
Flutter transitions using shaders

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Shader FXs

A flutter pluging to use shaders and use them to make transitions between widgets and/or images, or just without textures.

Discontinued! In favor of shader_presets which provides ready-to-use shaders using the shader_buffers package.

Flutter 3.7.12 channel stable Flutter 3.10.0-16.0.pre.33 channel master
Android Images and GIFs are grabbed correctly Performances degradation till crash Swap textures when using a widget doesn't work as expected Problems setting samplers
iOS Problems setting samplers Problems setting samplers
web Not yet supported Slow but no issues
Linux Images are not grabbed when used inside a widget Swap textures when using a widget doesn't work as expected No issues
Windows No issues No issues
MacOS No issues No issues


  • transitions between widgets or image textures
  • shader effects on widget or image texture
  • controller to start, stop, reset or swap textures
  • controller to listen the current shader and pointer state and pointer gestures

switch to master/stable channels

flutter channel [master|stable]
flutter upgrade

Here a web example!


Store your fragment shader in your assets folder, then link it into pubspec.yeaml under flutter key:


    - assets/radial_blur.frag

use ShaderFX widget:

	/// shader transition between Page1 and Page2 widgets
      shaderAsset: 'assets/shaders/zoom_blur.frag',
      controller: controller,
      duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 1500),
      autoStartWhenTapped: false,
      startRunning: false,
      iChannels: [
        ChannelTexture(child: const Page1()),
        ChannelTexture(child: const Page2()),

this will add the shader on the parent of ShaderFXs.

the controller is optional and with that it's possible to listen to the shader and pointer state and even the pan position when the user is interacting:

  ShaderController controller = ShaderController();
  controller.addListener(() async{
    PointerState pointerState = controller.pointerState;
    IMouse pointerDetails = controller.pointerDetails;
    ShaderState shaderState = controller.shaderState;

    // if pointer comes from rigth (pointerDetails.z) and
    // moved to the left
    // and the pointer is still moving
    // and the shader is running
    // then the page has been curled
    if (pointerDetails.x < 0.2 && pointerDetails.z > 0.2 &&
        pointerState == PointerState.onPointerMove &&
        shaderState == ShaderState.running
    ) {

	// if pointer is up and shader still running
    // reset the shader to the first iChannel
    if (pointerState == PointerState.onPointerUp &&
        shaderState == ShaderState.running
    ) {

shaderAsset: string that points to the fragment text source

controller: ShaderController type (see below)

startRunning: bool to automatically start the shader

duration: Duration after wich the shader will stop

iChannels: list of [ChannelTexture]s


start start the shader returns false if already running
stop stop the shader at current execution time returns false if already stopped
reset reset iTime and iMouse
swapChildren swap 1st and 2nd iChannel
shaderState get the state of shader returns a ShaderState enum which can be stopped, running or timeout
pointerState get the status of pointer retrun a PointerState enum which can be onPointerDown, onPointerMove, onPointerUp or none
pointerDetails get details of pointer retruns IMouse (see below)


IMouse.xy = current mouse position during pan (in percentage 0.0~1.0)

IMouse.zw = mouse position when pan started (in percentage 0.0~1.0)

sign(IMouse.z) = button is down

sign(IMouse.w) = button is clicked


assetsImage this is the path of the assets image
child the widget to grab as texture
isDynamic set it to true if the assets image is by example an animated GIF

Writing your own shader (WIP)

ShaderFXs has a fixed number of uniforms and cannot be modified for now. These uniforms are:

uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
uniform sampler2D iChannel1;
uniform sampler2D iChannel2;
uniform sampler2D iChannel3;
uniform vec2 uResolution;
uniform float iTime;
uniform vec4 iMouse;


Shaders are compiled with SPIR-V which only support a subset of SPIR-V within Flutter. It only allows code that is legally working on GLSL ES 1.00 or WebGL 1.0 to be compatible to the most of devices.

Anyway SkSL is Skias shading language is limited compared to OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL).

As long as Impleller engine is still in developing stage, we can try to use it!

I didn't found a SPIRV-SkSL limits list, if someone know please tell me!

A few years ago, I began to develop a native Flutter OpenGL ES plugin which now works on Android, Linux and Widnows. It has its pros and cons but it worth a try.

Readings & Tools

ShaderToy here you can get inspired and try to write your own new shaders Writing and using fragment shaders The Book of Shaders by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo and Jen Lowe Mind blowing shaders by searching this tag #GLSL in Twitter! Most of them are referring to this geeks web site.


Fagment shaders stored in example/assets/shaders are taken as-is from ShaderToy and the url of the shader is written in each of the .frag sources.

The example

The following are screen recording of the example running on a Linux machine with AMD Ryzen 9 5950X and a Radeon RX 6600 XT


