
GGmpeg is a LIBRARY that pays tribute to FFmpeg with Go!

MIT License

  ____  ____                            
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GGmpeg is a LIBRARY that pays tribute to FFmpeg with Go!

NOTE: GGmpeg is a wheel I made to implement various protocols of multimedia, there are still many problems to be solved. Please do NOT use it in production environments.


  • publish a stream with RTMP
  • play a stream with RTMP
  • play a stream with HTTP-flv
  • play a stream with HLS
  • RTMP client library
  • publish and play a stream with RTP
  • more...


To start a RTMP server, you only need to write one line of code, see ./demo/rtmp_server.go:

 err := rtmp.NewServer(":1935", "live").Handler()

Then you can publish a stream to addr: rtmp://localhost:1935/live/${liveid} with any RTMP publish tools such as OBS, FFmpeg and so on, and play it from addr: rtmp://localhost:1935/live/${liveid} with any RTMP play tools you want.

To support HTTP-flv, you need to invoke WithHTTPFlv() methods:

 err := rtmp.NewServer(":1935", "live").WithHTTPFlv(":8080").Handler()
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