
GPL-3.0 License


flask functional structure with sijax

☯️ flask_func_struct_sijax is framework for creating/building flask-sijax Apps.

Developed in 🐍 python code.

The README is used to introduce the modules and provide instructions on how to install the modules, any machine dependencies it may have and any other information that should be provided before the modules are installed.

Table of Contents


Used next development environment

Navigate to release page download and extract release archive 📦.

To install flask_func_struct_sijax 📦 type the following

tar xvzf flask_func_struct_sijax-x.y.z.tar.gz
cd flask_func_struct_sijax-x.y.z
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp manage.py /FlaskApp/
cp -R /manage_commands/ /FlaskApp/
cp -R /app_server/ /Flask/

You can use Dockerfile to create image/container 🚢.


Create databse

$ python manage.py create_db
Create database/tables

Init databse and prepare alembic table

$ python manage.py db init
  Creating directory /data/dev/python/flask_func_struct_sijax/github/flask_func_struct_sijax/migrations ...  done
  Creating directory /data/dev/python/flask_func_struct_sijax/github/flask_func_struct_sijax/migrations/versions ...  done
  Generating /data/dev/python/flask_func_struct_sijax/github/flask_func_struct_sijax/migrations/env.pyc ...  done
  Generating /data/dev/python/flask_func_struct_sijax/github/flask_func_struct_sijax/migrations/env.py ...  done
  Generating /data/dev/python/flask_func_struct_sijax/github/flask_func_struct_sijax/migrations/alembic.ini ...  done
  Generating /data/dev/python/flask_func_struct_sijax/github/flask_func_struct_sijax/migrations/README ...  done
  Generating /data/dev/python/flask_func_struct_sijax/github/flask_func_struct_sijax/migrations/script.py.mako ...  done
  Please edit configuration/connection/logging settings in
  '/data/dev/python/flask_func_struct_sijax/github/flask_func_struct_sijax/migrations/alembic.ini' before proceeding.

Generate a migration script that makes the database match the models

$ python manage.py db migrate
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
INFO  [alembic.env] No changes in schema detected.

Create super user

$ python manage.py createsuperuser
Creating superuser account
Insert username of superuser: adroot
Insert email of superuser: [email protected]
Insert password of superuser: 

Run application

$ python manage.py runserver
 * Serving Flask app "app_server" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 226-526-932


flask_func_struct_sijax requires other modules and libraries (Python 2.x)

alembic                           1.6.5
Flask                             1.1.4
Flask-Bcrypt                      1.0.1
Flask-Cors                        3.0.10
Flask-DebugToolbar                0.13.1
Flask-Login                       0.5.0
Flask-Mail                        0.9.1
Flask-Migrate                     2.6.0
Flask-Script                      2.0.6
Flask-SQLAlchemy                  2.5.1
Flask-Testing                     0.8.1
Flask-WTF                         0.14.3
SQLAlchemy                        1.4.27
Werkzeug                          1.0.1
WTForms                           2.3.3

Package structure

🧰 Expected framework structure

├── configuration/
   ├── database/
   │   ├── development_config.py
   │   ├── __init__.py
   │   ├── production_config.py
   │   └── test_config.py
   ├── development_config.py
   ├── __init__.py
   ├── mail/
   │   ├── development_config.py
   │   ├── __init__.py
   │   ├── production_config.py
   │   └── test_config.py
   ├── production_config.py
   └── test_config.py
├── forms/
   ├── base/
   │   ├── contact.py
   │   └── __init__.py
   ├── __init__.py
   └── user/
       ├── edit.py
       ├── __init__.py
       ├── login.py
       └── register.py
├── __init__.py
├── models/
   ├── __init__.py
   └── model_user.py
├── static/
   ├── base.css
   └── favicon.ico
├── templates/
   ├── base/
   │   ├── about.html
   │   ├── contact.html
   │   └── home.html
   ├── _base.html
   ├── errors/
   │   ├── 401.html
   │   ├── 403.html
   │   ├── 404.html
   │   └── 500.html
   ├── footer.html
   ├── header.html
   └── user/
       ├── administration.html
       ├── edit.html
       ├── login.html
       ├── members.html
       └── register.html
└── views/
    ├── base/
       ├── about.py
       ├── contact.py
       ├── home.py
       └── __init__.py
    ├── __init__.py
    └── user/
        ├── administration.py
        ├── edit.py
        ├── __init__.py
        ├── login.py
        ├── logout.py
        ├── members.py
        └── register.py


📗 More documentation and info at

Copyright and Licence

Copyright (C) 2017 by vroncevic.github.io/flask_func_struct_sijax

flask_func_struct_sijax is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Python itself, either Python version 2.x or, at your option, any later version of Python 2 you may have available.

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