
A flask extension which contains a basic app and is configured in your local machine through a command line utility

MIT License



A flask extension which contains a basic app and is configured in your local machine through a command line utility

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for stable version
   - pip install flask-starter

for current_version
   - pip install git+https://github.com/Agent-Hellboy/flask-starter.git


open the terminal and type - flask-starter-project --name=your-project-name - this will build a basic project with inbuilt auth and admin interface for you - cd your-project-name - create the virtualenv and Install the requirements which is there in your-project-name - run python3 server.py

you will have below routes by default

.. code:: py

    Endpoint           Methods    Rule                             
    -----------------  ---------  ---------------------------------
    admin.index        GET        /admin/                          
    admin.static       GET        /admin/static/<path:filename>    
    main.home          GET        /                                
    main.login         GET, POST  /login                           
    main.logout        GET        /logout                          
    main.profile       GET        /profile                         
    main.register      GET, POST  /register                        
    static             GET        /static/<path:filename>          
    user.action_view   POST       /admin/user/action/              
    user.ajax_lookup   GET        /admin/user/ajax/lookup/         
    user.ajax_update   POST       /admin/user/ajax/update/         
    user.create_view   GET, POST  /admin/user/new/                 
    user.delete_view   POST       /admin/user/delete/              
    user.details_view  GET        /admin/user/details/             
    user.edit_view     GET, POST  /admin/user/edit/                
    user.export        GET        /admin/user/export/<export_type>/
    user.index_view    GET        /admin/user/
  • you can access admin interface by adding /admin in your base url

  • just write core logic in libs and present your prototype


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.