Building a place for me using Polymer and Firebase.

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


My Personal Website

This is my personal website in which I am following the Material Design Guidelines by Google using Polymer and will keep experimenting with new elements and features. I have made it open source so that anyone can learn from my experiences. It is just a start as I am not a professional web developer but I will do my best to make it better.



  1. Install the LTS version (4.x) of Node.js. The current version (6.x) should work, but is not officially supported. Versions below LTS are not supported.

  2. Install polymer-cli.

npm install -g polymer-cli

Initialize this project

Either clone or fork then, clone to make this project as a starting point for your website.

git clone

Install dependencies

It uses [npm] ( to manage dependensies. Run the below command in the root dir of project to automatically install the dependencies.

npm install

Start the development server

This command serves the app at and provides basic URL routing for the app:

npm start


The npm run build command builds your Polymer application for production, using build configuration options provided by the command line or in your project's polymer.json file.

You can configure your polymer.json file to create multiple builds. This is necessary if you will be serving different builds optimized for different browsers. You can define your own named builds, or use presets. See the documentation on building your project for production for more information.

The Polymer Starter Kit is configured to create three builds. These builds will be output to a subdirectory under the build/ directory as follows:

  • es5-bundled is a bundled, minified build with a service worker. ES6 code is compiled to ES5 for compatibility with older browsers.
  • es6-bundled is a bundled, minified build with a service worker. ES6 code is served as-is. This build is for browsers that can handle ES6 code - see building your project for production for a list.
  • esm-bundled is a bundled, minified build with a service worker. It uses standard ES module import/export statements for browsers that support them.

Run polymer help build for the full list of available options and optimizations. Also, see the documentation on the polymer.json specification and building your Polymer application for production.

Preview the build

This command serves your app. Replace build-folder-name with the folder name of the build you want to serve.

npm start build/build-folder-name/

Run tests

This command will run Web Component Tester against the browsers currently installed on your machine:

npm test

If running Windows you will need to set the following environment variables:


Read More here daffl/launchpad

Deploy with Firebase

  1. Sign up for a Firebase account.

  2. Install the Firebase command line tools.

npm install -g firebase-tools

The -g flag instructs npm to install the package globally so that you can use the firebase command from any directory. You may need to install the package with sudo privileges.

  1. cd into your project directory.

  2. Inititalize the Firebase application.

firebase login
firebase init

Firebase asks you which app you would like to use for hosting. If you just signed up, you should see one app with a randomly-generated name. You can use that one. Otherwise go to to create a new app.

  1. Firebase asks you the name of your app's public directory. Enter build/bundled. This works because when you run polymer build to build your application, Polymer CLI places your bundled application appropriate for serving on Firebase into the build/bundled folder.

  2. Edit your firebase configuration to add support for URL routing. Add the following section to your firebase.json file, which will instruct Firebase to serve up index.html for any URL's that don't otherwise end in a file extension.

"rewrites": [ {
  "source": "**/!{*.*}",
  "destination": "/index.html"
} ]
  1. Deploy.
firebase deploy

The URL to your live site is listed in the output.


You can extend the app by adding more elements that will be demand-loaded e.g. based on the route, or to progressively render non-critical sections of the application.


It supports light and dark themes which can be changed at runtime. It will store the user preference in local storage to persist it for future visits.

You can modify the various color variables in src/pp-app.js file to create your own unique theme. Currently, it supports the following variables:

'--dt-theme': 'light',
'--dt-background-color': '#EAEAEA',
'--dt-surface-color': '#EBEBEB',
'--dt-surface-color-elevation': '#EBEBEB',
'--dt-header-color': '#3F51B5',
'--dt-primary-color': '#3F51B5',
'--dt-secondary-color': '#E91E63',
'--dt-tint-background-color': '#414141',
'--dt-tint-primary-color': '#C9CEEA',
'--dt-tint-secondary-color': '#F8C0D3',
'--dt-text-primary-color': '#121212',
'--dt-text-secondary-color': '#343434',
'--dt-text-description-color': '#676767',
'--dt-link-techtics-color': '#138808',
'--dt-link-support-color': '#4285F4',
'--dt-link-theme-color': '#9C27B0',
'--dt-link-privacy-color': '#1976D2',
'--pp-divider-color': '#BCBCBC'

'--dt-theme': 'dark', 
'--dt-background-color': '#252525',
'--dt-surface-color': '#2D2D2D',
'--dt-surface-color-elevation': '#353535',
'--dt-header-color': '#3F51B5',
'--dt-primary-color': '#3F51B5',    
'--dt-secondary-color': '#FBC02D',
'--dt-tint-background-color': '#C1C1C1',
'--dt-tint-primary-color': '#C9CEEA',
'--dt-tint-secondary-color': '#46350C',
'--dt-text-primary-color': '#EFEFEF',
'--dt-text-secondary-color': '#CDCDCD',
'--dt-text-description-color': '#898989',
'--dt-link-techtics-color': '#FF9933',
'--dt-link-support-color': '#3DDC84',
'--dt-link-theme-color': '#CDDC39',
'--dt-link-privacy-color': '#2196F3',
'--pp-divider-color': '#454545'

Update the theme-color in the manifest.json and index.html files to complete the theme.


Almost all the website data is generated via JSON files stored in the data folder. Modify all the data files to display your own data. Please do not break the JSON schema otherwise, it will not display the data.

Google Analytics

It has Google Analytics support to monitor the website traffic. Add your tracking id in the index.html file to track the website data.

<script async src=""></script>

  gtag('config', 'YOUR-TRACKING-ID', { 'anonymize_ip': true });

Contact form

The contact form is very useful if someone wants to contact you on your official email id. It has built-in support via Add your form id after signing up in the src/pages/pp-contact.js file to get emails via

<iron-form id="contactform">
  <form action="" method="POST">


Google Maps

It has Google Maps support to display your location on the contact page. Add your API Key in the src/pages/pp-contact.js file and modify the location to display it on the map. To generate an API Key, please follow the official documentation here.


  <google-map latitude="LATITUDE" longitude="LONGITUDE"
    api-key="YOUR_API_KEY" zoom="13">
    <google-map-marker latitude="LATITUDE" longitude="LONGITUDE"
      title="TITLE" draggable="true">

  <div class="card-content">
    <h3 class="card-subtitle no-vertical-margin">


Pranav Pandey


The Polymer library uses a BSD-like license available here. Devicon, SVG Social Media Icons.