
Streaming a webcam over http with node.js




Stream a webcam over http with node.js


  • createHTTPStreamingServer([options]): creates a HTTP server ready for streaming yout webcams, the options are explained below (and are all optional)

  • streamWebcam([encoder]): return the promise of a Readable stream, defaults to avconv encodinf webm with realtime deadline

Given the flexibility of the API it should be easy to use webcams on the network or other types of realtime inputs, but keep in mind that the current implementation spawns one encoder per viewer (it was made for a tool where this limitation wasn't a problem).

Feel free to recommend me ways to overcome this difficulty :) i think that MPEG-2 with hsl.js or a similar lib may be a good way to start.

Complete API example

const webcam = require('webcam-http-streaming');

const encoder = {
   * encoder command or location
   *   Default: avconv
  command: 'ffmpeg',
   * Function that returns the required flags, the video is expected to be
   * written to stdout
   *   Default: shown below
  flags(webcam) {
    return `-f video4linux2 -i ${webcam} -f webm -deadline realtime pipe:1`;
   * MIME type of the output stream
   *   Default: 'video/webm'
  mimeType: 'video/webm',
   * Function that detects the success of the encoder process,
   * does cb(true) in case of succes, any other value for failure
   * Calling cb more than one time has no effect
   * encoderProcess is of type ChildProcess
   *  Default: shown below, it isn't perfect but covers most of the cases
  isSuccessful(encoderProcess, cb) {
    let started = false;
    encoderProcess.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
      /* I trust that the output is line-buffered */
      const startedText = /Press ctrl-c to stop encoding/;
      if(startedText.test(data)) {
        started = true;
    /* If the process start was not detected and it exited it's surely a failure */
    encoderProcess.on('exit', () => {
      if(!started) cb(false);

/* Suppose i want to use the default REST API */
const server = webcam.createHTTPStreamingServer({
   * Optional: A list of the permitted webcams, if it's specified overrides
   * isValidWebcam
  permittedWebcams: ['/dev/video0', '/dev/video1'],
   * Validates if a given path is a valid webcam for use, the default is shown
   * below
  isValidWebcam(webcam) {
    const webcamRegex = /\/dev\/video[0-9]+/;

    return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
      /* If doesn't seem like a video device block we will fail */
      if(!webcamRegex.test(webcam)) {
      } else {
        /* ... and if the file doesn't exists */
        fileExists(webcam).then(accept, reject);
   * The endpoint for requesting streams of the REST api
   *   Defaults to '/webcam'
  webcamEndpoint: '/webcam',
   * Custom endpoints to extend the REST API
   *   req: [IncomingMessage](
   *   res: [ServerResponse](
   *   reqUrl: [URL Object](
   *            with [QueryString](
   * Note: the endpoint 'default' is used for any non-matching request
  additionalEndpoints: {
    '/list_webcams': (req, res, reqUrl) => { res.end('<html>...</html>'); }
  encoder: encoder

/* Returns a promise that resolves to the video stream (stream.Readable) */
const videoStream = webcam.streamWebcam('/dev/video0', encoder);

Default REST API

  • /webcam?webcam=<webcam_device_block>: Returns a video/webm (by default, it
    can be changed) stream or an error (invalid_webcam, webcam_in_use by another


  • invalid_webcam: The webcam you requested hasn't been found or isn't in the
    list of permitted webcams
    "code": "invalid_webcam",
    "error": "That webcam doesn't exist",
    "webcam": "/dev/video0"
  • webcam_in_use: The webcam you requested was in use by another process
    "code": "webcam_in_use",
    "error": "The webcam is already in use by another process",
    "webcam": "/dev/video0"