
Master's thesis on Big Data

APACHE-2.0 License


Extraction, transformation, loading and visualization of combined Twitter and Spotify data in a scalable architecture

Master's Degree in Business Intelligence and Big Data in Secure Environments

This project corresponds to the Master's Thesis in Big Data and uses the social network Twitter to obtain information about the latest music listened to by users (by searching the #NowPlaying hashtag) and then query the track and artist data involved that Spotify, a music-as-a-service based platform, has. The entire process is managed using widely recognized tools within the field of Big Data.

The project can be downloaded and executed locally or accessed via Data Engineer Project. [Update August 08, 2022] The live example deployed in Google Cloud Platform has been paused to save costs.

⚠️ If you face any kind of problem or the web is running slowly, I encourage you to run the project in your local environment.

ℹ️ For more detail, please refer to the project report and the slides used for project defense on July 20, 2022.


This project implements a ETL process to collect data from Twitter. The steps of the process are:

  1. The Twitter API is consulted to gather the tweets with the hashtag #NowPlaying. The name of the endpoint queried is recent search.
  2. The tweet is cleaned up, stopwords and other hashtags are removed, and the remaining text (which usually corresponds to the track name and artist) is isolated.
  3. The Spotify API is queried with the previously cleaned up text to collect the identified track information. The names of the endpoints queried are search for item and get tracks' audio features.
  4. The data is formatted and stored in a .csv file.
  5. The data is uploaded to Cassandra and the .csv is stored as a history file.
  6. The data served from Cassandra is requested by the back-end and served on the front-end.
  7. The data is displayed to the user on the front-end.

The project has been built using Docker and Docker Compose to run the following containers:

  • Apache Airflow containers configured for flow orchestration: webserver, scheduler, worker, init, triggerer, redis, postgres, client, and flower. Airflow setup required a custom image with the following packages installed via PyPI as additional requirements: "apache-airflow-providers-apache-spark", "requests", "pandas", "cqlsh". In addition, in the Airflow Dockerfile, the Java SDK 11 was installed and the JAVA_HOME variable set. The image used as base image is the official Airflow image (version 2.3.0) found on DockerHub (, as well as the Docker Compose base file (\#docker-compose-yaml).
  • Apache Spark containers were configured for data processing: master and three workers. Spark setup required a custom image with the following packages installed via PyPI as additional requirements: "requests", "pandas", "cqlsh". The image used as base image was the Bitnami Spark image (version 3.1.2) obtained from DocherHub (
  • An Apache Cassandra container was configured for data storage, using an additional container to set up the database configuration. The image used was the official Cassandra (version 4.0) image found on DockerHub ( and no additional requirements were needed.
  • A Linux container was configured for the web application. The container required a custom image with the following packages installed via PyPI as additional requirements: flask (version 2.1.2), cassandra-driver (version 3.25.0), flask-cqlalchemy (version 2.0.0), redis, Cmake, cryptography. The image used as base image was the official Python image (version "3.8-slim-buster") found on DockerHub (


  • Git
  • Docker v20.10
  • Docker-compose v1.29
  • Python v3.8
  • Twitter and Spotify APIs developer keys added in a file .env following the format of the .env.example file and located in the same folder.

The correct operation of the project with different versions is not guaranteed.


Clone the project, make sure that the "airflow/logs", "airflow/plugins" and "spark/resources/history" folders are set with the correct permissions so that Airflow can edit them, and run docker-compose up in the command console:

$ git clone
$ sudo chmod -R 777 airflow/logs
$ sudo chmod -R 777 airflow/plugins
$ sudo chmod -R 777 spark/resources/history

$ cd Data-Engineer-project/docker
$ sudo docker-compose up --build -d
# Use "sudo docker-compose logs" to access the containers' logs.

ℹ️ The commands described for the installation and usage of the project are oriented to Linux environments.

Once the project is deployed, three visual interfaces can be accessed that can help the user to better understand the process:

  1. Apache Airflow user interface. It is accessible through port 8080 (http://localhost:8080, user "airflow", password "airflow") and allows access, among other things, to the Airflow configuration and the list of configured DAGs, being able to observe their instances and obtain metrics such as execution times.
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  2. Apache Spark user interface. It is accessible through port 8181 (http://localhost:8181) and allows to observe the master node and the three workers, as well as their last tasks performed.
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  3. Front-end user interface. It is accessible through port 8000 (http://localhost:8000) and contains three views:
    1. Home. It shows a brief introduction of the project and the same animated gif that can be viewed in this page to illustrate the implemented data flow.
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    2. Data. It displays a table with all the data extracted. The table has been made with Datatables and allows the user to search and sort the data, as well as hide and show columns at will.
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    3. Visuals. It displays a chart with two data selectors, a multi-select to add data as a bar and a single-select to add data as a line. A script was added that does not allow both selectors to have the same column in their data, so when a column that is present in one of them is selected in the other, it is removed from the previous one. It also has a selector to choose the amount of data to display (values of 5, 10, 15 and 20, to avoid saturating the graph), as well as an order selector that allows the user to sort by any of the columns in ascending or descending order.
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After the services are running, access to the Airflow UI and activate the DAG "spark_main". After all the tasks are executed correctly, the data will be displayed in the web application views. If not paused, the DAG will be executed every 30 minutes.

To stop the project, run the following command within the docker folder:

$ sudo docker-compose down

To completely reset the project, run the following command within the docker folder:

$ sudo docker-compose down -v


Adrian Riesco Valbuena.

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