
⏱️ Cyrus: Simplifying Caching in FastAPI. 📃

MIT License




Data Caching:

  • Cache response data for async and non-async path operation functions.operation functions.
  • Tailor the lifespan of cached data for each API endpoint with ease.

Cache Management:

  • Dynamically handle requests with Cache-Control headers containing no-cache or no-store, ensuring precise control over caching behavior.
  • Streamline responses for requests with If-None-Match headers, providing a status of 304 NOT MODIFIED when the ETag for the requested resource matches the header value.


pip install Cyrus-Kit


Initialize Redis

Step 1: Create an Instance

Create a Cyrus instance when your application starts by defining an event handler for the "startup" event as shown below:

import logging
from fastapi import FastAPI , Request , Response
from Cyrus import Cyrus
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

# Your logger config if you have otherwise no need (default)
logger_system = logging.getLogger(__name__)


app = FastAPI(title = "FastAPI Redis Cache Example")

def startup():
  redis_cache = Cyrus(
    logger_system = logger_system ,
    host_url = REDIS_URL ,
    port = REDIS_PORT ,
    password = REDIS_PASSWORD ,
    prefix = "myapi-cache" ,
    response_header = "X-MyAPI-Cache" ,
    ignore_arg_types = [Request , Response , Session]

After creating the instance, the only required argument for this method is the URL for the Redis database (host_url). All other arguments are optional:

  • host_url (str) — Redis database URL. (Required)

  • prefix (str) — Prefix to add to every cache key stored in the Redis database. (Optional, defaults to None)

  • response_header (str) — Name of the custom header field used to identify cache hits/misses. (Optional, defaults to X-FastAPI-Cache)

  • ignore_arg_types (List[Type[object]]) — Cache keys are created (in part) by combining the name and value of each argument used to invoke a path operation function. If any of the arguments have no effect on the response (such as a Request or Response object), including their type in this list will ignore those arguments when the key is created. (Optional, defaults to [Request, Response])

    • The example shown here includes the sqlalchemy.orm.Session type, if your project uses SQLAlchemy as a dependency (as demonstrated in the FastAPI docs), you should include Session in ignore_arg_types in order for cache keys to be created correctly.
  • logger_system (logging.Logger) — Gets your custom logging config system if you provided for log operation, if not uses the default one.

  • local (bool) — Set this to True if you use local redis server(Optional, defaults to False).

  • password (str) — Password for Redis Cloud (Optional, defaults to None).

  • port (int) — Port number for Redis Cloud (Optional, defaults to 0).

@cache Decorator

Decorating a path function with @cache enables caching for the endpoint. Response data is only cached for GET operations, If no arguments are provided, responses will be set to expire after one year.

# WILL NOT be cached
def get_data():
    return Response(status_code = 200, content = "Data will not be Cached!")

# Will be cached for one year
async def get_cached_data():
    return Response(status_code = 200, content = "This Data cached for 1 year!")

Response data for the API endpoint at /cached_data will be cached by the Redis server. Log messages are written to console with logger system you provided or default one:

18:53:02.081: |<INFO>| [client]: 12/16/2023 06:53:02 PM | CONNECT_BEGIN: Attempting to connect to Redis server...
18:53:04.343: |<INFO>| [client]: 12/16/2023 06:53:04 PM | CONNECT_SUCCESS: Redis client is connected to server.
18:53:10.523: |<INFO>| [client]: 12/16/2023 06:53:10 PM | KEY_ADDED_TO_CACHE: key=api.get_cached_data().
18:53:12.103: |<INFO>| [client]: 12/16/2023 06:53:12 PM | KEY_FOUND_IN_CACHE: key=api.get_cached_data().

The log messages indicate two successful 200 OK responses for the same request (GET /cached_data).

  • The first request executed the get_cached_data function, storing the result in Redis under the key api.get_cached_data().
  • The second request, however, did not execute the get_cached_data function. Instead, it retrieved the cached result and served it as the response.

In typical scenarios, response data should expire much sooner than one year. You can use the expire parameter to specify the number of seconds before the data is automatically deleted.

# Will be cached for thirty seconds
def get_dynamic_data(request: Request, response: Response):
    return {"success": True, "message": "this data should only be cached temporarily"}

NOTE! expire can be either an int value or timedelta object. When the TTL is very short (like the example above) this results in a decorator that is expressive and requires minimal effort to parse visually. For durations an hour or longer (e.g., @cache(expire=86400)), IMHO, using a timedelta object is much easier to grok (@cache(expire=timedelta(days=1))).

Pre-defined Lifetimes

The decorators listed below define several common durations and can be used in place of the @cache decorator:

  • @cache_one_minute
  • @cache_one_hour
  • @cache_one_day
  • @cache_one_week
  • @cache_one_month
  • @cache_one_year

For example, instead of @cache(expire=timedelta(days=1)), you could use:

from Cyrus import cache_one_day

@router.get("/{id}", response_model = schemas.PostView)
def get_post_by_id(id:int, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    post = db.query(Post).get(id)
    if not post:
        raise HTTPException(status_code = status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail = f"post with this id: {id} was not found")
    return post

Cache Keys

Consider the /get_user API route defined below. This is the first path function we have seen where the response depends on the value of an argument (id: int). This is a typical CRUD operation where id is used to retrieve a User record from a database. The API route also includes a dependency that injects a Session object (db) into the function, per the instructions from the FastAPI docs:

@router.get('/{id}', response_model = schemas.UserView)
def get_user(id: str, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    user = db.query(User).get(id)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(status_code = status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail = f"User with this id {id} does not exists")
    return user

Log Messages:

You can figure out what is happening in the log messages below:

INFO:uvicorn.error:Application startup complete.
18:04:19.690 |<INFO>| [client]: 12/18/2023 06:04:19 PM | KEY_ADDED_TO_CACHE: key=myapi-cache:app.routers.user.get_user(id=XOM-vquaelshNVXS)
18:04:25.120 |<INFO>| [client]: 12/18/2023 06:04:25 PM | KEY_FOUND_IN_CACHE: key=myapi-cache:app.routers.user.get_user(id=XOM-vquaelshNVXS)

Now, every request for the same id generates the same key value (myapi-cache:app.routers.get_user(id=XOM-vquaelshNVXS)). As expected, the first request adds the key/value pair to the cache, and each subsequent request retrieves the value from the cache based on the key.

Multiple Objects Caching

Here is an endpoint from one of my projects:

from Cyrus import cache_one_week

def get_all_posts(db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    return  db.query(Post).all()
  • 1 - The cache_one_week decorator is applied to the get_all_posts route.
  • 2 - The get_all_posts route fetches all posts from the database using SQLAlchemy.

Here you can find more information:

INFO:uvicorn.error:Application startup complete.
18:12:13.690 |<INFO>| [client]: 12/18/2023 06:12:13 PM | KEY_ADDED_TO_CACHE:
18:12:39.120 |<INFO>| [client]: 12/18/2023 06:12:39 PM | KEY_FOUND_IN_CACHE:

NOTE! The current implementation is not optimal for handling multiple return datasets. There are known issues and potential bugs in the existing code. Contributions and suggestions for improvement are highly encouraged! Feel free to contribute to make it better and more robust. Your input can help enhance the functionality.

Last Word

🏆 Thank you for exploring our package! Your feedback, bug reports, and contributions are highly valued. If you encounter issues or have ideas for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Let's build and enhance this package together! 🚀

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