
Finds changes between two OpenAPI schemas

MIT License



openapi-schema-diff is a javascript library that compares two OpenAPI schemas and finds breaking changes.


npm install openapi-schema-diff


const compareOpenApiSchemas = require('openapi-schema-diff')

const sourceSchema = {
  openapi: '3.0.0',
  info: {
    title: 'My API',
    version: '1.0.0'
  paths: {
    '/pets': {
      get: {
        summary: 'Returns all pets',
        responses: {
          200: {
            description: 'A list of pets.',
            content: {
              'application/json': {
                schema: {
                  type: 'array',
                  items: {
                    type: 'object',
                    properties: {
                      name: {
                        type: 'string'
                      age: {
                        type: 'integer'

const targetSchema = {
  openapi: '3.0.0',
  info: {
    title: 'My API',
    version: '1.0.0'
  paths: {
    '/pets': {
      get: {
        summary: 'Returns all pets',
        responses: {
          200: {
            description: 'A list of pets.',
            content: {
              'application/json': {
                schema: {
                  type: 'array',
                  items: {
                    type: 'object',
                    properties: {
                      name: {
                        type: 'string'
                      age: {
                        type: 'integer'
                      breed: {
                        type: 'string'

const differences = compareOpenApiSchemas(sourceSchema, targetSchema)
assert.deepEqual(differences, {
  isEqual: false,
  sameRoutes: [],
  addedRoutes: [],
  deletedRoutes: [],
  changedRoutes: [
      method: 'get',
      path: '/pets',
      sourceSchema: sourceSchema.paths['/pets'].get,
      targetSchema: targetSchema.paths['/pets'].get,
      changes: [
          type: 'responseBody',
          statusCode: '200',
          mediaType: 'application/json',
          action: 'changed',
          sourceSchema: sourceSchema.paths['/pets'].get.responses['200'].content['application/json'],
          targetSchema: targetSchema.paths['/pets'].get.responses['200'].content['application/json'],
          changes: [
              keyword: 'schema',
              changes: [
                  jsonPath: '#/items/properties/breed',
                  source: undefined,
                  target: {
                    type: 'string'
              comment: 'response header schema has been changed'
          comment: 'response body for "200" status code and "application/json" media type has been changed in GET "/pets" route'


compare(sourceSchema, targetSchema)

Compares two OpenAPI schemas and returns and finds breaking changes. Source and target schemas must have the same OpenAPI major version.

  • sourceSchema <object> - source OpenAPI schema.
  • targetSchema <object> - target OpenAPI schema.
  • Returns - an object with schema differences.
    • isEqual <boolean> - true if target schema does not have breaking changes, false otherwise.
    • sameRoutes <array> - an array of routes that are present in both schemas and do not have breaking changes. See same route.
    • addedRoutes <array> - an array of routes that are present in target schema but not in source schema. See added route.
    • deletedRoutes <array> - an array of routes that are present in source schema but not in target schema. See deleted route.
    • changedRoutes <array> - an array of routes that are present in both schemas and have breaking changes. See changed route.
Same route object
  • method <string> - HTTP method name of the route.
  • path <string> - path of the route.
  • sourceSchema <object> - source OpenAPI schema of the route.
  • targetSchema <object> - target OpenAPI schema of the route.
Added route object
  • method <string> - HTTP method name of the route.
  • path <string> - path of the route.
  • targetSchema <object> - target OpenAPI schema of the route.
Deleted route object
  • method <string> - HTTP method name of the route.
  • path <string> - path of the route.
  • sourceSchema <object> - source OpenAPI schema of the route.
Changed route object
  • method <string> - HTTP method name of the route.
  • path <string> - path of the route.
  • sourceSchema <object> - source OpenAPI schema of the route.
  • targetSchema <object> - target OpenAPI schema of the route.
  • changes <array> - a list of route components (header, querystring, body, ...) that have breaking changes. See change object
Route change object
  • type <string> - type of the component. One of parameter, requestBody, responseBody, responseHeader.
  • action <string> - action that was performed on the component. One of added, deleted, changed.
  • sourceSchema <object> - source OpenAPI schema of the component.
  • targetSchema <object> - target OpenAPI schema of the component.
  • comment <string> - a comment describing the change.
  • changes <array> - a list of changes in a component json schema. Exist only if action equals to changed. Each schema keyword has it's own change object. See list of change objects.

Each of the route components has it's own unique properties that identify it. For more details look at the component change object: parameter, request body, response body, response header.

Parameter change object
  • type <string> - type of the component. Equals to parameter.
  • name <string> - name of the parameter.
  • in <string> - location of the parameter. One of query, header, path, cookie.
  • schemaChanges - a list of changes in a component json schema. See schema change object.
  • comment <string> - a comment describing the change.
Request body change object
  • type <string> - type of the component. Equals to requestBody.
  • mediaType <string> - media type of the component.
  • schemaChanges - a list of changes in a component json schema. See schema change object.
  • comment <string> - a comment describing the change.
Response body change object
  • type <string> - type of the component. Equals to responseBody.
  • statusCode <string> - HTTP status code of the component.
  • mediaType <string> - media type of the component.
  • schemaChanges - a list of changes in a component json schema. See schema change object.
  • comment <string> - a comment describing the change.
Response header change object
  • type <string> - type of the component. Equals to responseHeader.
  • header <string> - name of the header.
  • statusCode <string> - HTTP status code of the component.
  • schemaChanges - a list of changes in a component json schema. See schema change object.
  • comment <string> - a comment describing the change.

List schema keywords and their change objects

schema keyword change object
  • keyword <string> - keyword name. Equals to schema.
  • comment <string> - a comment describing the change.
  • changes <array> - a list of changes in a component json schema.
    • jsonPath <string> - JSON path of the changed schema.
    • source <object> - source subschema placed at the jsonPath.
    • target <object> - target subschema placed at the jsonPath.
required keyword change object
  • keyword <string> - keyword name. Equals to required.
  • source <boolean> - source value of the keyword.
  • target <boolean> - target value of the keyword.
  • comment <string> - a comment describing the change.
