
A web app for managing attendance!

MIT License



  • Teacher's functionalities
    • Give attendance to all students as per entered date.
    • On the dashboard, see the number of lectures conducted (by the teacher) and all students in the division in a table with their
      • Roll number
      • Name
      • Attendance percentage
      • Number of lectures attended by the student
      • Dates on which the student attended and didn't attend the lectures
  • Student's functionalities
    • View attendance for all the teachers in the division in a table with the
      • Teacher's subject
      • Teacher's name
      • Number of lectures attended by the student
      • Number of lectures conducted by the teacher
      • Attendance percentage

Technologies Used

  • Back end
    • Flask
    • DB and auth
      • Firebase
        • Cloud Firestore
        • e-mail-password authentication
  • Front end
    • Templates from Creative Tim Material Kit PRO - v2.2.0
      • HTML
      • CSS
      • JS


  • All contributors are most welcome!
  • Do view the file for further instructions, requirements/dependencies & local project setup instructions!
  • All the amazing contributors to this repo can be found in the file!

Code of conduct


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