
A Flask Extension for simple statsd integration

MIT License




This project requires Python 3.5+ and Flask 0.12. Test builds in Travis CI test 3.5 & 3.6.


To install it, simply run

pip install flask-statsdclient

If you're using Datadog(https://www.datadoghq.com/) for your metric collection, you can enable the additional functionality of dogstatsd(http://datadogpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#datadog-dogstatsd-module) by installing it via

pip install flask-statsdclient[Datadog]


Import it and wrap app

from flask import Flask
from flask_statsdclient import StatsDClient

app = Flask(__name__)
statsd = StatsDClient(app)

You may modify the host, port and prefix with STATSD_HOST, STATSD_PORT and STATSD_PREFIX options respectively in your Flask app config.

If you are using Datadog with a Unix socket, instead of specifying the host & port in config, add DD_SOCKET which is a fully qualified Unix path to the socket.


On a mac you can use the following commands to get up and running.

brew install python3

otherwise run

brew upgrade python3

to make sure you have an up to date version.

This project uses pip-tools for dependency management. Install pip-tools

pip3 install pip-tools

setup the project env

python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt

Make sure the following environment variables are set

export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`

Then load your virtualenv

source venv/bin/activate

Running tests

./linters.sh && coverage run --source=flask_statsdclient/ setup.py test

Before committing any code

We have a pre-commit hook each dev needs to setup. You can symlink it to run before each commit by changing directory to the repo and running

cd .git/hooks
ln -s ../../pre-commit pre-commit