
Third Coast swerve drive and telemetry API for FRC robots

MIT License


Stryke Force Third Coast Java Libraries

This project consists of three libraries that are used by Team 2767 Stryke Force.

  • Swerve Drive - software control of Third Coast swerve drive modules.
    This code should generally work with swerve drives that use CTRE motor controllers and a CTRE magnetic encoder for
    azimuth position.
  • Telemetry - provide real-time streaming telemetry information from a robot. Used with
    our Grapher LabView strip-chart recorder.
  • Health Check - configure automated motor health checks for use by pit crew during competitions.

Other Stryke Force engineering resources are at


The Third Coast vendordeps file is at:

To install, use Install new libraries (online) in VS Code or download manually to your project vendordeps directory.

$ ./gradlew vendordep --url=

Swerve Drive

We have wrapped the FRC WPILib Swerve Drive kinematics and odometry classes to work easily with our swerve module design and to facilitate use of the rest of the Third Coast libraries.

For example, here is how you can configure our swerve drive.

public class SwerveDriveSubsystem extends SubsystemBase {

    private final SwerveDrive swerveDrive;

    public SwerveDriveSubsystem() { // Pretend to set up a swerve drive

        var moduleBuilder =
                new TalonSwerveModule.Builder()

        TalonSwerveModule[] swerveModules = new TalonSwerveModule[4];
        Translation2d[] wheelLocations = DriveConstants.getWheelLocationMeters();

        // initialize the swerve modules
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            var azimuthTalon = new TalonSRX(i);
            // configure azimuth Phoenix API settings...
            var driveTalon = new TalonFX(i + 10);
            // configure drive Phoenix API settings...

            swerveModules[i] =


        // initialize the swerve drive with configured swerve modules
        swerveDrive = new SwerveDrive(swerveModules);

In the simplest case, you can control this configured SwerveDrive in open-loop, for example during tele-operation.

public class SwerveDriveSubsystem extends SubsystemBase {
    private final SwerveDrive swerveDrive;

    // ...

    public void drive(double vxMetersPerSecond, double vyMetersPerSecond, double omegaRadiansPerSecond, boolean isFieldOriented) {, vyMetersPerSecond, omegaRadiansPerSecond, isFieldOriented);


Our Telemetry library is used to instrument subsystems and stream measurements to our Grapher LabView strip-chart recorder. We find it invaluable during the season for many tasks, not the least of which is motor controller closed-loop tuning. During motor controller closed-loop tuning we often will stream telemetry while manually controlling the motors using our tct application.

Continuing on with our example from above, to instrument the SwerveDriveSubsystem class we subclass our abstract MeasureableSubsystem instead of SubsystemBase and then implement the getMeasures() method.

public class SwerveDriveSubsystem extends MeasurableSubsystem {
    private final SwerveDrive swerveDrive;
    // ...

    public Set<Measure> getMeasures() {
        return Set.of(
                new Measure("Gyro Rotation2D(deg)", () -> swerveDrive.getHeading().getDegrees()),
                new Measure("Odometry X", () -> swerveDrive.getPoseMeters().getX()),
                new Measure("Odometry Y", () -> swerveDrive.getPoseMeters().getY()),
                // other measurements...

Each of the Measure objects supplied from getMeasures() are created with a name, optional description, and a DoubleSupplier (typically a lambda expression) to provide the measured data.

During robot start-up, we register the instrumented subsystems with the Telemetry library. When you connect to the robot using the Grapher application, you are presented with these subsystems and their measurements as options to view in the strip-chart.

public class RobotContainer {
    private final SwerveDriveSubsystem swerveDriveSubsystem;
    private final TelemetryService telemetryService = new TelemetryService(TelemetryController::new);

    public RobotContainer() {
        // ...

Health Check

This system provides our pit team with the ability to define a set of pre-defined motor health checks that can be run with the press of a button. It is intended for use with subsystems that contain Talon motor controllers.

Subsystems that contain motors to be health checked are annotated with @HealthCheck and optionally, annotations that define the health check in more detail. There are three possible ways to configure a talon for testing:

  • @Timed - runs the motor at the specified output for the specified amount of time.
  • @Position - runs the motor at the specified output until the specified amount of encoder ticks have occurred.
  • @Follower - the motor is configured to follow another Talon and therefor is not commanded, only measured.

This subsystem has some examples of Talons being tested in various ways.

public class ExampleSubsystem extends SubsystemBase {

    private final TalonSRXConfiguration talonSRXConfiguration = new TalonSRXConfiguration();

    // default duration healthcheck at default output percentages in forward and reverse direction
    private final TalonSRX talonOne = new TalonFX(1);

    // run each of 3 output percentages for 4 seconds each
    @Timed(percentOutput = {0.5, 0.75, -0.25}, duration = 4.0)
    private final TalonFX talonTwo = new TalonFX(2);

    // run each of 4 output percentages until 20,000 encoder ticks have occurred
    @Position(percentOutput = {0.25, -0.25, 0.5, -0.5}, encoderChange = 20_000)
    private final TalonSRX talonThree = new TalonFX(3);

    // follows talonTwo (device id = 2) so just take measurements
    @Follow(leader = 2)
    private final TalonFX talonFour = new Talon(4);

    public ExampleSubsystem() {

    // These Health Check lifecycle methods are all optional.

    private boolean beforeHealthCheck() {
        // perform any set-up such as positioning subsystems on the robot to
        // allow clear running, or override Talon configurations temporarily
        // while testing. Called periodically by the robot loop while running,
        // return true when finished.
        return true;

    private boolean afterHealthCheck() {
        // perform any tear-down such as position subsystems, or resetting
        // Talon configurations. Called periodically by the robot loop while
        // running, return true when finished.
        return true;


The @BeforeHealthCheck and @AfterHealthCheck methods are run before and after the health checks respectively and are called periodically by the robot loop while they are running. They should return true when finished. If there is more than one of either, you can specify the order in a similar fashion to @HealthCheck.

If you annotate an instance of SwerveDrive, it will run a series of standard health checks on the azimuth and drive Talons.

public class SwerveDriveSubsystem extends SubsystemBase {
    private final SwerveDrive swerveDrive;
    // ...

To run the health checks, pass the subsystems to test to the HealthCheckCommand and connect to a suitable button.

public class RobotContainer {

    private final ExampleSubsystem exampleSubsystem = new ExampleSubsystem();
    private final SwerveDriveSubsystem swerveDriveSubsystem = new SwerveDriveSubsystem();

    public RobotContainer() {
        new Trigger(RobotController::getUserButton).onTrue(new HealthCheckCommand(exampleSubsystem, swerveDriveSubsystem));
        // ...

After running the healthcheck, the JSON-formatted raw data is available at and can be saved and analyzed with a tool of choice. For example, the data can be loaded into a Pandas dataframe for analysis and visualization using the following.

import pandas as pd
import requests

r = requests.get("")
j = r.json()

meta = pd.DataFrame(j["meta"])
data = pd.DataFrame(j["data"])
df = pd.merge(meta, data, on="case", suffixes=('_set', '_measured'))