
Read / Write JSON serialization of models for Flask applications using SQLAlchemy

APACHE-2.0 License



DB Model JSON serialization with PUT, POST write for Flask applications using SQLAlchemy


pip install flask-serialize

Simple and quick to get going in two steps.

One Import and add the FlaskSerializeMixin mixin to a model:

from flask_serialize import FlaskSerialize

# create a flask-serialize mixin instance from
# the factory method `FlaskSerialize`
fs_mixin = FlaskSerialize(db)

class Item(db.Model, fs_mixin):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    # other fields ...

Two Configure the route with the do all mixin method:

def items(item_id=None):
    return Item.fs_get_delete_put_post(item_id)

Three Done! Returns JSON as a single item or a list with only a single route.

Flask-serialize is intended for joining a Flask SQLAlchemy Python backend with a JavaScript Web client. It allows read JSON serialization from the db and easy to use write back of models using PUT and POST.

4 times faster than marshmallow for simple dict serialization.


Model setup

# example database model
from flask_serialize import FlaskSerialize
from datetime import datetime

# required to set class var db for writing to a database
from app import db

fs_mixin = FlaskSerialize(db)

class Setting(fs_mixin, db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)

    setting_type = db.Column(db.String(120), index=True, default='misc')
    key = db.Column(db.String(120), index=True)
    value = db.Column(db.String(30000), default='')
    active = db.Column(db.String(1), default='y')
    created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)
    updated = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)
    # serializer fields
    __fs_create_fields__ = __fs_update_fields__ = ['setting_type', 'value', 'key', 'active']

    # checks if Flask-Serialize can delete
    def __fs_can_delete__(self):
        if self.value == '1234':
            raise Exception('Deletion not allowed.  Magic value!')
        return True

    # checks if Flask-Serialize can create/update
    def __fs_verify__(self, create=False):
        if len(self.key or '') < 1:
            raise Exception('Missing key')

        if len(self.setting_type or '') < 1:
            raise Exception('Missing setting type')
        return True

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Setting %r %r %r>' % (self.id, self.setting_type, self.value)

Routes setup

Get a single item as JSON.

@app.route('/get_setting/<item_id>', methods=['GET'])
def get_setting( item_id ):
    return Setting.fs_get_delete_put_post(item_id)

# Returns a Flask response with a JSON object, example:
{id:1, value: "hello"}

Put an update to a single item as JSON.

@app.route('/update_setting/<item_id>', methods=['PUT'])
def update_setting( item_id ):
    return Setting.fs_get_delete_put_post(item_id)

# Returns a Flask response with the result as a JSON object:

{message: "success message"}

Delete a single item.

@app.route('/delete_setting/<item_id>', methods=['DELETE'])
def delete_setting( item_id ):
    return Setting.fs_get_delete_put_post(item_id)

# Returns a Flask response with the result and item deleted as a JSON response:
{message: "success message", item: {"id":5, name: "gone"}}

Get all items as a JSON list.

@app.route('/get_setting_all', methods=['GET'])
def get_setting_all():
    return Setting.fs_get_delete_put_post()

# Returns a Flask response with a list of JSON objects, example:
[{id:1, value: "hello"},{id:2, value: "there"},{id:3, value: "programmer"}]

All of: get-all, get, put, post, and delete can be combined in one route.

@app.route('/setting/<int:item_id>', methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'POST'])
@app.route('/setting', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def route_setting_all(item_id=None):
    return Setting.fs_get_delete_put_post(item_id)

Updating from a JSON object in the Flask put request

JQuery example:

function put(setting_id) {
        return $.ajax({
            url: `/update_setting/${setting_id}`,
            method: 'PUT',
            contentType: "application/json",
            data: {setting_type:"x",value:"100"},
        }).then(response => {
        }).fail((xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) => {
            alert(`Error: ${xhr.responseText}`);

Flask route:

@app.route('/update_setting/<int:item_id>', methods=['PUT'])
def update_setting(item_id):
    return Setting.fs_get_delete_put_post(item_id)

Create or update from a WTF form:

    @app.route('/setting_edit/<int:item_id>', methods=['POST'])
    @app.route('/setting_add', methods=['POST'])    
    def setting_edit(item_id=None):
        if item_id:
            item = Setting.query.get_or_404(item_id)
            item = {}
        form = EditForm(obj=item)
        if form.validate_on_submit():
            if item_id:
                    flash('Your changes have been saved.')
                except Exception as e:
                    flash(str(e), category='danger')
                return redirect(url_for('setting_edit', item_id=item_id))
                    new_item = Setting.fs_request_create_form()
                    flash('Setting created.')
                    return redirect(url_for('setting_edit', item_id=new_item.id))
                except Exception as e:
                    flash('Error creating item: ' + str(e))
        return render_template(
                title='Edit or Create item',

Create a child database object:

Using POST.

As example: add a Stat object to a Survey object using the fs_request_create_form convenience method. The foreign key to the parent Survey is provided as a kwargs parameter to the method.

    @app.route('/stat/<int:survey_id>', methods=['POST'])
    def stat_add(survey_id=None):
        survey = Survey.query.get_or_404(survey_id)
        return Stat.fs_request_create_form(survey_id=survey.id).fs_as_dict

Using fs_get_delete_put_post.

As example: add a Stat object to a Survey object using the fs_get_delete_put_post convenience method. The foreign key to the parent Survey is provided in the form data as survey_id. __fs_create_fields__ list must then include survey_id as the foreign key field to be set if you specify any __fs_create_fields__. By default, all fields are allowed to be included when creating.

           <input type="hidden" name="survey_id" value="56">
           <input name="value">
    @app.route('/stat/', methods=['POST'])
    def stat_add():
        return Stat.fs_get_delete_put_post()

Writing and creating

When using any of the convenience methods to update, create or delete an object these properties and methods control how flask-serialize handles the operation.

Updating from a form or JSON

def fs_request_update_json():
    Update an item from request JSON data or PUT params, probably from a PUT or PATCH.
    Throws exception if not valid

    :return: True if item updated


Example. To update a Message object using a GET, call this method with the parameters to update as request arguments. ie:


    def update_message(message_id)
        message = Message.fs_get_by_user_or_404(message_id, user=current_user)
        if message.fs_request_update_json():
            return 'Updated'
def fs_request_update_json():
    Update an item from request JSON data or PUT params, probably from a PUT or PATCH.
    Throws exception if not valid

    :return: True if item updated


Example. To update a Message using a POST, call this method with the parameters to update as request arguments. ie:


form data {body="hello", subject="something"}
    @route('/update_message/<int:message_id>/', methods=['POST'])
    def update_message(message_id)
        message = Message.fs_get_by_user_or_404(message_id, user=current_user)
        if message.fs_request_update_form():
            return 'Updated'

__fs_verify__ write and create

def  __fs_verify__(self, create=False):
    raise exception if item is not valid for put/patch/post
    :param: create - True if verification is for a new item

Override the mixin __fs_verify__ method to provide control and verification when updating and creating model items. Simply raise an exception when there is a problem. You can also modify self data before writing. See model example.


To control when a deletion using fs_get_delete_put_post override the __fs_can_delete hook. Return False or raise and exception to prevent deletion. Return True to allow deletion.

def __fs_can_delete__(self):

Override the mixin __fs_can_delete__ to provide control over when an item can be deleted. Simply raise an exception when there is a problem. By default __fs_can_delete__ calls __fs_can_update__ unless overridden. See model example.


def __fs_can_update__(self):
    raise exception if item cannot be updated

Override the mixin __fs_can_update__ to provide control over when an item can be updated. Simply raise an exception when there is a problem or return False. By default __fs_can_update__ uses the result from __fs_can_access__ unless overridden.


def __fs_can_access__(self):
    return False if item can't be accessed

Override the mixin __fs_can_access__ to provide control over when an item can be read or accessed. Return False to exclude from results.

Private fields

Fields can be made private by overriding the __fs_private_field__ method and returning True if the field is to be private. These fields will not be returned in JSON results.

Private fields will be excluded for any get, put and post methods.


To exclude private fields when a user is not the admin.

def __fs_private_field__(self, field_name):
    if not is_admin_user() and field_name.upper().startswith('PRIVATE_'):
        return True
    return False


List of model fields to be read from a form or JSON when updating an object. Normally admin fields such as login_counts or security fields are excluded. Do not put foreign keys or primary keys here. By default, when __fs_update_fields__ is empty all Model fields can be updated.

__fs_update_fields__ = []


When returning a success result from a put or post update, a dict composed of the property values from the __fs_update_properties__ list is returned as "properties".

Example return JSON:

class ExampleModel(db.Model, FlaskSerializeMixin):
    head_size = db.Column(db.Integer())
    ear_width = db.Column(db.Integer())
    __fs_update_fields__ = ['head_size', 'ear_width']
    __fs_update_properties__ = ['hat_size']

    def hat_size(self):
        return self.head_size * self.ear_width
// result update return message
{"message": "Updated", "properties": {hat_size: 45.67} }

This can be used to communicate from the model on the server to the JavaScript code interesting things from updates


List of model fields to be read from a form or JSON when creating an object. Can be the specified as either 'text' or the field. Do not put primary keys here. Do not put foreign keys here if using SQLAlchemy child insertion. This is usually the same as __fs_update_fields__. When __fs_create_fields__ is empty all column fields can be inserted.

Used by these methods:

  • fs_request_create_form
  • fs_get_delete_put_post
__fs_create_fields__ = []


class Setting(fs_mixin, FormPageMixin, db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)

    setting_type = db.Column(db.String(120), index=True, default='misc')
    private = db.Column(db.String(3000), default='secret')
    value = db.Column(db.String(3000), default='')

    __fs_create_fields__ = [setting_type, 'value']

Update DateTime fields specification

The class methods: fs_request_update_form, fs_request_create_form, fs_request_update_json will automatically stamp your model's timestamp fields using the __fs_update_timestamp__ class method.

__fs_timestamp_fields__ is a list of fields on the model to be set when updating or creating with the value of datetime.datetime.utcnow(). The default field names to update are: ['timestamp', 'updated'].


class ExampleModel(db.Model, FlaskSerializeMixin):
    # ....
    modified = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)
    __fs_timestamp_fields__ = ['modified']

Override the timestamp default of utcnow() by replacing the __fs_timestamp_stamper__ class property with your own. Example:

class ExampleModel(db.Model, FlaskSerializeMixin):
    # ....
    __fs_timestamp_stamper__ = datetime.datetime.now

Filtering and sorting

Exclude fields

List of model field names to not serialize at all.

__fs_exclude_serialize_fields__ = []

List of model field names to not serialize when returning as JSON.

__fs_exclude_json_serialize_fields__ = []

Built in query_by using request arg on GET

fs_get_delete_put_post by default supports automatic passing of GET request args to the query method using a filter_by clause. Example using a Flask route that be default returns all messages:

    @route('/message/', methods=['GET'])
    def route_message():
        return Message.fs_get_by_user_or_404()

Call the endpoint using URL like:


Will return any message records with the name of 'hello' and with 12 lines.

This feature can be disabled by using __fs_filter_by = False on the model definition.

Filtering JSON list results

Json result lists can be filtered by using the prop_filters parameter on either the fs_get_delete_put_post method or the fs_json_list method.

The filter consists of one or more properties in the JSON result and the value that it must match. Filter items will match against the first prop_filter property to exactly equal the value.

NOTE: The filter is not applied with single a GET or, the PUT, POST and DELETE methods.

Example to only return dogs:

result = fs_get_delete_put_post(prop_filters = {'key':'dogs'})

Sorting JSON list results

Json result lists can be sorted by using the __fs_order_by_field__ or the __fs_order_by_field_desc__ properties. The results are sorted after the query is converted to JSON. As such you can use any property from a class to sort. To sort by id ascending use this example:

__fs_order_by_field__ = 'id'

A lambda or method can be used as the __fs_order_by_field__, in which case custom sorting can be achieved. The passed value to the lambda is a dictionary of the field and properties of a result row.


__fs_order_by_field__ = lambda r: -int(r["value"])

Filtering query results using __fs_can_access__ and user.

The fs_query_by_access method can be used to filter a SQLAlchemy result set so that the user property and __fs_can_access__ hook method are used to restrict to allowable items.


result_list = Setting.fs_query_by_access(user='Andrew', setting_type='test')

Any keyword can be supplied after user to be passed to filter_by method of query.

Relationships list of property names that are to be included in serialization

__fs_relationship_fields__ = []

In default operation relationships in models are not serialized. Add any relationship property name here to be included in serialization. NOTE: take care to not include circular relationships. Flask-Serialize does not check for circular relationships.

Serialization converters

There are three built in converters to convert data from the database to a good format for serialization:

  • DATETIME - Removes the fractional second part and makes it a string
  • PROPERTY - Enumerates and returns model added properties
  • RELATIONSHIP - Deals with children model items.

Set one of these to None or a value to remove or replace it's behaviour.

Adding and overriding converter behaviour

Add values to the class property:

__fs_column_type_converters__ = {}

Where the key is the column type name of the database column and the value is a method to provide the conversion.


To convert VARCHAR(100) to a string:

__fs_column_type_converters__ = {'VARCHAR': lambda v: str(v)}

To change DATETIME conversion behaviour, either change the DATETIME column_type_converter or override the __fs_to_date_short__ method of the mixin. Example:

import time

class Model(db.model, FlaskSerializeMixin):
    # ...
    # ...
    def __fs_to_date_short__(self, date_value):
        convert a datetime.datetime type to
        a unix like milliseconds since epoch
        :param date_value: datetime.datetime {object}
        :return: number
        if not date_value:
            return 0

        return int(time.mktime(date_value.timetuple())) * 1000

Conversion types when writing to database during update and create

Add or replace to db conversion methods by using a dictionary that specifies conversions for SQLAlchemy columns.

  • str(type): is the key to the dictionary for a python object type
  • the value is a lambda or method to provide the conversion to a database acceptable value.


    __fs_convert_types__ = {
        str(bool): lambda v: (type(v) == bool and v) or str(v).lower() == "true"

First the correct conversion will be attempted to be determined from the type of the updated or new field value. Then, an introspection from the destination column type will be used to get the correct value converter type.

@property values are converted using the __fs_property_converter__ class method. Override or extend it for unexpected types.


  • The order of convert types will have an effect. For example, the Python boolean type is derived from an int. Make sure boolean appears in the list before any int convert type.

  • To undertake a more specific column conversion use the __fs_verify__ method to explicitly set the class instance value. The __fs_verify__ method is always called before a create or update to the database.

  • When converting values from query strings or form values the type will always be str.

  • To add or modify values from a Flask request object before they are applied to the instance use the __fs_before_update__ hook. __fs_verify__ is called after __fs_before_update__.

  • To undertake actions after a commit use the __fs_after_commit__ hook.

Mixin Helper methods and properties

fs_get_delete_put_post(item_id, user, prop_filters)

Put, get, delete, post and get-all magic method handler.

  • item_id: the primary key of the item - if none and method is 'GET' returns all items
  • user: user to user as query filter.
  • prop_filters: dictionary of key:value pairs to limit results when returning get-all.
Method Operation item_id Response
GET primary key returns one item when item_id is a primary key. {property1:value1,property2:value2,...}
GET None returns all items when item_id is None. [{item1},{item2},...]
PUT primary key updates item using item_id as the id from request JSON data. Calls the model __fs_verify__ {message:message,item:{model_fields,...}, properties:{__fs_update_properties__}} before updating. Returns new item as {item}
DELETE primary key removes the item with primary key of item_id if self.fs_can_delete does not throw an error. {property1:value1,property2:value2,...} Returns the item removed. Calls __fs_can_delete__ before delete.
POST None creates and returns a Flask response with a new item as JSON from form body data or JSON body data {property1:value1,property2:value2,...} When item_id is None. Calls the model __fs_verify__ method before creating.
POST primary key updates an item from form data using item_id. Calls the model __fs_verify__ method before updating.

On error returns a response of 'error message' with http status code of 400.

Set the user parameter to restrict a certain user. By default uses the relationship of user. Set another relationship field by setting the __fs_user_field__ to the name of the relationship.

Prop filters is a dictionary of property name:value pairs. Ie: {'group': 'admin'} to restrict list to the admin group. Properties or database fields can be used as the property name.


Convert a db object into a dictionary. Example:

item = Setting.query.get_or_404(2)
dict_item = item.fs_as_dict()


Convert a db object into a JSON Flask response using jsonify. Example:

def get_setting(item_id):
    item = Setting.query.get_or_404(item_id)
    return item.fs_as_json()

fs_after_commit(self, create=False)

Hook to call after any of fs_update_from_dict, fs_request_update_form, fs_request_update_json has been called so that you can do what you like. self is the updated or created (create==True) item. Example:

def  __fs_after_commit__(self, create=False):
        logging.info(f'changed! {self}')

NOTE: not called after a DELETE

__fs_before_update__(cls, data_dict)

  • data_dict: a dictionary of new data to apply to the item
  • return: the new data_dict to use when updating

Hook to call before any of fs_update_from_dict, fs_request_update_form, fs_request_update_json is called so that you may alter or add update values before the item is written to self in preparation for update to db.

NOTE: copy data_dict to a normal dict as it may be an Immutable type from the request object.

Example, make sure active is 'n' if no value from a request.

def __fs_before_update__(self, data_dict):
    d = dict(data_dict)
    d['active'] = d.get('active', 'n')
    return d

fs_dict_list(cls, query_result)

return a list of dictionary objects from the sql query result using __fs_can_access__() to filter results.

def get_items():
    items = Setting.query.all()
    return jsonify(Setting.fs_dict_list(items))


Return a flask response in JSON list format from a sql alchemy query result.

.. code:: python python

@bp.route('/address/list', methods=['GET'])
def address_list():
    items = Address.query.filter_by(user=current_user)
    return Address.fs_json_list(items)


Return a flask list response in JSON format using a filter_by query.


@bp.route('/address/list', methods=['GET'])
def address_list():
    return Address.fs_json_filter_by(user=current_user)


Return the first result in JSON format using filter_by arguments.


@bp.route('/score/<course>', methods=['GET'])
def score(course):
    return Score.fs_json_first(class_name=course)


A dictionary of the previous field values before an update is applied from a dict, form or JSON update operation. Helpful in the __fs_verify__ method to see if field values are to be changed.


def __fs_verify__(self, create=False):
    previous_value = self.__fs_previous_field_value__.get('value')
    if previous_value != self.value:
        current_app.logger.warning(f'value is changing from {previous_value}')


Use the contents of a Flask request form or request JSON data to create a item in the database. Calls __fs_verify__(create=True). Returns the new item or throws error. Use kwargs to set the object properties of the newly created item.


Create a score item with the parent being a course.

@bp.route('/score/<course_id>', methods=['POST'])
def score(course_id):
    course = Course.query.get_or_404(course_id)
    return Score.fs_request_create_form(course_id=course.id).fs_as_dict


Use the contents of a Flask request form or request JSON data to update an item in the database. Calls __fs_verify__() and __fs_can_update__() to check if can update. Returns True on success.


Update a score item.

@bp.route('/score/<int:score_id>', methods=['PUT'])
def score(score_id):
    score = Score.query.get_or_404(score_id)
    if Score.fs_request_update_form():
        return 'ok'
        return 'update failed'


Easily add WTF form page handling by including the FormPageMixin.


from flask_serialize.form_page import FormPageMixin

class Setting(FlaskSerializeMixin, FormPageMixin, db.Model):
    # ....

This provides a method and class properties to quickly add a standard way of dealing with WTF forms on a Flask page.

form_page(cls, item_id=None)

Do all the work for creating and editing items using a template and a wtf form.


Setup the class properties to use your form items.

Property Usage
form_page_form Required. WTForm Class name
form_page_route_create Required. Name of the method to redirect after create, uses: url_for(cls.form_route_create, item_id=id)
form_page_route_update Required. Name of the method to redirect after updating, uses: url_for(cls.form_route_update, item_id=id)
form_page_template Required. Location of the template file to allow edit/add
form_page_update_format Format string to format flash message after update. item (the model instance) is passed as the only parameter. Set to '' or None to suppress flash.
form_page_create_format Format string to format flash message after create. item (the model instance) is passed as the only parameter. Set to '' or None to suppress flash.
form_page_update_title_format Format string to format title template value when editing. item (the model instance) is passed as the only parameter.
form_page_create_title_format Format string to format title template value when creating. cls (the model class) is passed as the only parameter.

The routes must use item_id as the parameter for editing. Use no parameter when creating.


To allow the Setting class to use a template and WTForm to create and edit items. In this example after create the index page is loaded, using the method page_index. After update, the same page is reloaded with the new item values in the form.

Add these property overrides to the Setting Class.

# form_page
form_page_form = EditForm
form_page_route_update = 'route_setting_form'
form_page_route_create = 'page_index'
form_page_template = 'setting_edit.html'
form_page_new_title_format = 'New Setting'

Add this form.

class EditForm(FlaskForm):
    value = StringField('value')

Setup these routes.

@app.route('/setting_form_edit/<int:item_id>', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
@app.route('/setting_form_add', methods=['POST'])
def route_setting_form(item_id=None):
    return Setting.form_page(item_id)


The template file needs to use WTForms to render the given form. form, item, item_id and title are passed as template variables.

Example to update using POST, NOTE: only POST and GET are supported by form submit:

<form method="POST" submit="{{url_for('route_setting_form', item_id=item.id)}}">
  <input name="value" value="{{form.value.data}}">
  <input type="submit">

Example to create using POST:

<form method="POST" submit="{{url_for('route_setting_form')}}">
  <input name="value" value="{{form.value.data}}">
  <input type="submit">


Version 2.0.1 update notes

Version 2.0.1 changes most of the properties, hooks and methods to use a more normal Python naming convention.

  • Regularly called mixin methods now start with fs_.
  • Hook methods start with __fs_ and end with __.
  • Control properties start with __fs_ and end with __.
  • Some hook functions can now return False or True rather than just raise Exceptions
  • fs_get_delete_put_post now returns a HTTP code that is more accurate of the cause

Release Notes

  • 2.2.0 - Allow arg parameters to be used in fs_get_delete_put_post 'GET' as query_by filters
  • 2.1.3 - Allow sorting by lambda
  • 2.1.2 - Fix readme table format
  • 2.1.1 - Improve sqlite JSON handling
  • 2.1.0 - Convert readme to markdown. Add support for JSON columns. Withdraw Python 3.6 Support. Use unittest instead of pytest. NOTE: Changes __fs_convert_types__ to a dict.
  • 2.0.3 - Allow more use of model column variables instead of "quoted" field names. Fix missing import for FlaskSerialize.
  • 2.0.2 - Fix table formatting.
  • 2.0.1 - Try to get properties and methods to use more appropriate names.
  • 1.5.2 - Test with flask 2.0. Add __fs_after_commit__ method to allow post create/update actions. Improve documentation.
  • 1.5.1 - Fix TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'ImmutableColumnCollection' and 'list' with newer versions of SQLAlchemy
  • 1.5.0 - Return item from POST/PUT updates. Allow __fs_create_fields__ and __fs_update_fields__ to be specified using the column fields. None values serialize as null/None. Restore previous __fs_update_properties__ behaviour. By default, updates/creates using all fields. Exclude primary key from create and update.
  • 1.4.2 - by default return all props with __fs_update_properties__
  • 1.4.1 - Add better exception message when db mixin property not set. Add FlaskSerialize factory method.
  • 1.4.0 - Add __fs_private_field__ method.
  • 1.3.1 - Fix incorrect method signatures. Add fs_query_by_access method.
  • 1.3.0 - Add __fs_can_update__ and __fs_can_access__ methods for controlling update and access.
  • 1.2.1 - Add support to change the user field name for fs_get_delete_put_post user= parameter.
  • 1.2.0 - Add support for decimal, numeric and clob. Treat all VARCHARS the same. Convert non-list relationship.
  • 1.1.9 - Allow FlaskSerializeMixin to be converted when a property value.
  • 1.1.8 - Move form_page to separate MixIn. Slight refactoring. Add support for complex type to db.
  • 1.1.6 - Make sure all route returns use jsonify as required for older Flask versions. Add __fs_before_update__ hook.
  • 1.1.5 - Add __fs_previous_field_value__ array that is set during update. Allows comparing new and previous values during __fs_verify__.
  • 1.1.4 - Fix doco typos and JavaScript examples. Add form_page method. Improve test and example apps. Remove Python 2, 3.4 testing and support.
  • 1.1.3 - Fix duplicate db writes. Return item on delete. Remove obsolete code structures. Do not update with non-existent fields.
  • 1.1.2 - Add 400 http status code for errors, remove error dict. Improve documentation.
  • 1.1.0 - Suppress silly errors. Improve documentation.
  • 1.0.9 - Add kwargs to fs_request_create_form to pass Object props to be used when creating the Object instance
  • 1.0.8 - Cache introspection to improve performance. All model definitions are cached after first use. It is no longer possible to alter model definitions dynamically.
  • 1.0.7 - Add JSON request body support to post update.
  • 1.0.5 - Allow sorting of JSON lists.


  • Apache 2.0