
Tinh tế mobile apps built with Flutter for evaluation purposes.



Tinh tế mobile apps built with Flutter for evaluation purposes.

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Google Play Store: Open Beta Testing

Apple App Store: TestFlight

Or check the PR / commit comments, this repo has GitHub Actions setup to build and upload the apps to GCS (automatically deleted after 30 days).



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How to build the app?

All credentials are encrypted so you won't be able to compile the app immediately after a git pull. You have to replace the files mentioned in .gitattributes to build.

For example, lib/config.encrypted.dart should look like below:

import 'package:the_app/src/config.dart';

class Config extends ConfigBase {
  final apiRoot = 'https://domain.com/community/api/index.php';

  final clientId = 'abc';

  final clientSecret = 'xyz';

  final siteRoot = 'https://domain.com/community';

See How to use another package name? for more information to rename the app.

How to support a new language?

  1. Translate the lib/l10n/intl_messages.arb into your new language. Save it as /lib/l10n/intl_(language_code).arb.
  2. Execute ./tool/l10n_2.sh to generate l10n files
  3. Update supportedLocales param in lib/main.dart
  4. Update isSupported method in lib/src/intl.dart
  5. Update CFBundleLocalizations in ios/Runner/Info.plist to include the new language code

How to use another package name?

Pick a unique package name across Play Store and App Store then update these files:

  • .github/workflows/flutter.yml GCS_BUCKET, GCS_URL
  • android/app/build.gradle applicationId, signingConfigs.release
  • android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml package, android:label
  • android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml app_name
  • android/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/ title.txt, full_description.txt, short_description.txt
  • android/fastlane/Appfile
  • firebase/.firebaserc projects.default
  • ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER x2, PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER x2
  • ios/Runner/Info.plist CFBundleName, CFBundleURLSchemes
  • ios/fastlane/Appfile
  • ios/fastlane/Fastfile xcargs (PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER), manifest (appURL, displayImageURL, fullSizeImageURL)
  • ios/fastlane/Matchfile
  • linux/CMakeLists.txt APPLICATION_ID
  • macos/Runner/Configs/AppInfo.xcconfig
  • macos/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER x3
  • macos/fastlane/Appfile
  • macos/fastlane/Fastfile notarize
  • macos/fastlane/Matchfile
  • windows/runner/Runner.rc
  • pubspec.yaml msix_config>identity_name
  • Re-run flutterfire configure to update Firebase apps

You will also need to move the files within android/app/src/main/java/com/daohoangson/flutter_ttdemo to another directory to match the new Android package.

For Firebase Messaging, execute these commands to set the proper config variables:

firebase functions:config:set websub.hub=https://domain.com/xenforo/api/index.php\?subscriptions

firebase functions:config:set websub.url=https://region-project.cloudfunctions.net/websub
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