
A very simple & lightweight MVC flutter state managment πŸ“š

MIT License


An MVVM state management library which let full access to widget state.

🧐 What is it ?

Hermep provide a way to create an MVVM page structure and let you full access to the widget state. Coding & testing will be easier πŸ˜‡

To summarize It's just a very simple wrapper to split your code logic 😎

πŸ‘» Getting started

  • Create a model file <your_class>_viewmodel.dart
class YourClassModel with HermepModel {
  late int counter;
  • Create the presenter file <your_class>_presenter.dart.
class YourClassPresenter with HermepPresenter<YourClassModel, YourClassView> {
    YourClassView viewInterface,
  ) {
    this.viewModel = YourClassModel();
    this.viewInterface = viewInterface;

  void dispose() { }

  void init() { }
  • Create the page file <your_class>.dart.
mixin YourClassView {}

class YourClassPage extends StatefulWidget {
  YourClassPage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  _YourClassPageState createState() => _YourClassPageState();

class _YourClassPageState extends HermepPage<YourClassModel, YourClassPresenter> with YourClassView {
  void createAnimations() { }

  void afterViewInit() { }

  HermepPresenter createPresenter() => YourClassPresenter(this);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Text('Your Page');

πŸ’« Animations

Yes you can use animations with Hermep and it's very easy !

  • In your model.dart file, create the animation & value notifier (used to trigger animation)
class YourClassModel with HermepModel {
  late ValueNotifier<bool> triggerAnimation;
  late Animation<double> animation;

  • In your presenter.dart file, init the animation value notifier.
// [...]
void init() {
  this.viewModel.triggerAnimation = new ValueNotifier(false);
// [...]
  • In your page, override the createAnimations() method to init the animation controller & assign animation tween.
// [...]
void createAnimations() {
  this.animationControllers = {
    this.viewModel.triggerAnimation: AnimationController(
      duration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
      vsync: this,

  this.viewModel.animation = Tween<double>(
    begin: 50,
    end: 300,
    ..addListener(() => this.refreshView());
// [..]
  • To trigger on or off your animation, just set the value notifier in your presenter πŸŽ‰.
// launch the animation
this.viewModel.triggerAnimation.value = true;

// stop the animation
this.viewModel.triggerAnimation.value = false;

βœ… Testing

Hermep can be fully tested by getting the presenter & model instances directly from your tests. This can be achieved with only 3 lines of code 😎.

final dynamic yourClassPageState = tester.state(find.byType(YourClassPage));
final YourClassPresenter presenter = yourClassPageState.presenter;
final YourClassModel model = yourClassPageState.viewModel;

You can now check all your model data & trigger some functions from your presenter in your test πŸš€.

Psst 🀫 !

You can use Hermep with Koby for VSCode to generate all needed files (presenter, model & page) with 2 clicks 🀩.

πŸ‘₯ Contributions

Contributions are welcome. Contribute by creating a PR or create an issue πŸŽ‰.