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npm install --save @erboladaiorg/dolor-pariatur-modi

Migration from the 0.9.x versions

  1. Property shouldInitiallyExpand has different name shouldExpandNode in order to emphasize that it will be called every time properties change.
  2. If you use custom styles:
    • pointer and expander are no longer used
    • component uses collapseIcon, expandIcon, collapsedContent styles in order to customize expand/collapse icon and collpased content placeholder which were previously hardcode to the , and ....
      Default style values use ::after pseudo-classes to set the content.


import * as React from 'react';

import { JsonView, allExpanded, darkStyles, defaultStyles } from '@erboladaiorg/dolor-pariatur-modi';
import '@erboladaiorg/dolor-pariatur-modi/dist/index.css';

const json = {
  a: 1,
  b: 'example'

const App = () => {
  return (
      <JsonView data={json} shouldExpandNode={allExpanded} style={defaultStyles} />
      <JsonView data={json} shouldExpandNode={allExpanded} style={darkStyles} />

export default App;

Please note that in JavaScript, an anonymous function like function() {} or () => {} always creates a different function every time component is rendered, so you might need to use useCallback React Hook for the shouldExpandNode parameter or extract the function outside the functional component.



Name Type Default Value Description
data Object | Array<any> Data which should be rendered
style StyleProps defaultStyles Optional. CSS classes for rendering. Library provides two build-in implementations: darkStyles, defaultStyles (see below)
shouldExpandNode (level: number, value: any, field?: string) => boolean allExpanded Optional. Function which will be called during initial rendering for each Object and Array of the data in order to calculate should if this node be expanded. Note that this function will be called again to update the each node state once the property value changed. level startes from 0, field does not have a value for the array element. Library provides two build-in implementations: allExpanded and collapseAllNested (see below)
clickToExpandNode boolean false Optional. Set to true if you want to expand/collapse nodes by clicking on the node itself.

Extra exported

Name Type Description
defaultStyles StyleProps Default styles for light background
darkStyles StyleProps Default styles for dark background
allExpanded () => boolean Always returns true
collapseAllNested (level: number) => boolean Returns true only for the first level (level=0)


Name Type Description
container string CSS class name for rendering parent block
basicChildStyle string CSS class name for property block containing property name and value
collapseIcon string CSS class name for rendering button collapsing Object and Array nodes. Default content is .
expandIcon string CSS class name for rendering button expanding Object and Array nodes. Default content is .
collapsedContent string CSS class name for rendering placeholder when Object and Array nodes are collapsed. Default contents is ....
label string CSS class name for rendering property names
clickableLabel string CSS class name for rendering clickable property names (requires the clickToExpandNode prop to be true)
nullValue string CSS class name for rendering null values
undefinedValue string CSS class name for rendering undefined values
numberValue string CSS class name for rendering numeric values
stringValue string CSS class name for rendering string values
booleanValue string CSS class name for rendering boolean values
otherValue string CSS class name for rendering all other values except Object, Arrray, null, undefined, numeric, boolean and string
punctuation string CSS class name for rendering ,, [, ], {, }
noQuotesForStringValues boolean whether or not to add double quotes when rendering string values, default value is false

Comparison with other libraries

Size and dependencies

Here is the size benchmark (using against similar React libraries (found by

Library Bundle size Bundle size (gzip) Dependencies


Performance was mesaured using the react-component-benchmark library. Every component was rendered 50 times using the 300Kb json file as data source, please refer to source code of the benchmark project. All numbers are in milliseconds. Tests were performed on Macbook Air M1 16Gb RAM usging Chrome v96.0.4664.110(official build, arm64). Every component was tested 2 times but there was no significant differences in the results.

Library Min Max Average Median P90
@erboladaiorg/dolor-pariatur-modi 81 604 195 82 582
react-json-pretty 22 59 32 24 56
react-json-inspector 682 1 109 758 711 905
react-json-tree 565 1 217 658 620 741
react-json-view 1 403 1 722 1529 1 540 1 631
react-json-tree-viewer 266 663 320 278 455

As you can see react-json-pretty renders faster than other libraries but it does not have ability to collapse/expand nested objects so it might be good choice if you need just json syntax highlighting.


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