🌠 A Boilerplate app for Developer Student Clubs built using Flutter and Firebase

MIT License


Developer Students Club App

A template for creating, managing and conducting events by a DSC club in their chapter, built using Flutter x Firebase

Setup for your chapter

  • Star this project , Clone it.

  • For a different package name, create a New Flutter Project and copy the lib folder

  • Setup a firebase account and add an android app, add debug SHA and release SHA

  • Navigate to lib/views/auth/authView.dart and Change the name to your chapter name

  • Navigate to lib/explore/explore.view.dart and Change 'DSC KSSEM' to your chapter name

  • Navigate to lib/explore/explore.view.dart and Change youtubeUrl and chapterUrl to your chapter links

  • Login, and update the value of isAdmin to true in the firebase console, relogin again so the admin page is accessible.

    And That's it!, You are all setup to give your chapter a personalized DSC experince with your app


  • View Events page, which displays future events
  • SignUp users using google singin
  • Generate QR code on event geistration and verify it on venue
  • Explore page for connecting users with the DSC chapter page and displaying past events pictures and videos
  • Profile page for displaying user account, badges and accomplishments
  • Issue Badges to attendees for registration or winning tasks during the event
  • Gain Accurate insight on the details of Attendees.


  • Create,update and delete events
  • Verify QR code
  • Manage users
  • Add, Issue Badges to users
  • Check Attendess list


  • State management - State Notifier and Provider
  • I've also used Flutter Hooks at places to reduce boilerplate of Stateful Widgets
  • I've used Freezed for data modelling as it works so well with Provider and StateNotifier
  • Auto Route for navigation to speed up setting named routes
  • The entire app is Dark Themed by default, although, you can implement light theme as well using the theme.util.dart and SharedPrefernces
  • There are also a few university specific data in the data model for AppUser and in edit.profile.view.dart, you can always change it to match your requirements.
  • This project uses the latest version of FlutterFire plugins, so be sure to check out the documentation for breaking changes
  • Run pub gloabl activate derry to use derry for running build_runner scripts.


Contributions are welcome!

  • Fork it
  • Clone it
  • Chekout to a new branch
  • Make your changes
  • Submit a Pull Request
