMLImageElement>()
    async loop() {
      let new_imgs = document.querySelectorAll('img')
      for (let img of new_imgs) {
        let url = img.src
        if (!url || imgs.has(img)) continue
        img.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' })
        await sleep(500)
        let json = await frame.fetchJSON('POST', '/img', { url })
        console.log('post img result:', json)

main().catch(e => console.error(e))

Typescript Signature

Server-side functions:

export function attachFrameRoute(app: Router | Application): void

Client-side functions for userscript:

export function setupFrame(options: {
  api_origin: string
   * @description overwrite `console.log()` and `console.error()` by `console.debug()`
  wrap_console?: boolean
}): Promise<{
  proxyWindowPromise: Promise<Window>
  callAPI: <T>(url: string, init: RequestInit) => Promise<T>
  fetchJSON: <T>(method: string, url: string, body?: object) => Promise<T>
  postForm: <T>(url: string, formData: FormData) => Promise<T>
  startLoop: (options: {
    loop(): LoopResult | Promise<LoopResult>
     * @description default 1000
    loop_interval?: number
     * @description default 3500
    error_retry_interval?: number
  }) => void

export type LoopResult = void | 'stop'

export declare function imageToDataUrl(
  img: HTMLImageElement,
  /** @description default is as-is for image with dataUrl, and "image/png" for image with src */
  mimeType?: ImageMimeType,
  /** @description between 0 and 1 */
  quality?: number,
): Promise<string>

export type ImageMimeType = 'image/png' | 'image/jpeg' | 'image/webp'

Additional helper functions for any side:

 * @description async version of setTimeout
export function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void>

 * @returns mimetype, e.g. "image/webp"
export function dataUrlToMimeType(dataUrl: string): string

 * @return extname without ".", e.g. "webp"
export function dataUrlToExtname(dataUrl: string): string


This project is licensed with BSD-2-Clause

This is free, libre, and open-source software. It comes down to four essential freedoms [ref]:

  • The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose
  • The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish
  • The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others
  • The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others