
Flutter project submission in flutter hackathon organized by flutter community.


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Virtual Jarvis artificial intelligencu UI implementation app is build for Flutter Hack20 organised by Flutter community 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2020 Flutter Hackthon . The hackathon is timed to coincide with International Flutter Day which is organized by Google on Thursday, June 25, 2020.

Android Screenshots

Gif Screenshot

Directory Structure

|-- lib
|   |-- colors
|   |   '-- colors.dart
|   |-- home_body.dart
|   |-- home_page.dart
|   |-- main.dart
|   |-- painters
|   |   |-- arch_painter.dart
|   |   |-- shape_painter.dart
|   |   |-- text_painter.dart
|   |   '-- ticker_painter.dart
|   '-- widgets
|       '-- rotated_widget.dart
|-- pubspec.yaml

Pull Requests

I welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take me within 24-48 hours to respond to any issue or request.

Created & Maintained By

Sonu Sharma (Twitter) (Youtube) (Insta) (Dev.to) Twitter Follow