
Grafana Dashboard for official Prometheus Python Client's metrics

MIT License


Grafana dashboard designed for a Flask web application that exposes metrics with flask_prometheus_metrics Flask extension

Dashboard aimed at the apps deployed with Kubernetes, although it can be easily tweaked to be infrastructure-agnostic.



  1. Install flask_prometheus_metrics exporter to your Flask application
  2. Make Prometheus scraping your app's /metrics endpoint
  3. Import flask-web-app.json at https://<your-grafana-domain>.tld/dashboard/import

If you do not deploy your app in Kubernetes you may need to tweak flask-web-app.json pod labels to meet your needs. Instead of pod you may use instance or hostname or other label name depending on how your Prometheus handle your app's hostname.


12 panels covers the following metrics:

  • Requests per second
  • Latency
  • Percentiles (latency within which certain percent of requests served)
  • Number of 4xx, 5xx errors per second
  • Error count by endpoint
  • CPU usage
  • Memory usage
  • Open file descriptors
  • App's uptime
  • App's version
  • App's deployment environment (e.g. development, staging, production)
  • Python interpretor version

Dashboard provides variables:

  • Prometheus datasource
  • Time interval
  • Kubernetes pod name
  • App's endpoint
  • HTTP method
  • Percentile
  • HTTP status code for errors

The variables allow to change some panels charts grouing, intervals, labels selection.