
A tool displaying your DevOps solution map and their adoption for each step of the loop. Demo available on GitHub Page !

MIT License


DevOps Solutions Map

DevOps Solutions Map is a Python-based application that helps you to produce a DevOps tool chain map according to their position in the delivery loop and their use case.

This tool has been inspired by the various tech radar approach.

Instead of focusing on tools, this chart displays at first the DevOps delivery steps and the various use-cases and processes you may have for each step. For each use-case, you will find the tool covering it.

For more information about why I prefer a view displaying the use cases instead of a tools-oriented tech radar, you can read this article I've wrote on my blog The importance of the methodology over the tools.


This tool can be used in two different ways.

For both ways, the data displayed is formatted using a YAML file that will be rendered by the web application. The content is rendered using the file items order.

Please refer the Data format documentation for more details.

Command-line arguments

By default, running the container or the script (see below) will start the Flask server on localhost and serve the application on port 5000. Some options are available.

Argument Mandatory Default Description
-d --debug No False Enable Flask's debug mode
-f --freeze No False Run the application as a static website generator instead of serving it. See Static site mode for mode details.
--freezer-base-url No None Related to --freeze.Use this option if the website is not at the root of the domain name.Example for GitHub Pages :--freezer-base-url ""
--host No Use this option to expose the webserver outside localhost.Note : The Container runs the application with --host ""
-p--port No 5000 Change the listen port to the provided value.By default, the container will set this option to 5000

Run from sources

  1. Clone the repository
  1. Start a Python virtualenv
virtualenv devopsmap

source devopsmap/bin/activate
  1. Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the main app script

Run with a Container (Podman, Docker)

The application is available as a container image you may host and run in any Docker-compatible runtime.

Basic container with volume run

Basic run example, where version is the latest available version, using a volume bind on the host to provide the solutions.yaml file, exposing port 5000 :

podman run -v ./data:/data:Z -p 5000:5000

Note : you may also use Docker instead of Podman, of course.

Since the /devops-map/data path in the container is the data source, you can use any available binding to feed the content : a mounted storage, a volume, whatever. Please refer to your hosting solution documentation for the recommended architecture.

Container run with built-in assets

You can use your company brand logo instead of the project's by replacing the static/img/logo.png file in the image's content. Also the solutions.yaml file can be integrated in this way too.

Basic Containerfile example :


COPY mylogo.png /devops-map/static/img/logo.png
COPY solutions.yaml /devops-map/data/solutions.yaml

Then, run the container in the same way.

Static website generator mode

Instead of starting a web server, DevOps Solutions Map can also produce static HTML files you can host on any web hosting service.

⚠️ Limitations about the static mode :

  • "Open all boxes" link won't work
  • The search engine feature is disabled in static mode

Generate static website using the sources

Setup the virtualenv and the dependencies with the same method as described in run from the sources

Add the following arguments to the startup command.

python --freeze [--freezer-base-url http://mywebsite/folder]

--freeze will produce a static website available in the build folder.

Warning : The build folder will be systematically erased and recreated by the --freeze option since Flask Freezer considers this folder its own.

If your website is not at the root of the domain name (ex : https://mywebsite/devopsmap/), you need to provide the argument --freezer-base-url with the complete website base URL.

You can test the static website by using Python's built-in webserver :

cd build

python -m http.server 8080

Then, go to http://localhost:8080 to check the result.

Data file format

Please refer to the dedicated documentation.


Please refer to the customize documentation.


Fork the project, create a branch, open a Pull Request.

Please ensure you're using the conventional commits specification for changelog generation.


This project is licensed under MIT.

The mascot is licensed under CreativeCommons CC-BY-SA 4.0.