
Command Line Interface (CLI) for Firebase Admin Management


Firetool CLI

Firetool is a Command Line Interface (CLI) that allows you to do everything you can't do with Firebase Web Console. Ok, not everything... But a lot of those ;)


Node Package

You can easily download and install the Firetool CLI using npm (the Node Package Manager).

npm install -g firetool

This will provide you with the globally accessible firetool command.

Note that you will need to install Node.js and npm. Installing Node.js should install npm as well.


To authenticate a service account and authorize it to access Firebase services, you must provide a private key1 through:

firetool init

this will prompt you for the Firebase Database Name and your Private Key.

1To generate a private key file for your service account:

  1. In the Firebase console, open Settings > Service Accounts.

  2. Click Generate New Private Key, then confirm by clicking Generate Key.

  3. Securely store the JSON file containing the key.



You can list the avalaible commands running firetool --help or firetool <command> --help for more details.

Command Description
init Init Firebase Tools.
user Tools for Firebase Authentication admin tools.
help Display help for [cmd]

User/Authenticacion commands

This commands allow you to managing your Firebase Authentication users with elevated privileges.

Command Description
user list [uid] Retrieves a list of user(s).
user create [options] Create a new Firebase Authentication user.
user update [options] <uid> Updates an existing user by their uid.
user delete <uid> Delete a existing user by their uid.
user validate-email <uid> Validates email to existing user. Shorthand to user update <uid> --emailVerified.
user claims <uid> [options] Configure custom claims to existing user.

[options] params are the same properties provides by the API for managing Firebase Authentication. See

For example:

  • firetool user update --emailVerified jcIT3i4hFNSqmgxABFxH1sVxc1M2 validate user email.
  • firetool user update --displayName "Franco Stramana" jcIT3i4hFNSqmgxABFxH1sVxc1M2 change the display name for the user.
  • firetool user update --password 123456 --disabled false jcIT3i4hFNSqmgxABFxH1sVxc1M2 enabled user and change their password.


  • firetool user claims jcIT3i4hFNSqmgxABFxH1sVxc1M2 --set admin=true set admin token custom claims.
  • firetool user claims jcIT3i4hFNSqmgxABFxH1sVxc1M2 --removeAll remove all custom claims.


This project was born as a personal tool that I decided to share. It will grow as I need more features for my personal projects. Because of this, any contribution is welcome ;)

Made with Node and Love! (and of course, a few dependencies)