
7 projects to understand Next.js core concepts, using MongoDB, Firebase and NextAuth.js.


Next.js Projects

7 projects to understand Next.js core concepts, using MongoDB, Firebase and NextAuth.js.

# Project Description
01 NextEvents A social networking site using Next.js, MongoDB and Firebase.
02 Blog A complete app example with a blog using Next.js, MongoDB, Markdown and React Syntax Highlighter.
03 Dashboard A very simple dashboard to understand authentication with NextAuth.js.
04 React Meetups Another social networking site to summarize Next.js core concepts.
05 DJ Events A music event website using Strapi CMS as backend.
06 DevSpace Another blog using Tailwind CSS and Markdown.
07 Property Pulse A property rental website using Tailwind CSS, MongoDB, and TypeScript.

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1) NextEvents

A social networking site using Next.js, MongoDB and Firebase.

See Demo deployed on Vercel

See 01-nextevents folder


  • working with file-based routing and handling dynamic routes.
  • creating a general layout, adding React components and styling them with CSS modules.
  • displaying events and filtering them by date.
  • adding Static Site Generation (SSG) on the home page.
  • fetching events from Firebase and enabling page pre-rendering for dynamic pages.
  • using Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and client-side data fetching with SWR.
  • adding metadata with Head.
  • customizing the _app.js and _document.js files.
  • optimizing images with Image.
  • handling comments and signups for the newsletter with API routes.
  • setting up a MongoDB database and getting comments for a specific event.
  • handling errors and displaying user-friendly notifications.
  • deploying on Vercel.

2) Blog

A complete app example with a blog using Next.js, MongoDB, Markdown and React Syntax Highlighter.

See Demo deployed on Vercel

See 02-blog folder


  • building the home page, creating a general layout and a reusable grid to display the latest posts.
  • reading markdown files and rendering posts as JSX with gray-matter and react-markdown.
  • displaying dynamic post pages and generating paths.
  • optimizing images from markdown with Image.
  • rendering code snippets from markdown and optimizing React Syntax Highlighter bundle size.
  • handling messages sent by users via an API route.
  • storing messages in a database with MongoDB.
  • adding metadata in Head and customizing _document.js file.
  • using React portals to show user-friendly notifications.
  • deploying on Vercel.

3) Dashboard

A very simple dashboard to understand authentication with NextAuth.js.

See 03-dashboard folder


  • adding a user signup API route and sending signup requests from the frontend.
  • hashing passwords with Bcryptjs.
  • working with a custom auth provider in NextAuth.js to log in users.
  • managing active sessions and handling logouts.
  • protecting routes with client-side and server-side page guards.
  • protecting API routes.
  • enabling users to change their passwords.

4) React Meetups

Another social networking site to summarize Next.js core concepts.

See 04-reactmeetups folder


  • converting a React project into a Next.js app.
  • handling server-side rendering of pages with getStaticProps and getStaticPaths.
  • connecting and querying a MongoDB Database via an API route.
  • getting data from the database for page pre-rendering.
  • working with fallback pages and revalidation to display new meetups without having to rebuild.

5) DJ Events

A music event website using Strapi CMS as backend.

See Demo deployed on Vercel

See Strapi API deployed on Railway

See 05-djevents folder


  • creating a Next.js app with a custom layout.
  • handling module aliases with jsconfig.
  • fetching data with API routes, displaying events and event details.
  • setting up Strapi CMS and defining event content type.
  • hosting uploaded images on Cloudinary.
  • connecting to the Strapi API, filtering events, enabling search and pagination.
  • adding, editing and deleting event.
  • creating a slug and displaying user-friendly messages with React Toastify.
  • handling image upload with a modal using React Portal.
  • authenticating users, storing JWT token in server HttpOnly cookie.
  • registering users and creating an auth context.
  • protecting Strapi API routes and customizing user events endpoint.
  • creating a user dashboard and associating events with users.
  • guarding routes to add, edit, delete event and upload image.
  • displaying maps with MapQuest Geocoding API, Mapbox and ReactMapGL.
  • deploying Strapi backend on Railway.
  • deploying frontend on Vercel.

6) DevSpace

Another blog using Tailwind CSS and Markdown.

See 06-devspace folder


  • setting up Tailwind CSS with Next.js.
  • getting markdown files and parsing frontmatter with gray-matter.
  • displaying single blog posts with Marked.
  • handling pagination and creating category pages.
  • displaying a category sidebar.
  • handling searches with an API route.
  • caching posts on each commit with Husky.

7) Property Pulse

A property rental website using Tailwind CSS, MongoDB, and TypeScript.

See Demo deployed on Vercel

See 07-property-pulse folder


  • setting up the project with Tailwind CSS and TypeScript.
  • implementing a responsive navbar with React Icons.
  • integrating homepage components.
  • crafting a property card component to showcase available properties.
  • designing a custom 404 page and incorporating loading spinners from React Spinners.
  • establishing a MongoDB Atlas database.
  • creating an API route.
  • constructing Property and User models using Mongoose and TypeScript.
  • fetching data in a server component.
  • setting up NextAuth.js with Google OAuth.
  • handling user sessions, with the ability to sign in and out.
  • ensuring that certain routes are accessible only to authenticated users.
  • handling the property submission form.
  • implementing Cloudinary for image storage and optimization.
  • presenting user profile information and listings.
  • offering capabilities for editing and deleting listings.
  • integrating React Toastify for displaying user-friendly notifications.
  • integrating Mapbox to handle geocoding and maps.
  • implementing a bookmarking system that enables users to save their favorite properties.
  • adding social share buttons using react-share.
  • handling searches by location and property type.
  • implementing a messaging system that allows users to send, view, and manage messages, featuring message notifications.
  • managing pagination.
  • displaying images in a lightbox with react-photoswipe-gallery.
  • displaying featured properties.


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