
Implementations of flask response in many formats like: json, xml, html...

MIT License



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Implementations of flask response in many formats: base64, csv, json, xml, html, yaml. You can create your own builder extending Builder class and registering it with register_builder method.

Every builders are registered as attribute of ResponseBuilder class so you can invoke method from this class with builder's name and it automatically create a response with that builder.

Also you can used Builder without response by invoking static methods: to_me, to_dict.

Based on PyYAML, xmltodict, dicttoxml. See their documentation for other options.

  • Decorator for http response status 204 NO_CONTENT
  • Response based on Accept header of request
  • Response based on format parameter (query string)
  • template_or_json: response based on xhr request (deprecated: works only with old js library)
  • Support for case notation checker and converter, see Case utility class.
  • Transformer: utility class for data notation conversion

NOTE: From 2.1.11 the dicttoxml package seems to be abandoned, so a copy of module dicttoxml is ported in this package to fix deprecation warning, but if dicttoxml is installed it has priority. In future will be removed and the internal module will be improved.


Install ``flask_response_builder`` using ``pip``:


   $ pip install Flask-ResponseBuilder

Then import it into your project:


   $ from flask_response_builder import ResponseBuilder

.. _section-1:

Example usage

.. code:: python

    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.config['RB_HTML_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE'] = 'response.html'
    rb = ResponseBuilder(app)

    def nocontent():

    def test_xhr():
        return data

    @rb.on_accept(acceptable=['application/json', 'application/xml'])
    def test_accept():
        return data

    def test_format():
        return data

For every registered builder you can explicitly use them in two ways:

.. code:: python

    def test_decorator():
        return data, 200, {'header': 'header'}

    def index_csv():
        builder = rb.csv(filename='file.csv')
        return builder((data, 200))

.. _section-2:


    1.  ``RB_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_FORMAT``: *(default: 'application/json')*
    2.  ``RB_DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_MIMETYPES``: *(default: a list of all supported mimetypes)*
    3.  ``RB_DEFAULT_ENCODE``: *(default: 'utf-8')*
    4.  ``RB_DEFAULT_DUMP_INDENT``: *(default: None)*
    5.  ``RB_FORMAT_KEY``: *(default: 'format')*
    6.  ``RB_BASE64_ALTCHARS``: *(default: None)*
    7.  ``RB_HTML_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE``: *(default: None)*
    8.  ``RB_HTML_AS_TABLE``: *(default: True)*
    9.  ``RB_YAML_ALLOW_UNICODE``: *(default: True)*
    10. ``RB_CSV_DEFAULT_NAME``: *(default: 'filename')*
    11. ``RB_CSV_DELIMITER``: *(default: ';')*
    12. ``RB_CSV_QUOTING_CHAR``: *(default: '"')*
    13. ``RB_CSV_DIALECT``: *(default: 'excel-tab')*
    14. ``RB_XML_CDATA``: *(default: False)*
    15. ``RB_XML_ROOT``: *(default: 'ROOT')*
    16. ``RB_FLATTEN_PREFIX``: *(default: '')*
    17. ``RB_FLATTEN_SEPARATOR``: *(default: '_')*
    18. ``RB_JSONP_PARAM``: *(default: 'callback')* if empty or None jsonp is disabled

License MIT

.. |download| image:: https://pypip.in/download/flask_responsebuilder/badge.png
.. |version| image:: https://pypip.in/version/flask_responsebuilder/badge.png