
my python mini projects as part of the complete python Pro Bootcamp for 2023 - 100 Days of Code course


my python mini projects as part of 100 days of code course on udemy and some of them just for fun.

📔 Table of Contents

🌟 The Graduation Certificate

📚 Course Material

  • Python 3 - the latest version of Python
  • PyCharm, Jupter Notebook, Google Colab
  • Python Scripting and Automation
  • Python Game Developmenment
  • Web Scraping
  • Beautiful Soup
  • Selenium Web Driver
  • Request
  • WTFormes
  • Data Science
  • Pandas
  • NumPy
  • Matplotlibe
  • Plotly
  • Scikit learn
  • Seaborn
  • Turtle
  • Python GUI Desktop App Development
  • Tkinter
  • Front-End Web Development
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Bash Command Line
  • Git, GitHub and Version Control
  • Backend Web Development
  • Flask
  • REST
  • APIs
  • Databases
  • SQL

✨ Some Of The Projects

Project 1 -> Sudoku Solver

about the project:

a simple program that solve sudoku. you enter the state of the sudoku at the start state and it print you the sudoku board solved using numpy.

pictures of the project:

Project 2 -> Calcluter

about the project:

basic gui calcluter using tkinter.

pictures of the project:

Project 3 -> QR Code Generater

about the project:

basic gui for generate qr code for links or text using pyqrcode and tkinter.

pictures of the project:

Project 4 -> Us States Game

about the project:

basic gui game using pandas and turtle When it is based on the countries in America, when the user is asked to enter as many names of countries that he remembers in America, and if he entered the name of a valid country, the name appears in its location on the map, and at the end a csv file of countries is created that the user needs to learn.

Pictures Of The Project:

Project 5 -> Turtles Race Game

about the project:

basic gui race game using turtle When there are 5 turtles of different colors and the user is asked to choose the color of the turtle he thinks will win the race when at the end of the race the user is shown on the terminal if his guess was successful or not

pictures of the project:

Project 6 -> Race Game

about the project:

basic gui race game using turtle When there are two players and each time a die is rolled and the distance the player advances depends on the result of the roll of the die which is random with an equal chance for each side of the die

pictures of the project:

Project 7 -> Spirograph

about the project:

basic gui spirograph created by using mathematics and geometry where the size of the radius of the circle can be determined and the colors are automatically selected

pictures of the project:

Project 8 -> Hirst Panting

about the project:

basic gui art project in turtle that make hirst painting. hirst painting is a famous work of art by damien hirst's

pictures of the project:

Project 9 -> Draw Program

about the project:

gui draw desktop app under the control of the keyboard when the user has options to move forward straight back right and left increase the size of the pen or decrease it change color and delete the drawing

pictures of the project:

Project 10 -> Clock

about the project:

basic gui clock program that show the current time and updated each minute.

pictures of the project:

Project 11 -> Turtle Crossy Road

about the project:

gui game similar to the popular game crossy road when you can only move forward and you have to escape from blocks that are created in random positions on the screen with random colors and you have to move forward while avoiding collision with them when there are stages and when their speed stage increases. also the game was build with principles of oop

pictures of the project:

Project 12 -> Snake Game

about the project:

gui snake game like the classic and beloved game you can move forward with the arrows right up left and down and you have to eat an apple to increase the length of the snake and not hit the borders of the screen and yourself and the best score is save in data.txt file and bulid with principles of oop

pictures of the project:

Project 13 -> Quiz App

about the project:

gui quiz game where you have 10 questions that are randomly selected from a question pool, all questions are true or false questions.and the score of the user is save and go up by one each correct question and bulid with principles of oop

pictures of the project:

Project 14 -> Pong Game

about the project:

gui pong game Like the well-known favorite game where the speed of the ball increases every time someone wins a point is built with oop principles

pictures of the project:

Project 15 -> Simple Converter

about the project:

gui converter that convert mile to kilometers.

pictures of the project:

Project 16 -> Fizz Buzz Program

about the project:

gui fizz buzz program using tkinter, threading and mathematics and with given a number, the program returns all numbers from zero to the number that divides the number without a remainder

pictures of the project:

Project 17 -> Gender Age Guss Website

about the project:

A site whose server is written in python with flask and the frontend with html5 in use with an api that you enter a name for and it with the help of an api makes an assessment of your gender and your age and shows it to you on the screen with nice gifs.

pictures of the project:

Project 18 -> Higher Lower Site

about the project:

A site whose server is written in python with flask and the frontend with html5 with the user need to guess a number between 1 and 10 when each guess is shown to the user if his guess is correct higher or lower combined with a suitable and nice gif

pictures of the project:

Project 19 -> Kanye Quotes Program

about the project:

a simple program that show quotes of kanye using tkinter and api to get the quotes.

pictures of the project:

Project 20 -> My Blog Website

about the project:

a simple blog website using flask and python as as a server language and for frontend it use html5 and css3

pictures of the project:

Project 21 -> Math Program

about the project:

math program using tkinter, threding, numpy, sympy, matplotlib and PIL. when every subject in mathematics is a world. When I did three worlds. The trig world, the world of integrals, and the world of limits. Three important branches of mathematics.

When in the trig world there are calculations of degrees to radians. In addition, there is a place where you enter a trigonometric function that you want with the parameters that you want and it creates a separate page for you with the function.

And in addition there is the use of a file system in which I prepared a summary for each topic and you can write in it and move between the summaries.

In the world of limits there is the definition of lim. and a calculator for calculating limits. You enter the function and the point where you want the limit to be calculated and it calculates it for you even if you want infinity.

In the world of integrals you have an integral calculator. where you can write the function you want to integrate and its limits and it calculates it for you. I really enjoyed building out this project as I learned a lot from it.

pictures of the project:

Project 22 -> Password Manager

about the project:

a simple password manager when you can do a search for passwords for websites you have previously entered information on, you can enter passwords for new websites and even ask the software to generate a random password for you

pictures of the project:

Project 23 -> Pomodoro Program

about the project:

A graphical application that implements the Pomodoro method - time management method and the method say you need to set timer to 25 minutes and focus on a single task until the time stops after that you can enjoy 5 min break after four like this you can take a longer break for 15 - 30 min. and this what the porgram do.

pictures of the project:

Project 24 -> Tindog Website

about the project:

tinder for dogs website with bootstrap html and css and python as backend.

pictures of the project:

Project 25 -> Rock Paper Scissors Game

about the project:

classic terminal rock paper scissors game

pictures of the project:

🤝 Contact

💎 Acknowledgements

Links to information that helped me during construction and learning: