
Demo of a Custom Data Entry App you can build for your Azure SQL Database and Microsoft Fabric Warehouse and Lakehouse using python framework called Streamlit.


Custom Data Entry UI for Azure SQL Database and Microsoft Fabric Warehouse and Lakehouse:

This demo uses a python framework called streamlit to accelerate the development of browser based solutions. In this demo you will find pages that enables you:

Azure SQL DB:

  • Embed table from Azure SQL DB as native text on a website
  • Custom made form that can be dyncamilly controlled to submit one or multiple inputs to a table in Azure SQL DB
  • Spreadsheet alike Data Editor to Insert, Update, Delete rows in an Azure SQL DB table

Microsoft Fabric:

  • Show table data from any SQL Endpoint in Microsoft Fabric (e.g. Warehouse, Lakehouse)
  • Spreadsheet alike Data Editor to Insert, Update, Delete rows in an Microsoft Fabric Warehouse
  • Spreadsheet alike Data Editor to Insert, Update, Delete rows in an Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse

Video demonstration of the solution

Getting Started:

Open a Terminal in VS Code

Download the code to your machine:

git clone

Configure your Azure SQL Database connection Modify .streamlit/secrets.toml with your details:

 database = "<database-name>"
 username = "<sql-username>"
 password = "<sql-password>"

Modify each of the .py files to target the table you want to interact with:


DATABASE = '<name-of-database>'
TABLE_SCHEMA = '<name-of-schema>'
TABLE_NAME = '<name-of-table>'

Run the streamlit app:

python -m streamlit run

Structure - designed for adoption:

  • Each of the .py files represent a webpage in streamlit.
  • I've decided to write each page as if it was a standalone python script; making it easy for you to paste into your own solutions. The only dependencies each page has is to the .streamlit/secrets.toml file that contains the global variable of your azure sql db connection details.
  • If you are here for only the python logic, you can remove all streamlit related code (typically all with st.xxxxx like replacing st.session_state['xx'] with a variable, st.write/st.table with print('xxx') etc.
  • serve as the place to configure the left navigation menu for the streamlit app. Here you can easily remove and add more webpages.


I've included a troubleshooting.txt with all the packages and their listed versions that was installed on my machine - just in case that becomes relevant for you one day...


I've also made the solution ready for you to run it on a container. You can modify the solutions to your liking - if you add more packages to the solution, remember to include them in the requirement.txt file so they will be included in the docker image when you build it.

  1. : Open terminal in VS Code, and make sure you are located in the root folder of the project e.g.:

cd c:\streamlit_azuresqldb_fabric

  1. start docker desktop on your local machine

  2. Building Docker Image using the details from the file Dockerfile, and call it streamlit_azuresqldb_fabric

docker build -f Dockerfile -t streamlit_azuresqldb_fabric .

  1. Run the docker Image, and redicts traffic from 8501 to 80

docker run -p 80:8501 streamlit_azuresqldb_fabric

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