
Find your Twitter friends on Farcaster.


Farcaster Directory

A directory of Farcaster accounts and their respective Twitter accounts, making it easy find your Twitter friends on Farcaster.

Head to directory.yashkarthik.xyz to add yourself to the directory.


Endpoint: https://directory.yashkarthik.xyz/api/read-users/:fid

Where FID is the user's Farcaster ID.

Response shape (if no errors):

  id:                number;
  fid:               number;
  fname:             string;
  twitter_username:  string;
  custody_address:   string;
  connected_address: string[];
  cast_timestamp:    string|null;
  tweet_timestamp:   Date;
  cast_content:      string|null;
  tweet_content:     string|null;
  cast_link:         string|null;
  tweet_link:        string|null;
  • Either the cast params (timestamp, content, link) or the tweet params may be null, but not both.

  • The id has no meaning with repect to the protocol, it's just the database primary key.

  • Unique properties? None of the props are unique to a single row. The same FID may be "owned" by different twitter users, and vice versa. Hence the array response.

  • Create an issue if you need other endpoints.

Development roadmap (?)

More like cool ideas that I wanna try out

  • Instead of a table on the front page. Display a social graph. Literally. Something like the graph
    view in note-taking apps like Obsidian.md, but for
    visualizing who-follows-who and stuff.
Bootstrapped with create-t3-app.