
FastFire is the Firestore ORM library for quick and easy development written in TypeScript.

MIT License

$ npm install --save fastfire
$ yarn add fastfire


What is FastFire?

FastFire is the Firestore ORM library for quick and easy development written in TypeScript.

Just define a FastFireDocument class and FastFire will take care of all the hassle of implementing things like storing and retrieving data, mapping to instances, and more.

It also enables more rapid development by implementing business logic within the FastFireDocument class. Yes, this is the Active Record pattern.

FastFire is strongly inspired by ActiveRecord.

(Of course, this is type safe in various situations)

Getting started

Setup FastFire

Setup Firebase config and call FastFire.initialize method with firestore instance.

import firebase from 'firebase';

const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: process.env.apiKey,
  authDomain: process.env.authDomain,
  projectId: process.env.projectId,
  storageBucket: process.env.storageBucket,
  messagingSenderId: process.env.messagingSenderId,
  appId: process.env.appId,


Define FastFireDocument

Define a class to treat as a Firebase document and extends FastFireDocument in that class.

class User extends FastFireDocument<User> {
  // You need to write `FastFireField` decorator on the Firestore document field props.
  name!: string
  bio!: string

class Article extends FastFireDocument<Article> {
  title!: string
  body!: string

  // You need to write `FastFireReference` decorator on the Firestore Reference Type document field props.
  author!: User

Create a Document

const user = await FastFire.create(User, {
  name: "tockn", // type safe!🔥
  bio: "hello world!" // type safe!🔥

Fetch Document

  • By document id
const user = await FastFire.findById(User, "AKDV23DI97CKUQAM")
  • Using query
const users = await FastFire.where(User, "name", "==", "tockn")
                      .where("bio", "==", "hello world!")

Update or Delete Document

const user = await FastFire.findById(User, "AKDV23DI97CKUQAM")

await user.update({ name: "Ohtani-San" })

await user.delete()

Reference Type and Preloading

Create a document with Reference Type field.

const user = await FastFire.findById(User, "AKDV23DI97CKUQAM")

await FastFire.create(Article, {
  title: "big fly!",
  body: "suwatte kuda sai",
  author: user // author is Reference Type field

Reference Type field can be preloaded asynchronously by using the preload method.

// preload author field asynchronously.
const articles = await FastFire.preload(Article, ["author"]).where("title", "==", "big fly!").get()

articles.forEach((article) => {
  // Because it is preloaded, you can get the author's name
  console.log( // => tockn

Get realtime updates

You can get document updates in realtime.

const user = await FastFire.findById(User, "AKDV23DI97CKUQAM")

user.onChange((updatedUser) => {

You can also get changes in query results in real time.

const users = await FastFire.where(User, "name", "==", "tockn").where("bio", "==", "hello world!")

users.onResultChange((updatedUsers) => {


You can implement validations using the argument of FastFireField decorator.

  • Required Field Validation
class User extends FastFireDocument<User> {
  @FastFireField({ required: true} )
  name!: string
  bio!: string

await FastFire.create(User, { bio: "hello" }) // DocumentValidationError: "User" body: name is required.
  • Custom Validation
class User extends FastFireDocument<User> {
  @FastFireField({ validate: User.validateName })
  name!: string
  static validateName(name: string): ValidationResult {
    if (name.length > 100) return "name is too long!"

await FastFire.create(User, { bio: "hello" }) // DocumentValidationError: "User" name: name is too long!