
Fetch Fabric.io statistics like never before

MIT License



pronounce as [f-ah-bree-see-oh]

A simple gem that fetches mobile application statistics from Fabric.io using its private not publicly opened API.

There is a possibility that in some point of time it may break. Feel free to post an issue and we'll fix it ASAP.

The Story Behind

Fabric.io is a great tool made for mobile application developers. It provides data about standard and out-of-memory crashes, active users, audience growth and a lot more. Unfortunately the only official way to work with this data is using Fabric.io website. That means - no automation and no integrations with other services.

We decided to fix this issue.

Key Features
🍫 Hides the complexity of different Fabric.io APIs behind a simple wrapper.
📚 Provides data about organization, applications and builds.
💥 Shows crash- and out-of-memory- free metrics.
Automatically refreshes session in case of its expiration.
🛠 Provides a simple way of adding your adapter for storing session data in a database of your choice.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fabricio'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fabricio

Quick Start



  # Obtain all app
  fabricio app all

  # Obtain single app
  fabricio app get --app_id 'app_id'

  # Obtain active now count
  fabricio app active_now --organization_id 'org_id' --app_id 'app_id'

  # Obtain single issue
  fabricio app single_issue --app_id 'app_id' --issue_id 'issue_id'

  # Obtain single issue session
  fabricio app issue_session  --app_id 'app_id' --issue_id 'issue_id' --session_id 'session_id'

  # Obtain latest issue session
  fabricio app latest_session --app_id 'app_id'
  # Obtain all builds
  fabricio build all --organization_id 'org_id' --app_id 'app_id'

  # Obtain single build
  fabricio build get --organization_id 'org_id' --app_id 'app_id' --version 'version' --build_number 'build_number'
  # Obtain all versions
  fabricio version all --app_id 'app_id'

  # Obtain top versions               
  fabricio version top --organization_id 'org_id' --app_id 'app_id' --start_time 'timestamp' --end_time 'timestamp'
  # Obtain organization                  
  fabricio organization all
  # Setup credential                                                      
  fabricio credential

  # Describe available commands or one specific command                                                       
  fabricio help [COMMAND]                                                          


> fabricio credential
Setup credential
We have to know you\'re email from fabric account
email:  [email protected]
Now we want your password. Do not be afraid, it is stored locally
Successful login to TestOrganization
> fabricio organization all
[{"id"=>"424423ac76fa54934e00a09b", "alias"=>"test", "name"=>"Test", "api_key"=>"19ac3e6195b1900ada120c1e0c1230a818626d55", "enrollments"=>{"answers_enhanced_feature_set_enabled_for_new_apps"=>"false", "answers_ip_address_tracking_enabled_for_new_apps"=>"true", "beta_distribution"=>"true"}, "accounts_count"=>100, "mopub_id"=>"11142", "sdk_organization"=>true, "apps_counts"=>{"ios"=>9}, "build_secret"=>"fdda1e597843e25731848bb46eec2cc893ea86847e22d5f44567ecd48ff4e32"}]
> fabricio app all

Default values

If your account have only one organization/app then it will be used by default and it is not necessary to set.

fabricio build all


You can use jq for parsing json

fabricio version all --app_id 'app_id' | jq 'sort_by(.major)[-1].synthesized_version' "14.0 (131)"


  1. Create a Fabricio::Client object and configure it on initialization.
require 'Fabricio'

client = Fabricio::Client.new do |config|
    config.username = 'your_email'
    config.password = 'your_password'
  1. Use this client to query any data you want.
client.app.all # Returns all applications on your account
client.app.get(app_id: 'app_id') # Returns information about specific application
client.app.crashfree(app_id: 'app_id', start_time: '1478736000', end_time: '1481328000', build: 'all') # Returns application crashfree for a given period of time
client.organization.all # Returns information about your organizations
  1. If you want to check the exact server output for a model, you can call json method on it:

client.app.get(app_id: 'app_id').json

You can call a method similar to any key in this hash:

client.app.get(app_id: 'app_id').importance_level




Obtains information about your organizations.



Obtains the list of all apps.

client.app.get(app_id: 'app_id')

Obtains a specific app.

client.app.active_now(organization_id: 'organization_id', app_id: 'app_id')

Obtains the count of active users at the current moment.

client.app.daily_new(organization_id: 'organization_id', app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp')

Obtains the count of daily new users.

client.app.daily_active(app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp', build: 'build')

Obtains the count of daily active users.

client.app.total_sessions(organization_id: 'organization_id', app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp', build: 'build')

Obtains the count of sessions.

client.app.crashes(app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp', builds: 'builds')

Obtains the count of crashes for a number of builds.

client.app.crashfree(app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp', build: 'build')

Obtains application crashfree.

Fabric.io website uses the same calculations. However, mobile app behaves differently and shows another value.

client.app.top_issues(app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp', build: 'build', count: count)

Obtain top issues.

client.app.single_issue(app_id: 'app_id', issue_id: 'issue_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp')

Obtain single issue.

client.app.issue_session(app_id: 'app_id', issue_id: 'issue_id', session_id: 'session_id')

Obtain issue session.

client.app.add_comment(app_id: 'app_id', issue_id: 'issue_id', message: 'message')

Add comment.

client.app.oomfree(app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp', builds:'builds')

Obtains application out-of-memory free for a number of builds.


client.build.all(organization_id: 'organization_id', app_id: 'app_id')

Obtains the list of all application builds.

client.build.get(organization_id: 'organization_id', app_id: 'app_id', version: 'version', build_number: 'build_number')

Obtains a specific build for a specific application.


client.version.all(app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp')

Obtains an array of all versions for a given application.

client.version.top(organization_id: 'organization_id', app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp')

Obtains an array of top versions for a given application.


client.app.all_custom_events(organization_id: 'organization_id', app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp', build: 'build')

Obtains list of all custom event types.

client.app.custom_event_total(organization_id: 'organization_id', app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp', build: 'build', event_type: 'event_type')

Obtains the total count for the specified custom event type.

client.app.custom_event_unique_devices(organization_id: 'organization_id', app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp', build: 'build', event_type: 'event_type')

Obtains the unique device count for the specified custom event type.

client.app.all_custom_event_attribute(organization_id: 'organization_id', app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp', event_type: 'event_type')

Obtains list of all attributes for the specified custom event type.

client.app.custom_event_attribute(organization_id: 'organization_id', app_id: 'app_id', start_time: 'start_timestamp', end_time: 'end_timestamp', build: 'build', event_type: 'event_type', event_attribute: 'event_attribute', selected_time: 'selected_timestamp')

Obtains the attribute count for the specified custom event type.

Additional Info

Fabric.io API:


  • Egor Tolstoy
  • Vadim Smal

Thanks for help in dealing with API to Irina Dyagileva and Andrey Smirnov.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Extracted from project README's
Gem Version Code Climate Test Coverage