
⭐️ 基于 FastAPI+Vue3+Naive UI 的现代化轻量管理平台 A modern and lightweight management platform based on FastAPI, Vue3, and Naive UI.

MIT License


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vue-fastapi-admin is a modern front-end and back-end separation development platform that combines FastAPI, Vue3, and Naive UI. It incorporates RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) management, dynamic routing, and JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication, making it ideal for rapid development of small to medium-sized applications and also serves as a valuable learning resource.


  • Popular Tech Stack: The backend is developed with the high-performance asynchronous framework FastAPI using Python 3.11, while the front-end is powered by cutting-edge technologies such as Vue3 and Vite, complemented by the efficient package manager, pnpm.
  • Code Standards: The project is equipped with various plugins for code standardization and quality control, ensuring consistency and enhancing team collaboration efficiency.
  • Dynamic Routing: Backend dynamic routing combined with the RBAC model allows for fine-grained control of menus and routing.
  • JWT Authentication: User identity verification and authorization are handled through JWT, enhancing the application's security.
  • Granular Permission Control: Implements detailed permission management including button and interface level controls, ensuring different roles and users have appropriate permissions.

Live Demo


Login Page


User Management

Role Management

Menu Management

API Management

Quick Start

Please follow the instructions below for installation and configuration:

Method 1:dockerhub pull image

docker pull mizhexiaoxiao/vue-fastapi-admin:latest 
docker run -d --restart=always --name=vue-fastapi-admin -p 9999:80 mizhexiaoxiao/vue-fastapi-admin

Method 2: Build Image Using Dockerfile

Install Docker
yum install -y docker-ce
systemctl start docker
Build the Image
git clone
cd vue-fastapi-admin
docker build --no-cache . -t vue-fastapi-admin
Start the Container
docker run -d --restart=always --name=vue-fastapi-admin -p 9999:80 vue-fastapi-admin
Access the Service




Local Setup


The backend service requires the following environment:

  1. Create a Python virtual environment:
poetry shell
  1. Install project dependencies:
poetry install
  1. Start the backend service:
make run

The backend service is now running, and you can visit http://localhost:9999/docs to view the API documentation.


The frontend project requires a Node.js environment (recommended version 18.8.0 or higher).

  • node v18.8.0+
  1. Navigate to the frontend project directory:
cd web
  1. Install project dependencies (pnpm is recommended:
npm i -g pnpm # If pnpm is already installed, skip this step
pnpm i # Or use npm i
  1. Start the frontend development server:
pnpm dev

Directory Structure Explanation

├── app                   // Application directory
│   ├── api               // API interface directory
│   │   └── v1            // Version 1 of the API interfaces
│   │       ├── apis      // API-related interfaces
│   │       ├── base      // Base information interfaces
│   │       ├── menus     // Menu related interfaces
│   │       ├── roles     // Role related interfaces
│   │       └── users     // User related interfaces
│   ├── controllers       // Controllers directory
│   ├── core              // Core functionality module
│   ├── log               // Log directory
│   ├── models            // Data models directory
│   ├── schemas           // Data schema/structure definitions
│   ├── settings          // Configuration settings directory
│   └── utils             // Utilities directory
├── deploy                // Deployment related directory
│   └── sample-picture    // Sample picture directory
└── web                   // Front-end web directory
    ├── build             // Build scripts and configuration directory
    │   ├── config        // Build configurations
    │   ├── plugin        // Build plugins
    │   └── script        // Build scripts
    ├── public            // Public resources directory
    │   └── resource      // Public resource files
    ├── settings          // Front-end project settings
    └── src               // Source code directory
        ├── api           // API interface definitions
        ├── assets        // Static resources directory
        │   ├── images    // Image resources
        │   ├── js        // JavaScript files
        │   └── svg       // SVG vector files
        ├── components    // Components directory
        │   ├── common    // Common components
        │   ├── icon      // Icon components
        │   ├── page      // Page components
        │   ├── query-bar // Query bar components
        │   └── table     // Table components
        ├── composables   // Composable functionalities
        ├── directives    // Directives directory
        ├── layout        // Layout directory
        │   └── components // Layout components
        ├── router        // Routing directory
        │   ├── guard     // Route guards
        │   └── routes    // Route definitions
        ├── store         // State management (pinia)
        │   └── modules   // State modules
        ├── styles        // Style files directory
        ├── utils         // Utilities directory
        │   ├── auth      // Authentication related utilities
        │   ├── common    // Common utilities
        │   ├── http      // Encapsulated axios
        │   └── storage   // Encapsulated localStorage and sessionStorage
        └── views         // Views/Pages directory
            ├── error-page // Error pages
            ├── login      // Login page
            ├── profile    // Profile page
            ├── system     // System management page
            └── workbench  // Workbench page

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